What are your honest thoughts on Demon's Souls, the original Souls game?

What are your honest thoughts on Demon's Souls, the original Souls game?

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scraping spear is GOAT

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Aside from some issues and a couple of really, really shitty bosses (thanks valley of defilement and dragon god) it's a really fun and atmospheric game.

Closer to Wizardry or older hardcore JRPGs.
Soulsuck, Scraping Spear, lack of balance and unfairness made it more interesting.

I am waiting for the inevitable remaster.

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I have never played it but I really like listening to the game's soundtrack
Makes me feel like I'm watching some medieval play in a theatre or something

DeS had a different composer, he did TV work.
It's probably the most unique OST in the series outside Sekiro or potentially Bloodborne.

It's a great innovative game that the sequels have improved upon in some respects but there are things that it still does better than the other games.
Demon's Souls has the best atmosphere.
It has the most conceptually interesting bosses, nothing comes close to the archdemons.
The world is authentic, in the sense that for example Boletaria feels like a genuine palace, compared to Lordran and Yharnam is straight up nonsensical.
It's original. The other games are too derivative. They constantly repeat what has been done in the games that came before them.
Human/soul form is balanced very well and i like how it ties to the online system.
It's the most open/non-linear game in the series.

What's wrong with Lordran?

Gets a lot of credit for being first, and it has a strong atmosphere. But later games surpassed it in practically every regard. The bosses are mostly terrible, grass is a terrible healing system, and while the archstones make it stand out from the other games, I prefer an interconnected world.

>the most conceptually interesting bosses
That's the problem though, concepts don't mean jack shit. Implementation is the only thing that matters.

Cringy dmc 1 wannabe with stamina in action game.

I like how experimental the game is, really gives it it's own identity.
But with how you can break the game PvP becomes absolute AIDS.

it's the best one because of consistent quality and greater gameplay variety.

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>the original Souls game?
You mean Severance.

>consistent quality
Stonefang and Valley of Defilement are trash. Latria 2-3 and Shrine of Storms are ok. Latria 1 and Boletaria are amazing.

Consistent my ass.

boring and bland ds 2 is the best

Never played it cause I don't own a PS3 or a good enough PC. If a remaster comes out on PS5, I'm definitely getting a PS5.

Awesome game with some very shitty inclusions, like the scraping spear and dragons that are actually just fire generators. It tries out a lot of novel ideas that make it unforgettable.
Demon's Souls is on the short list if I ever want to play a Souls game again, but the series has burnt me out entirely, so I never touch them anymore.

>never experienced the full potential of world tendency because the system sucked in online mode
Gonna do that on rpcs3 sometime in future.

>Valley of Defilement is trash
Low IQ grugbrained thinking

I got filtered by flamelurker.

Shit taste?
Shit taste.

how?? I found the spider to be harder than flamelurker.
could've been my build or whatever

I really don't know how to feel about it to be honest
Every time I read about world tendency it feels like the dumbest shit ever. Keep in mind there's a reason people choose to play offline just so they have an easier time influencing it

>series burnt me out
i kind of feel that, I put down sekiro because I wasn't really motivated, and I wasn't even stuck on a boss or anything so it's not like I got "filtered," shit I'm almost done with the game.
just can't get motivated to finish it for some reason.

>easier time
it's still hard as balls to influence sometimes...

Nobody here has played it they just say they like it for internet cool guy points

Why do you use words you don't know what you mean?

That's just due to sekiro being a trash game designed exclusively to make casual redditors feel like they got gud.

Anybody else still have the beautiful Limited edition?

I played it last out of all the Soulsborne games and it's the #2 best one.
Shame I couldn't experience the multiplayer though.

>it's still hard as balls to influence sometimes...
>just kill yourself 5000 times in the nexus bro, it's easy

>Stonefang and Valley of Defilement
filtered retard who doesn't change equipment based on their circumstances
the first is a top-tier cave crawl and the second feels the most like an actual journey out of all the levels
>latria 2-3 and shrine are just okay
jesus I can't imagine having taste this shit. Latria 2 is one of the most shiver enducing setting in vidya and the shrine is the best world in the game

I genuinely like it more than the Dark Souls games, though Dark Souls 1 comes pretty close.

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Best Souls game
Best atmosphere
Best level design
Best and most memorable bosses, NBCs and enemiessk
Best weapons, miracles and spells
Best fanbase
No PvPfags pandeeing
That being said, you really had to have played it in its prime to appreciate how good and innovative it is.

I just finished it a couple days ago. It has a bunch of moments where the game is being hard just to be hard, it's got a bunch of elements that are extremely convoluted, some of its bosses are iffy, and many of the things that were added on later games are sorely missed, but it still holds up perfectly and you can see for the most part what they were going for.

Quality wise, compared to the rest of them, it's neither here nor there. After playing so much about it, I expected playing Demon's Souls to change my view on the series, but I would still put the original Dark Souls and Bloodborne above it. Still it's a game that you can still just play at any time that doesn't have some of the big annoyances of Dark Souls II and III.

Also the Fool's Idol is best girl.

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To date it's the only Souls type game I've beaten out of all the others I own and multiple times at that. Dark Souls, Bloodborne and so on, they didn't really capture my interest as much as Demon's Souls did. The mechanics, level design, you name it and I simple feel Demon's did it better. Plus the game has Executioner Miralda; no other NPC in the future titles can even compete, especially with my love for the Guillotine Axe.

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It's the closest a modern game has come to replicating the sense of trepidation and dread that diablo had.
I like it better than dark souls in many ways, it is more spooky and has awesome armour and weapon design.
But it has some issues and plays fairly clunky.
I honestly prefer the boss fights that are puzzles over fights with big dudes or fast animals, so I definitely enjoyed them in des more than the das series.

It has a lot of broken shit that makes it piss easy, but it's very fun and it's rich in SOUL.

Do people really play online on rpc3? I got the emulator working and am just waiting for the game to come in so I can dump the files. Couldn't find everything I needed online but no big deal.

The broken shit, and the process of discovering it and building a character to use it, is a big part of what makes it so fun. Dark souls 2 and 3 felt really lame for how much the devs tried to "balance" them.

>on rpc3?
No. People play it online on ps3 using the community private server.

I respect it, but that doesn't mean it's good
It set a good foundation for the sequels/successors to build on and refine into great games
Not sure how anyone could say Demon Souls is one of the best in the series, maybe it's elitism, maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's just their first Souls game

It was a phenomenal experience.
It didnt come to Europe for ages, so I'd seen screenshots of it on Yas Forums from JP and US a lot before it came out, so I bought it on release day and did nothing else for the next week.

Fucking amazing game.

This is the type of faggots that made the later Souls games shit:
>waah waah muh balance waah pls nerf from this is broken waaah waahhh
If you don't like it, just don't use it, faggot.

Solid 6.5 out of 10 and still somehow the best FROM game.

Nice assumption, gaylord. DeS is my #2 after DaS1. Suck my dick and drink my piss.

>the big annoyances of Dark Souls II and III.


maybe they just prefer it to the rest?
especially since Dark Souls is only two thirds of a good game, and Dark Souls 2 is jankier than Demon's and blander than DaS1. what is it with people thinking that anyone who doesn't agree with them has some kind of extraneous thing guiding their opinions?

imagine getting mad at a post you didn't even read correctly

>Best and most memorable bosses
The bosses for Valley of Defilement are two walking literal pieces of shit and two NPCs. The bosses for Stonefang are forgettable and one complete disappointment. Shrine of Storms is okay. Latria and Boletaria are where the game really shines.

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One of the reasons is that Demon's Souls is far more creative than its successors.
And because lots of us, myself included, give weight to precedence. We care about the game that set the framework more than the games that refined it, especially if we don't see them doing anything novel with it.

Is getting the game working via emulator demanding?

Would love to play it even if there's no online interaction.

user I hope you know I haven't smiled in months until today thank you

It looks hella fun, I'd love to be able to play it since I liked every single game From has made since. Time for a remaster

>The bosses for Stonefang are forgettable
Armor Spider was pretty cool, too.

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>the last boss of the valley of defilement isn't memorable
>the balrog whose punches create explosions isn't a great, memorable bossfight
>the hallway fight with the fire spider isn't a great, memorable bossfight
meanwhile half the bosses in Dark Souls use the same groundpound attack.

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>everyone calls Flamelurker too hard
>Clear Stonefang at the start of all of my runs
Am I the only one who had more trouble with the other bosses and areas? Looking back, I don't know why I go after him before Tower Knight, but I do.

>We care about the game that set the framework more than the games that refined it, especially if we don't see them doing anything novel with it.
nigga that's like saying the first ford automobile is somehow more creative than the cutting edge technology that we have in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty.

Best atmosphere, setting, and story of the Souls games. Gameplay has since become dated which makes it hard to go back to but the level design is still great. Half the bosses are really cool and the other half are really bad. Way better music than the DaS games had.

The big thing about Flamelurker was the he was one of the few non-gimmick, aggressive boss fights in the game so when DeS was new and no one had any experience with these kinds of games a lot of people struggled with him.

Yeah, I guess the problem was that I was reading old conversations. When I first played Demon's Souls, I had trouble with him too. He only became easy on my second run.