Steam sold over 1 million copies of Doom Eternal

You did buy a copy of Doom Eternal, right? What a great game.

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I bought a physical PC copy, I can't use it on steam and it didn't had a disc

Pirated it. Felt real good too.

im waiting for epic games store release

Nope, didn't like 2016 so I'm skippkng this one too.

its a reddit game. u feel like ur always farming the weapon mod quests by letting enemies live until u can get ammo for the gun u need to kill something in a certain way to get some unlock

Pirated it and I didn't like it enough to pay for it, maybe I'll buy it for 10 or 15€ in a few years

How much Bethesda-keys did they sell?

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why did they call him tyrant anyway?

>bought it
>hate it
>can't refund because levels being so long my playtime is at 4 hours
Always keep your eye on the time kids, don't be a dumb fuck like me.


>1 million sold on steam alone while still being the top seller

why does this guy keep getting fucked

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same bro, shitsucks

same. didn't get the preorder perks either.

is the pirated version drm-free then?

The guy that runs SteamSpy is the same person that is the head of Epic Games Store. I wouldn't trust anything his shit website says.

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depends wich one you get


what a natural smile

>Last month Yas Forums was saying Eternal would flop

How is a board about videogames always wrong?

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imagine being this retarded to say "reddit game"

Does physical do this to you? I preordered the game on Amazon but didnt get the doot skin for the revenant

I didn't but i wishlisted Doom 3 and will buy it on sale


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>taking shitposters seriously
That's on you. It was never going to flop but game quality was always in question especially after Wolfenstein 2, and those people weren't wrong. Shit's a downgrade through and through.

Neither doom64 nor rip and tear pack, it's just a piece of cardbord with a bethesdalauncher key btw, nothing DRM-free or anything

Every upcoming release is the next tortanic for some tards. Just ignore them.

>over $80 neetbux

Fuck, I remember back in the day PC games being like $50 at most. I still bought it though.

yeah and then refunded it :)

You deserve it for having shit taste

I deserve it yes, but I doubt your taste is superior user. You probably enjoy Smash.

I got it on PS4 :/ amazon advertised doom 64 and that revenant skin but I didnt get either. I mean it's only $5 and I probably wont play too much of the multiplayer so it's not a big deal but I do feel a little ripped off

so i shouldn't take your shitposting seriously aswell

not yet, I've been emulating ps2 games so I'll get it after I'm out of games

>That image

Fucking civilians, truly the weakest of any society.

>Shit's a downgrade through and through.
Could you elaborate?

Haven't fought a Cyberdemon yet, have they seriously renamed them as Tyrants? That's pretty gay

PC version outsold the combination of the consoles. Impressive.

steamspy hasn't been reliable for 2 years now, holy shit fucking journos man

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You're free to your own opinion user.

>too much plot and even worse DOOMGUY actually listens to people
>some angel nonsense
>level design is worse than 2016 and has way too much platforming
>neon colours everywhere
>terrible UI design with the main menu looking like a chinese phone game menu
>low ammo on all weapons forcing you to indulge their formula
>speaking of which gameplay is very formulaic forcing the player to glory kill and chainsaw all the time removing freedom
>weapons lack weight and impact which is surprising considering who made them
>fast travel in a doom game
>DOOMGUY kneels to an old fucker
I'm only a few stages in so far so take that as you will but those are the issues that stand out a mile to me so far.

no legit points then, just opinions, just as i thought

>I'm going to dismiss everything because I must defense force this game
Why am I not surprised.

Try to play it a little more, I started to like it after the third level. Come on give it another try

i dont value baseless shit im sorry
and please you dont have to use your shill card so often, makes it hard to take you seriously

can't afford it, I will probably end up pirating it

I probably will as I can't refund it but right now those issues are putting me off big time.

>shill card
Not once did I say shill. Interesting you brought it up though perhaps something you want to admit?

brigading contrarian tortanic fucks utterly BTFO

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>tfw broke
>next month looking thin too
maybe during the summer sale then.

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Michael only really complained about neon interface, which I agree with.

2016 was shit is this one any better?

is it just me, or are most nu-doom fans zoomers that wish they had grown up in the early 90s? i played shit out of Doom 1 and 2, but have no interest in this dated brainless style of gameplay anymore. i'm sorry you missed out guys, just accept it.

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Honestly Doom wasn't even THAT popular in the 90s. It was big for a couple of years, sure, but people moved on to other better shooters right after that. Nobody was still playing Doom when Quake and Duke were out.

I'm not into reddit games. Thanks for asking.

Why can't you refund?

It's worse in every way.

>To defeat a Tyrant, shoot at it until it dies.
LMAOSHAIMTAMSFO Oh my god the sarcasm power is overwhelming. Upvote this game to over 9000. MFW my wife's bf's son dies to the Marauder and I shout FILTERED to his black face hehehehehe

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Eh I was just as hyped for Doom 32X on Genesis as I was for other games like Mortal Kombat 3 and whatnot. A lot of people considered Quake 1 the "unofficial Doom 3" which I think contributed to it selling well. The LAN/Online Death Matches were not very popular and was a feature probably too ahead of its time, did most likely pave the way for Goldeneye's multiplayer mode being popular though

Moar like BFG 10.000 :)

>BFG 10.000
BFF 10.000 :^)

change the UI color scheme then

>doom "the same game" eternal

this franchise is dead lmao, it sucked shit.

>pirated game
>got all the dlc and preorder skins
Heh heh heh

pirated like it was intended to be.