Because ResetEra always wins, bay bay. Get used to it.
You know why
Literally nothing wrong with this
Is this the incel vent thread?
Why not?
this, they've already won years ago. what's the fucking point anymore in fighting against it.
>nothing wrong with pushing self-hating propaganda onto children via children's video games
>teach kids to hate themselves and their bodies
>tell them they're trapped in the wrong body
>tell them to take toxic cross sex hormones
>tell them to mutilate their healthy body parts
>and normalize it via entertainment media and public schools
Why do you hate kids?
The cult of individuality. Serve your new gods now.
Yep. There's nothing wrong with having unrestricted customization options. Incels will cry like this hasn't been in Saints Row before.
None of this is in animal crossing though
So the thing that takes a moment at the start of a game, that you'll probably forget you even did later, matters that much?
Yep, Animal Crossing told me to do all of this. Way to read nothing but the headline and explode with projection.
Yeah, you can even switch mid game too
That quote has nothing to do with the character creation screen, it's about letting the player crossdress.
>enabling kids (among other people) to dress their boy characters up in dresses of their own volition is telling them to hate themselves and their body
It's okay when Neokikepisstrashshitendo pushes tranny propaganda in games marketed to children.
Individuality is a responsibility society isn't ready for. Which is ironic as the current hivemind says that individualism is the only way to live and being different is healthy as long as it's different from what we say. People go on to parrot it without the slightest thought as to what it actually entails.
Unless you can sex up the villagers, I don't care
Hello eric. Glad to see corona hasn't gotten you yet
SJWs won the culture war
accept it.
>common sense business decision is the corrupt world of politics
Lmao what. They could implement sharia law and crusades into it as well, but they wouldn't solely because it would likely be unprofitable for them, not because they give a single fuck about the ideologies or the politics surrounding them.
lay down and die.
Dilate, tranny
why are you so hateful friend?
I, too, have no argument user!
Just like the commies financed commie groups in US and had even spies in goverment the SJWs have their own spies in japan. Resetera trannies have legit lobby groups in japan living there and trying to change the country.
rough estimation on the time you will be a woman:never
>game marketed towards women, fags and trannies embraces degeneracy
Who would have thought?
Literally fuming.
They only did it in english. Every other language still has genders that you choose at the character creation screen. If we're just talking about clothing, crossdressing has been in most all Animal Crossing games that had gendered dresses and shirts separate. Because tomboys are hot.
no wonder the game is shit
>the world is realising that "gender" is a social construct
>a game allows (but does not force) you to dress up in the opposite gender's clothing
>literally no prompt in game forcing you to do this
>completely optional; the director even says those who want to follow conventions of gender can
who writes this drive, honestly?
I was thinking the same thing
It's a figure of speech.
The reality is the more you resist the worse it will be for you.
Could you do me a favour? Play the game and provide me a source for each one of the, frankly, retarded points you wasted five minutes of your life writing.
When you come back and realise that you're a low-morale bigot with no positive career/life prospects, take the nearest knife you can and slit your wrists.
They must come from old Yas Forums, because they are good at pushing buttons
In french I had to choose between "Villageois" (male villager) and "Villageoise" (female villager), and the characters correctly used male pronouns to refer to me. How is it in the burger version? Do they use "they" everytime or something?
This is literally no different from the mii creator channel, what are you faggots complaining about?
when you go to kill yourself post vid i will have good laugh tranny
>We need a excuse for why saved millions on not modelled every item in the game twice
>No problem senpai, they'll love this faggy shit
I dunno, that would piss someone off, no?
Daily reminder that this is a bait thread made by a Discord schizo. He even makes the same replies every single time.
haha so funny! you showed them bro post more of these top memes
>I posted a prefabricated retaliation image that means nothing at all beyond a generic insult based of some narrow demographic of strawman
>This means I'm better right guys?
Get lost
y-you too..
Nono, older than last week
What is this thread baiting into, as opposed to a regular non-bait thread?
>when you go to kill yourself post vid i will have good laugh tranny
>when you go to kill yourself post vid i will have good laugh tranny
You are retarded though, chill out. Loser.
>it's okay when the alt-right does it
I prefer she/shim
Because you read shitty clickbait articles? The director doesn't "admit to pushing politics in our vidya!1!1!!!1" they clearly state that they make it an option.
> "We basically wanted to create a game where users didn't really have to think about gender, but if they wanted to think about it then they're also able to"
>>and normalize it via entertainment media and public schools
>it's not all specifically in AC even though it's the agenda we push, haha, that shows you!!!!
Debased delusional gender freaks
They can suck a dick too. Incite discussion, not shitflinging.
We're posting on a website inhabited by the most degenerate dregs of our society. Take a good look at your fat rolls in the mirror, you filthy hypocrite.
Also KYS etc
i do not get this copy posting with wojack do you guys trying to be funny or just annoing? i see this all the time mostly when someone made argument you are unable to respond
Can you really not comprehend how the gender selection in Animal Crossing is different from forcing people to mutilate their genitals?
isn't that the final boss music in ff7?
>"We basically wanted to create a game where users didn't really have to think about gender, but if they wanted to think about it then they're also able to"
That's pretty blatant "Gender doesn't matter" post-modern cultural marxism talk
gonna say that to the next alt-righter to post a nazi meme?
Curious; do you have any female friends? Please respond honestly.
they are retards but atleast they are funny retards you guys have zero sense of humor
>oneangrygamer click bait
Fuck that place
It's free advertising from both trannies and the people who hate trannies
You realize tons of games let you choose female hair and clothing while a male, right? This shit ain't new.
how is murdering innocent people "funny"?
I can here to laugh at you, loser. Keep dancing for me.
>i do not get this copy posting with wojack do you guys trying to be funny or just annoing? i see this all the time mostly when someone made argument you are unable to respond
>Have met quite a few people from Yas Forums IRL
>Most are well groomed
>They are in college or have stable jobs
>Thin or reasonably Yas Forums
>Most sane people I've ever met
>Most chill people I've ever met
Oddly enough the degenerates seem to be on other websites now. I don't know if that means that we're falling behind or our ideas of the basement dwelling b-tard have just been wrong this whole time.
Reminder that this is a good thing as it makes Trump's reelection more likely.
Why is it okay when Neokiketendo releases a tranny pandering cinematic experience?
Animal LGBTing is everything Nintendies claim to hate about Snoy games, but they'll jerk it off for weeks...
I'd say it to fucking anyone. Get ye gone with your identity politic bullshit though. You're part of the problem here.
>Aya Kyogoku
you are officially retarded go back to plebit or any other shithole you did come from
The read western videogames media and believe that it's what the customer wants.
Bold of you to assume he has any friends at all
I bet you wrote that and thought that you have some semblance of control over someone, didn't you? For once, you thought, I am somebody; I am able to be a dick to someone without remorse! I will be liked! Loved, even!
Except...you are none of those things. You will spend the rest of the day sat inside, quarantined or otherwise, talking only to a bunch of internet strangers who wouldn't care if you dropped dead later on.
Is that the life you want? Is this the peak of your potential? Are you happy?
Think about it, honestly. And get back to me.
(((why indeed)))
Yas Forumscels on suicide watch
>tranny crossing fans are actually defending child abuse
Absolutely disgusting.
>x said trans-rights
>x said genderfluid rights
Are they fucking creaming themselves at the notion of being mentioned? In what ESL lexicon does "x said trans rights" ever constitute a complete train of thought?
everyone just learned how to hide it
go back to Yas Forums and worship hitler or brenton tarrant or whatever new white nationalist that decided to murder more innocent people.
>an option in a video game is child abuse