Is he right? Is gameplay really detrimental to vidya?

Is he right? Is gameplay really detrimental to vidya?

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Storyfags are unironically the cancer killing the industry. Arguably more so than politics.

You have books, TV shows, anime and movies for "story". Yet it's still not enough for you fucks?

listen sweaty, dialogue trees are extremely engaging content that empowers my fantasy to roleplay how i want to

As much as I like Carmack, that quote is fucking retarded.
Adventure and RPG games need a story.

He's not saying there shouldn't be a story, its just not important. Gameplay first. If you think otherwise, go watch a fucking movie or read a book.

I'm the opposite. I need a good gameplay and a decent story, but nothing too much. Zelda Botw is the perfect example, or Spider-Man

I guess it's time we ax certain genres then.

>ricky gervais OC
opinion discarded

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Yas Forums - Resetera Screenshots

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so sick of the lack of story in chess

tell tale already when bankrupt what more do you need?

I wish that every faggot who wants stories in video games would get their skull split by a fire axe.

this guy is as much of a faggot as the guy in the OP pic
anyone who thinks that story and gameplay are mutually exclusive and competing against each other is a retard

That's only true for games with shit gameplay but amazing story.

See kill yourself

Well, yeah. If you have a story to tell, put it in a book or a movie. Just because you didn't go to film school or learn to write doesn't mean you can shit up gaming.
Gaming "art" is the mechanics of a game. Graphics and story in games will never. never. NEVER. N-E-V-E-R be considered art compared to images, movies and books.

He is right kinda, gameplay is usually a linear progression of challenge, it never feels satisfying to redo lesser challenges unlike a story which can be satisfying even if you already know it. You'll keep trying to find new ways to satisfy the desire to be better but ultimately you won't capture the feeling of mastering the game again.

This is the type of nigga to rate tlou 10/10

everyone who is talking about gameplay in a game being bad if there isnt story is talking about BAD games!

No. If anything, story is the first that will get stale and repetitive once you know everything. Then again, OP is probably the same cancer that spawns from the website that this pic comes from trying to self-promote himself. That site is filled with divas.

I think that speaks more to the bloat and lack of depth of most modern AAA games than it does the importance of story. Play a standard, wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle, open world game and eventually you'll hit a point where you just want to finish just to see how it ends.

telltale went bankrupt because the owners kept trying to recreate the success of the walking dead games by buying the rights to every big name franchise they could. point and clicks have always been a niche genre, and their early games did well in that niche, but their (expensive) attempts to break into the mainstream are what ruined them.

imagine getting this angry over people liking video games. I bet none of your favorite games have good gameplay too, sperg.

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I dunno, but I guess we need to get rid of adventure games and RPGs as well then.

OK man, I'm fine with that. I just like a fun story.

dont fucking insult the P&C genre by considering telltale games in the same league as say bladerunner or monkey island or broken sword you fat piece of shit!

A good story would make porn even better though.
If I care about the people who are fucking, it's even better to get off.

he's right in that most games, even good ones, start to get pretty repetitive after a while. games designed well do a good job of changing things up though and continuing to ramp up the challenge and add new layers to the combat system or whatever the format is so it doesn't get stale. story is always secondary to gameplay in my opinion.

do you read posts before responding to them?

Not every game needs to be designed so there's more depth to discover and enjoy over multiple playthroughs, but they should be designed so that the gameplay is engaging throughout one playthrough.

telltale made interactive experiences

they are not fucking games!
certainly not fucking point and clicks you cunts!

if you see all the games functionality in the first hour its a bad game


get a trip so I can filter you, please

Story is only interesting once, maybe twice, and then it just gets in the way. Gameplay is what keeps you going long after that.

Thought on Raidou 1 and SMT IV:A?
Raidou 1 is a dogshit game with excellent story, while IV:A is an excellent game with dogshit story. Raidou 1 is beloved by fans, while IV:A is universally hated.


4A isn’t dogshit unless you pick the shit paths. Story is ok at best. Raidou’s gameplay isn’t that bad either just has flaws

none of them is into autistic grand strategy or total war or flying sim so just give me the one with the bigger tits
i'm supposed to empty my balls in her, not talk about our feeling and what japshit she likes better

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C'mon Chloe

based carmack
if you want to live someone else's story go ahead, but it will always pale in comparison to your experiences and decisions in a proper game play.

the popularity of story driven games indicates otherwise

>some screen cap of a nobody on resetera
>we should care for some reason about his shitty taste in vidya
go read a book, faggot.

the majority of the world are retard never listen to the majority

too bad, you got the most spiteful and japshit loving out of all.

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>gameplay, something that even in a bad game is still usually dynamic, is repetitive
>but story, something that even in the best written plots is 100% static, is a good enough driving force to justify sitting through said gameplay

the fuck is this retard even trying to say?

People are dumb and don't understand what's good, this is common knowledge. Only a select few have the knowledge to break through that.

sounds like someone has been playing too much sony

based, this user understands what women exist for

this is what happens when you make games that arent fun

Rolling 4 ho

No, gameplay defines vidya just like visuals define movies

Imagine being a narrativecuck

>que 30 hours of tutorials to pad out the mechanics
yeah nah

only people who don't read books disagree with this

sure, but why should I listen to you, oh wise ESLoid?

How did misinterpret that guy so badly?
Is ‘gameplay doesn’t matter’ really what you read? Ffs

because im right

Yeah I guess I could appreciate a good story in a video game. But that's an oxymoron. Video game stories are SHIT, literally almost all of them are complete and utter garbage.
Good stories don't end up in video games because it's not a medium that delivers them well.
Of course the stories in video games might provoke thoughts and make you go all hmm-this-is-great, but it is the gameplay that made you slog through that shitty story just to get those few good bits.

books have shitty stories 99.9999% of the time. a far worse track record than video games.

not with that grammar you aren't.

i don't even know why i'm even in this thread
im bored as shit and i just need for bannerlord to release

>Play GoW one & love it, only play an hour of the 2nd and never touch the series again
>Play Demon's Souls for several hundred hours, play only one of Dark Souls and never touch the series again
>Go to tournaments and be a regular player at my local SFIV scene, top 10 often enough, never touch SFV or another fighting game again
>Spent hours skipping class to play DotA/WC3 during its peak, never touch LoL or DotA 2
Yeah he's got a point.

>books have shitty stories 99.9999% of the time. a far worse track record than video games.
most brainlet take i've ever seen in my 13 years on this website, good fucking god I'm not even religious and i'm praying for your forgiveness because saying something so dangerously stupid that it might genuinely cause people's brain cells to commit suicide out of fear HAS to be a sin on multiple levels.

are you in the right thread? that has nothing to do with the op.

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his point is somewhat valid because i get fatigued on samey gameplay after a while too, but he's still wrong because I'm not going to keep playing a shit game that i'm bored of just for the half-assed video game story attached to it and i can't imagine very many people will. every video game can't last 10k hours for every person, sometimes you get your fill of a game and you have to move on or wait for the sequel that hopefully expands on the gameplay mechanics in a meaningful way

This is an art hoe roulette, not a Yas Forumscel one

funny how you can't come up with a single counterpoint, pseud
video games tend towards minimalistic narratives, which means most of them are too simplistic to be as stupid as the average novel.

counterpoint to what? you asserted some baseless bullshit that you pulled out of your ass. "the average novel" yeah because you've read more than middle school requirements for 7th grade english to even know what the average novel constitutes. even if the "average novel" was absolute dogshit, I can just go read one of the thousands of canon masterpieces that are unanimously praised throughout history. meanwhile if i want a good video game story, they don't exist. i can't go play anything for a good story because video games are made for stories and they're not important. ONLY a person who plays video games exclusively could think otherwise. this is why games like TLOU are praised as literary masterpieces by redditors like you, you've never even looked inside of a real book before.
video game stories are awful and anyone with even a passing interest in literature is giggling like a monkey at how fucking stupid you are.

not really as long as it's good.

but modern games have had crap gameplay

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