Post your favorite MOBA character

Post your favorite MOBA character

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Games dead but loved her attitude and mechanics

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Early HOTS was the absolute shit before all the heroes that focused on being nothing but burst like Kael, Li Ming etc.

release cho'gall was by far the best character ever released. i've never had more fun duoing with a friend and having to coordinate almost every move. so many hots heroes were unique before they all became generic shit

>no character will ever be as fun as probe
Why even play the genre after that?

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sorry i dont play competetive trash

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gameplay-wise i like sven because he's easy for a noob like me
but then again i haven't played many characters in dota, maybe there are betters more noob-friendly ones out there

you're a cool dude

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When I used to play HOTS religiously I always loved to play as Chen. But I made sure Tassadizzle was my first hero I unlocked Master Skin for.

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based and suckpilled

Overmind hero never fucking ever

Tiny will forever and always be the most SOULful ASSFAGGOTS character of all time.

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As indeed, he is first in everything !

>almost rivals his hatred of pronouns

I, too, hate people who put "he/him", "she/her", etc, on their profiles.

They have a chance to make a "custom map simulator" with HotS, full of co-op and PvE map, a niche in the current market. Instead they tried to get the ASSFAGGOTS and esports audience (again) and ruined it.


Is Heroes still alive? I stopped playing when Blizzard said they were going to switch focus to Overwatch instead.

it is alive but the balance patches ruined it harder than LoL's patches ruined LoL

>only having five possible abilites

My win rate with Rubick is like 30%, but I can't stop playing him.

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Redoill me on the assfaggots meme
I never caught on because of the cancer Yas Forums and the moba community had when it still got threads

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aeon of strife was a StarCraft mod that had similar gameplay to WC3 DotA
so people call DotA-likes Aeon Of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Games Going On Two Sides, or ASSFAGGOTS for short

Abathurs ult is him cloning a frindly hero for 20 seconds and he can use all their abilities except ult (he used to be able to use ult too but it got nerfed)

>nuke the backdoor trick
No fun allowed faggots, stopped playing game entirely because of that

My favorite in dota was Lion.
In lol, Taric.
In hots, Ana.
I don't really miss playing any of them though. I have too many other games I want to play more than I want to play assfaggots.

>has a shota skin
ultra based

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Dawngate bros.........


Abathur is so fun, same with old Tyrande when you could fucking 1 shot him with your owl

Only the most skillful hero for me, thanks.

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looks cute and funny
Anyone order a one-man wreckin crew?

I miss the rewind days or whatever that skill was good. Find where he is, reveal the map, then double owl the fucker.

Literally the only reason I play this shitty ass game

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I'm a simple guy

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I played so much Blademaster and Anubarak in HotS

Enjoyed playing this a fair bit, shame so many heroes can easily shit on hammer nowadays so can't really play it a lot unless I lean heavily on my team.

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haha axe go brrrr

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I'm sorry for your loss but also fuck hammer

My wife.

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Akali is fun. Maybe Viktor instead. Can't decide.

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Asshurt Starcraft posers throwing shade. Although the term is desctiptive in all fairness even if meant as an insult.

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Good times

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the chinese bootleg (the one with naruto and cartoon and anime characters) had some really fun heroes

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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... HUH?

Really satisfying to play but I still wish she or something like her were in better games

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I like spiders, majority of my games I go Brood, I’m not any good though.

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My nigga. Mine is sitting at 49.3 right now, but I am on a pretty bad losing streak with him.

Since you posted one of my two favorites, Ill post the best mama.

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So Morphling in Dota 2.
Rubick is STILL more fun and varied.

Zagara from the same game

are there any other minion-y heroes from other MOBAs

why is the "sit down and fire away" schtick so fun, i've got 300 hours on bastion in overwatch (which is basically a moba) even though i can't consistently win games thanks to all the long range / stun bullshit that nullifies it

Dota was good now it's not. Don't waste your time on them.

My nigga

launch leoric in HOTs was my jam
he feels like shit to play now

Mina an arrogant ojousama usually trapped in her doll body or possessing other heroes and telling them what to do. Cute and funny yes but dont say that to her face

favorite heroes from each moba

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>infinite stacking damage spines
The best

Mobile ASSFAGGOTS but I like her style and the huge AoE hitting evening star, not to mention all that delicious armor.

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if you're talking about 300 heroes it's just a billion anime girls now

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>most satisfying 'fuck you' in the game, press r spam buttons and walk away before the pop
can't b beat

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I played Dota for about 50 hours 4-5 years ago before I decided I didn't wanna bother with the game, but somehow this lil guy has made a place in my heart. I still check the patch notes for him when they're posted on here.

Pre-nerf Zag when I was a still a low level shitter was my favorite character. No one had any map awareness, I had tumors at every single camp and in the bushes behind every keep on the map at once, it ruled. That seamless transition from unstoppable lane bully to split-push demon was the best.

Was it a based game? Shame I missed out on all moba except 1st dota before 2015

>Casts E on your R'd target
Nothing personnel

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why must they ruin everything i love

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I just really like how big he gets.

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this and also Orianna from league