Bravely Default

>Decide to finally try Bravely Default
>Kill first boss
>Really like the game
>Enter first dungeon
>Orcs show up
>60% hp in one hit
>Tons of health
>Every single encounter can kill me in one unlucky round
>Get to save room
>Talk to man there
>It only gets harder from here
I don't mind challenging games. But holy fuck. Do I need to grind for hours just to beat the first dungeon or something?

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Hyperstretched living onaholes aren't hot at all.

says you
post sauce op

Do you use the Brave and Default system? It helps immensely, since I had the same problems you seem to have when I started it.

I'm surprised since I didn't really need to grind until mid-late game.
After getting that one class that can instantly win the battle when it starts, I actually started grinding.

also god fuck I fuck the shit out of Agnes, Edea and Airy

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I haven't played in years. Skipped over Second but might get 2, eventually.

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Of course I do. When I encounter a group of 3 orcs I have to go full out brave on 2 of the party members from round one. because there is no way I can keep the party up against 3 orcs. If there is two then I use default to build up moves first.
But even then. If just a single orc decides to use default. Then he will kill a character because 2 hits = death.

Brave the little guys and you'll never get touched. You get three turns in a row that way and kill everything before they know what's up.

post card

I wish I had the game to actually use these and export for VRChat use.

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It's not challenging it's badly designed.
Worst jrpg to come out in a decade

What level are you exactly and where in the game? It might really be that you're just underleved then.

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>not wanting to human condom Airy

Witchanon. For whatever reason, the original post on Pixiv is deleted. It's on Paheal though.

And mrgrgrgr

Attached: 72769114_p3_master1200.jpg (252x352, 108.33K)

thanks mate, also you can get Koikatsu from Sukebei with up to date mods

actually paranoid to "acquire" it from those sites while living in jp.
shit I do need a VPN

Torrenting doesn't really work in Japan, so you definitely do need a VPN otherwise you won't get any seeds.


Lvl 6Literally the first dungeon in the game. Should not be possible to be underleveled that early...

Whenever the save guy says "It gets worse from here" it means there is a boss fight ahead.

reminds me of this

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Well. I hardly think I am ready for a boss fight in a dungeon where the first enemies can kill me in a single round.

The prologue should take you up to almost level 10 for the first chapter. You might really be just a bit short of that than.

redpill me on this game anons.
Is it just another dime a dozen jrpg? I'll emulate it

Its a typical jrpg, until it isn't. If you like old school stuff, you'll like it.

traditional jrpg with fun spin on the combat system, if you like older FF games you will most likely enjoy it

It plays like FF1 with FFV's job system, with the Brave and Default mechanics added on. Very fun game.

the entire game is beatable at level 1

asterisk fights in 1 have the best music

I would like to see that, you got a link to any runs or you just know from doing it yourself?

>I don't mind challenging games
>complains about challenging games
Either you are lying or you are a massive attention whore. Which one is it?

>jrpg that lets you turn off gay random encounters
its one of the best
I just found this one

So you can turn off leveling?

yes it's a setting in the options
just look for level 1 runs on youtube there's several

Cool, didn't know it was a thing

Game was fun but the boss fights started to get a bit dull/annoying after awhile.

>start getting sick of boss fights near the end of the first part
>finally beat all of them and feel glad I don't have to fight any more
>mfw opening up the map at the beginning of the second part

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I don't know how you're struggling this early on. I played through on hard, and I only ran into major issues in certain parts of the mid and late game.

Speed stat is very important and allows you to act first. Grinding gets fast when whole party can attack first with 4x multiplier and max game speed

What is your favorite Job, Yas Forums?

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Good for you. But I don't know how this is possible.
The orcs would literally one shot my entire party if they acted first. Not sure how I would avoid that seing as it was only an hour or so into the game. So not like I had a chance to gear or level up prior unless I had been grinding. Which is not something I usually do the first hour of a game.

Is there any point in maxing job levels to get the 1% bonus? Or should I just save that for late game?

-ning, good morning.

I honestly don't believe that you're struggling this much.
I'm going to start a new save right now, and see how the hell you could possible have this much trouble.

dark knight with RNG autoress and see you in hell is stupid but very fun to watch

Bravely Default is literally an entry level JRPG.

You don't even need to get good, you need to get casual. That's sad.

Dark Knight with lifesteal is retarded. Too bad rampage only lets you attack five times in a row, I guess the game counts that you shiuld be at 1hp and stops it there. But aesthetics wise UNDO is amazing even if shit as a class.

Bravely Default didn't get hard for me until Chapter 3. Are you underleveled or something?

Save it. At around level 7 the jobs require so much points that it's much smarter to just change classes.

Be honest with me Yas Forums, did you cheese that one fight? You know which fight I'm talking about.

>"lol, just fight all of the bosses in the game four more times, everyone"
>"surely the pillar of light will work this time, everyone"

You don't have to fight against anyone but the crystal bosses. I did fight against the asterisk holders, but only because they change things around on the third loop, but it's not required.

Goddamit i shouldn't have passed Bravely second. Now i need to play it so that i can play this one as well. Should i just wait for the collection?

I figured as much.
It seems as though the base stats of the characters leaves little real choice in who takes on what roles though. Kind of annoying.

I know, but I got so fucking sick of Orthros, Rusalka, Chaugmar, and Gigas Lich.

Second isn't required unless you really want to swe Tiz and Agnes bang and like gravy.

Just use an elixir on the lich, instant death if you do it on time pause.

Oh, no, I've beaten both games. I was just saying that part was a low point for me.

And I always forget Bravely Second exists. I think I only used it maybe three times over the span of both games.

Anybody else notice how the main characters in BD2 are just Tiz, Agnes, Edea and Ringabel again?
>Working class boy from some wierd place
>Girl obsessed with crystals
>Girl who's good with a sword
>The older guy with a mysterious book
They're gonna pull some alternate reality crap on us aren't they?

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I actually liked that part because the enemies had more strategies and different pairings and I could mess with the job system a lot.
But awakening crystals 20 times really gets annoying.

Yeah, that concerned me as well.