Tfw Gamestop employee and actually have to wagecuck during this pandemic

>tfw Gamestop employee and actually have to wagecuck during this pandemic
>actually have to risk my life to sell vidya games to dipshits
Fuck Gamestop, i hope theyre going bankrupt

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Other urls found in this thread:

>actually doing it

Why not stand up for yourself you wretch and make them fire you

Because then i'd get arrested for bio-terrorism

Here's my protip:
Go on plebbit, start a thread bitching about how you've been fired from GameJew because you refuse to work during a pandemic, wait an hour, and you'll soon have a thread filled with virtue signalling cucks who are all offering you jobs (without interview or even reading your CV) because they want to collect le ebin updoots.

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>risk your life
What, are you licking the hands of every person that enters the store? Keep a reasonable distance, wash your hands, and don't pick your nose. Even if you did get it, I'm going to assume you're no older than late 20s and are therefore at no real personal risk. The only real risk is if you catch it, don't know you have it, and you pass it on to people that are at risk, but it sounds like you're more concerned for yourself which is retarded.

Maybe just fucking quit or something.

Step 1. Don't show up and tell them you won't work until the quarantine is over.
Step 2. They will fire you.
Step 3. Lawyer Up. You'll likely win, but the risk here is that if they go belly up then you won't see a dime. (they probably will).
Step 4. If you want to be extra devious alert the police that someone is sick while working at GameStop. You can do this anonymously as a concerned citizen.

Is anyone actually showing up at gamestop right now?

Don't be a sissy. It's just a flu.
If you had gotten a real job this wouldn't even be an issue in the first place, so you deserve it.

then those internet addicts who have been using all sorts of tricks to get upboots will help you realize that they were scammers all along and they actually have nothing to offer.
i know some merchants who would love you.

think of how stupid you were last year when you went into work totally oblivious that the average flu was 8x more infectious and deadly than kung-flu, and you just took it like a bitch.

be grateful you still have your shitty job :)

>the average flu was 8x more infectious and deadly than kung-flu
Think of how retarded you are for being so completely wrong.

>people with under 100iq are panicking
>people with above 140iq are panicking
>mild retards with 100-120iq are saying this is nothing and trying to be “reasonable”
what is this phenomenon called

come back to reality and check the FACTS bro, "humidity" is still more deadly


Literally just go to the board of labor or whomever oversees workers rights in your state. GS is breaking the law and they're non-essential.

>he's never scammed redditkeks out of money
I've made about $2000 over the past 6 months just by panhandling there. It's a very effective revenue side-stream though I'm hesitant to scale it up just in case people wise up and stop paying.

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dunning kruger

Tell me more about your schemes, user

>hope they're going bankrupt
good news!

For the next month or two, for every person who dies they will say
>he had COVID-19!
It doesn't matter if the person was already sick and in a serious condition. If he or she got coronavirus, that's gotta be it. Corona killed him/her, there is no other explanation.

Which brings us to the next topic, and that's a news I heard today. Apparently, symptoms of coron--I mean COVID-19 are similar to flu (probably because it is flu). But this time, there were no symptoms and the patient died.
>the patient was brought into hospital in a serious condition
>he had no symphoms
If he had no symptoms, then how the hell was he in a serious condition? The fuck happened? Lungs just stopped working all of a sudden? I mean, I've heard better and more convincing stories about flat Earth.

Irony is lost on you it seems.

>people with under 100iq are panicking
because hurr durr i dont wanna get sick

>people with above 140iq are panicking
because they realize they're surrounded by low IQ retards who will buy up everything and crash the economy, and they realize the higher IQ implications of social engineering, the power of the media and the ability for governments to conduct reaction studies on this kind of thing

>mild retards with 100-120iq are saying this is nothing and trying to be “reasonable”
these people are based

I'm working at a still open liquor store so I'm pretty use to treating all my customers like they are disgusting and covered in germs.

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>iq is 97
>neet ordering pizza giving no tips because that's retarded
>mom is still working
>ask mom for money to prep
heh you jealous faggots?

I'd seen at least one state revoked their business licence in response to refusing to close.

Oh they are. Why else do you think they brought on Reggie to save their asses? Or why they're keeping 300 of the locations closed permanently after the company-wide shutdown ends?

am also interested in schemes

Being honest Gamestop probably wouldn't do this if their staying in business didn't completely depend on it. You are actually doing your part to keep the last real brick and mortar games store chain alive. If gamestop disappears, that era is completely over, and there is nowhere left to hang out and just browse new games.

All the same, I agree with the other anons here that you should just quit. While I don't share the popular opinion that Gamestop is something to hate, i can't imagine risking my health for it.

Also, nice tits.

>it took us 30 posts for someone to even mention the giant tits
Whats happening to you, Yas Forums? Has the virus neutered your brain and testicles?

>Love tits
>hate women
Such is life

>work 5 days a week around a bunch of people
>my manager looks acts like a crackhead
>go out for my lunch break everyday
>used uber eats twice this week and got an import in just before Canada closed the borders (from Osaka)
>considering getting chinese food today
If I'm not already infected by now, than I am fucking immune.


In the age of immediate access to information its even worse. This happens everytime a big event goes on, every joe and Jane on the planet becomes an 'expert' on the matter. Listen to the people that are more experienced than you.

>people with under 100iq are panicking
These people are assuming this is some doomsday scenario and that we're all screwed because the virus will kill us all.
>>people with above 140iq are panicking
These people are worrying that quarantining everything for months is going to obliterate the economy, which is the real issue here.

The virus is not going to get you, and if it does, you'll likely be fine, the real problem is the long term repercussions.

gamestop will never go away as a brick and mortar store because their whole profit comes from the used games they buy from people and sell at exorbitant rates

Italy was boosting numbers by claiming ANYONE who died in a hospital housing corona victims for ANY OTHER CAUSE was labelled a "corona-related death". lots of fishy shit is going on...

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Free money, you say? I'm interested.

Be glad you actually have a job. 1100 persons got laid off at my company.

Because this board is full of Yas Forumsaggots now.

With tits like that, why work a regular job? Just turn on a webcam, show some skin, and do whatever you were going to do anyway, and have desperate men give you money for having bit tits.

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Ah I see, I bet you also think the moon landing was staged and fluoride is a government mind control agent.

Now that you mention it this could be a contributing factor to videogames finally abandoning physical media.

>never want to go anywhere anyway
>now working from home
>fuck around all day like it's a holiday
>leave house one (1) time since pandemic started for shopping
>have a cough now

if she had any brains, shed never have to work at gamestop again.

It takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Yas Forums has been masturbating to traps for years.

fuck off nigger gamestop literally killed all the other brick and mortar stores when they die literally nobody will miss this funko pop contaminated shit store

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holy shit, you sound like a fucking script

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You write like a typical Yas Forums retard. It's embarrassing.

can i offer you a chair in this trying time
and by chair i mean my face

Maybe for a slow ass like you.

We're all fucked because fucking morons assume it's nothing, and will perpetually get people sick.


its mass-triggered paranoia. this whole thing is over-hyped

don't go to work, get a lawer and contact other gamestop employees. make a joint lawsuit.
when this is over you can sue them. you can use the leaked audio tapes as proof they violated government instructions and endangered you, their other workers and their customers.

sutre honey
here comes the brap mobile! Next stop; your face

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Uh huh, and the Earth is flat and you're also a very devout Christian. Do you use activated charcoal to brush your teeth?


That was a week ago

Yes, user. For some reason, complaining about mass hysteria caused by coronavirus is obviously related to political incorrectness. You got me.


>when this is over you can sue them
Nigger you're not going to get anything out of it. They're pretty much dead

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I thought gamestop closed their stores because of the backlash towards them making people work?

get back to work hoe

>Uh huh, and the Earth is flat and you're also a very devout Christian. Do you use activated charcoal to brush your teeth?

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This is a very, very simply dilemma for everybody to solve. If the government advises everyone to stay home during a pandemic, and gamestop stays open, there should, in theory, be no customers and therefore almost no risk to your health.

The question is, why are people still going out to buy games?

the worlds needs cleaning anyway

Yeah I'm sure the typical behavior of a mouth-breathing Yas Forums shitter has nothing to do with the ignorant denial of statistics and global consensus at the risk of harming a significant amount of people. Just take a look at this big brain post

What part is he wrong about? The flu has a higher mortality rate

Nah, they closed them because their business model is as obsolete as videogame magazines.

>The question is, why are people still going out to buy games?
Videogames are a necessity.

>Fuck Gamestop, i hope theyre going bankrupt
isnt that what they've been doing for years
it's a sinking ship

>The flu has a higher mortality rate
This part right here.

>work at gamestop
>lawyer up
sounds plausible to me

She belongs to black men

>The flu has a higher mortality rate

A necessity you don't need to leave your home for anymore.

>Italy was boosting numbers by claiming ANYONE who died in a hospital housing corona victims for ANY OTHER CAUSE was labelled a "corona-related death". lots of fishy shit is going on...
Italy is probably trying to be honest, versus China, who did the opposite, where they changed the parameters of the virus, and lied about people who died not dying from the virus because if they weren't tested 6 or 7 times it didn't count.

Americans are fucking retarded.

Don't boost their egos. Big tits + ok face + low selfesteem is one of the Seven Golden Combos.

not everyone likes to pay for a overpriced download


there's that word again

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Alright, cut the shit everyone.
Who's the broad?
Reverse searches are giving me nothing but dumb compilation fetish sites and old Yas Forums threads where people also did not ask who she is.

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you are so fucking stupid is funny, keep your distance won't do shit unless you are in different rooms and op can't because he has to attend people in a closed room. Also the virus is 6nm in size so it's either you have a good immune system or you get infected. Stop spreading TV bullshit, faggot

The issue is people take 2 weeks to get better and serious case take UTI spots. Therefore the medical system cannot handle all that. So if everyone get infected, more people will die, not only because of the virus but because they won't manage to get proper treatment for other issues.

>not one person saying to show tits or gtfo
You break my heart Yas Forums

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>risk my life

Are you 80 and/or have AIDS?

I don't watch CNN. I would assume they're blaming their president for the current situation, but maybe I'm wrong.
I wish there was a quarantine for people like you. People who don't have symptoms and are not sick, but can't stop screaming about this virus and who act like we're all gonna die in the next 3-4 months.

Its not OC you braindead newfag, lurk more

>jaded and slutty wagie girls
Saved me from being an incel.

>have to wagecuck during this pandemic
no you don't they're closed.
craft stores on the other hand

>You are actually doing your part to keep the last real brick and mortar games store chain alive. If gamestop disappears, that era is completely over, and there is nowhere left to hang out and just browse new games.
fuck off gamekike, you killed the actual based vidya stores like electronic boutique, babages, sam goodie, and most of the legit mom and pops. Once they died used game and console prices went through the floor because you were teh only game in town besides selling on your own, then you ditched the collectibles and fun stuff to maximize vidya profit and now you're not only trying to get BACK into the collectibles market and failing, but you're also closing every store and shuttering what you can so you remain afloat because people are sick to death of your jewish tricks.

No, fuck you. Die in a fire Gamestop, nobody is gonna miss you thieving rabbis.

girls with low self esteem will do anything
pic related is a girl who posts on reddit all the time on subs like "am i ugly" and shit, and i keep telling her she's sub par to keep her self esteem low.

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How would you even know this? It's literally still going on right now. Numbers are skewed due to not being able to be tested and people just flat out lying. 600,000 infected. 27,000 have died

>you're no older than late 20s and are therefore at no real personal risk
just btw this is no longer valid.

Consensus among everyone except that doctor of nonspecificology you found on page 6 of a google search for "coronavirus hoax"

Pretty much the same as any other form of panhandling really, just on an online forum.

Make yourself a fake account using a burner email, and make it for a girl.
Build up the necessary "papertrail" like you're a spy creating a fake identity. You don't have to go too hard, but post in various subs (especially the female oriented ones like AskWomen) about all sorts of mundane things going on in your life. This way if anyone checks out your profile they'll see that you've been there for a few months and therefore won't instantly jump to the "this is a scammer" mindset.
Drop tiny hints that you're struggling with finances but don't be too blatant about it. You want these hints to only be tangentially linked to your troubles. A single mother who works two part-time waitressing jobs is effectively synonymous with poor. It's all part of the illusion.
When you've fleshed out your backstory, start "begging".
Go into pretty much any thread and inevitably you'll find someone talking about finances or poverty or autismbux or whatever. Whine about how you're worried that you won't be able to make rent that month (don't say you /can't/ make rent, just say you /probably can't/). Throw in some details about what led to this situation: your rent suddenly went up, your halfcaste baby needs something for school, your hours at work have been slashed (thank you Coronachan) etc.
WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BEG. This is where most panhandlers fall down, because if you ask for money nobody will give it to you.
A lot of the time someone will reply to you offering to buy you groceries or forward you some cash to pay a bill or whatever. Thank them but turn them down, because obviously as a strong independent woman you don't need a hand out.
About 4/5 times they'll accept your rejection. Whatever. Plenty more fish in the sea.
Those that insist on giving you money, direct them to your burner paypal or whatever other hard-to-trace cashapp you're using.


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Low self steem is even worse than shitty high self steem user, it’s a terrible ingredient in women

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I still use Reddit a little bit, and upvoting is something I don’t give a flying fuck about

>people go "back to work"

>one china AIDS guy goes in a train

>pandemic round 2

we're screwed.

I buy all my games at sale so you're completely wrong.

>For the next month or two, for every person who dies they will say he had COVID-19!
But that is not what's happening. Deaths caused by illnesses existing prior to being infected by the virus are not counted.

Bro, I feel ya. Hope you get through this.

I, too, still have to wagecuck during this pandemic, but at least I can do it from the comfort of my home. Sucks they're not giving me any slack (first few days were the worst. I could barely be productive just thinking about this shit, trying not to freak out, and trying to get some food for the next few weeks, but still had to get shit done for work. But now that I've accepted this shit is here to stay, it's gotten better psychologically, at least), but I suppose it's better than losing my sole form of income.

You watch too much tv

imagine being this retarded

I didn't say you watch CNN you surface-level, brain-dead retard

Very nice. Close the deal on that at the nearest possible opportunity. Great body... dead eyes, though.

I'd say it's morally wrong to do so, but she's the one showing her body for attention.

I quite literally don't watch tv.

Wait a day.
Thank them. Give them a sobstory about how you just made the payment in time.
Now they've fallen for your scam. Keep in contact with them about the same mundane bullshit you were talking about before. Just send them random PMs about your life or what your kid is up to or whatever.
Wait a few months.
Start dropping hints you need money again.
If they don't offer you any money this time, still stay in contact with them as they may change their mind further down the line.
Rinse and repeat.
Buy dat vidya u want

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Im sure im to blame for those dead eyes

I'm surprised.
I was starting to think this place was nothing but useless coombrains like yourself.

>what is a vaccine

i hope we dont get a vaccine just in case the first round of miller lite doesnt eliminafe sub100iq trash like you and you get boogaloo 2'd


The mere presence of coronavirus brings the best in us and the worst in people like you, it seems.