Dare I say that Yas Forums has been blown the fuck out?

Dare I say that Yas Forums has been blown the fuck out?

VR gaming is the patrician form of video games. There are no third worlders (no huehuehue, donde está la biblioteca, no cyкa блять), no women and no children/teenagers.

Half-Life Alyx, Lone Echo, Medal of Honor, Walking Dead.

Soon all big AAA games will be in VR and playing the games feels even better when you know there's a seething Brazilian sitting in his favela who will never get to play any of it.

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kek, this



I'll give it a go when it's cheap as fuck mate. I hope you have your fun but I also think the thing is overhyped to hell because there is a entrance fee and buyers remorse would kick your ass. I don't like the idea of strapping shit to my face, I can get completely immersed with a controller and a headset, maybe a lil bit of that ol' weed. As an adult I barely have time anyways I get a quick fix from some arcade games and I'm good.

i don't even understand the people that claim vr is expensive. you can get started for $150. what is $150? even if you were a slave at mc donalds you would only have to make burgers for 20 hours to afford a vr set. most games are cheap, i paid $5 for pavlov and have over 300 hours of playtime and $30 for beat saber with over 100 hours of playtime. even aaa games cost less than $59,99.


As I said in the OP. It's only losers like you, a drug addict, who can't afford VR. That's what makes it truly patrician. No addicts, no low life trash. Just accomplished gamers.

Implying that people from third world countries do not frequent this bord, $150 is 1 minimum wage here

>There are no third worlders (no huehuehue, donde está la biblioteca, no cyкa блять), no women and no children/teenagers.

ok this is based

Yas Forums hates it because everyone here is a poor thirdie who can’t afford VR or a quality gaming rig

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Yes, lots of thirdies will never see $150 USD in their entire life

That’s like their father’s entire life savings from picking rotten meat out of the garbage to cook at his street stall

Alyx really does look like a step forward for VR but it's just one game. Also a game done by valve, I cant trust other big developers to even come close to the level of love and craftsmanship valve puts in their games when they actually try. When everything reaches the level of Alyx I'll give it a go

What's a good VR setup for 150? That android one?

>Soon all big AAA games will be in VR
I don't think so, VR will disappear. Remember when TVs introduced 3D? Yeah it disappeared too.

I haven't browsed Yas Forums in years, is that really the consensus here?

Lmao, pathetic

Long gone are the days of the TORtanic and Donte, this board doesn't predict shit games like it used to

The issue is that VR games are uniquely different than 3D tv

VR games put you in a different world, a 3D movie doesn't do the same

VR is here to stay, it will be ubiquitous as tech advances continue and it gets cheaper

I don't play FPS at all so it doesn't affect me in the slightest.


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Lone Echo does everything Half-Life: Alyx has done and that game came out three years ago. Independent publishers are already producing big AAA games and you can always count on Oculus pushing a good dozen of games per year.

Anyone here played walking dead VR?
I keep finding myself surrounded by NPCs with guns who will blow me to bits in an instant if i try to go for my objective. Should i be sneaking everywhere.

You should be sneaking but if you cannot make it in I suggest grabbing some walker guts and waiting until the bells ring, then the NPCs leave camp and you can walk in and loot undisturbed

>Worse than a weeb RPG
lmao the STATE of Valve

Attached: vrfags btfo.png (659x320, 61.77K)

Sure, all the 0 memes were underage. They are meant to be BTFO.

Thanks for the advice, did not know about the walker guts.
It's weird, so few people play VR so i feel like i have to figure things out by myself.

Remember how these faggots were all over Outer Worlds or whatever it was called? Yeah, right.

fuck VR I not strapping a giant toaster on my head

But weeb RPGs are objectively the best games?

based and thispilled
>medal of honor
i played this at OC6 and it sucked ass for the most part.

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>that grammar

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I never tested VR, how is the visual part, does the image occupy your entire visual field? Does it appear to be 3D? Is it like how I see it in real life?

> occupy your entire visual field
>Does it appear to be 3D
>Is it like how I see it in real life

It's like real life.


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Tortanic ruined this board. Now Yas Forums just swings at every game calling it shit and when it truly isnt they swing even harder so they cant feel bad about being wrong

>no children/teenagers
Join a single game of TTT Pavlov on a Minecraft map and you will instantly be proven wrong.

sorry what i meant to say was "no children on good games"

Switch has a huge spike of sales because of the game and Animal Crossing bets selling Switch game. Also incredible high ratings everywhere
High ratings good sales
Best rated game this year best VR selling game so far

Whats next on Yas Forums list of emberesment predictions:
>Final Fantasy 7 is going to bomb
>Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a disaster

Did i miss anything else?

>accomplished gamers

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>come to Yas Forums to discuss HL:A
>everywhere are just bait threads and everyone participates gladly

god you people are so cancer, i'll go back to r*ddit

fuck this board

I remember when people like you actually put effort into your bait, here's your (you) and please try a little harder next time

Yas Forums is not for discussing games. Reddit and forums are better places for that. Yas Forums is for shitposting


based on me

i'm too much of a brainlet for this
please someone explain

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Kill your life.

But leddit is doing the same thing, shitting their diapers and begging people to buy VR.

EA got two of their studios to develop only VR exclusive titles. If EA has smelled the money, the industry will follow.

>Independent publishers
Lone Echo was funded by Oculus and had a massive budget behind it. Good game though.

They're both garbage. HLA is just overrated because of the plethora of mindless NPC steam fanboys.
>inb4 epic games shill
>inb4 reee poorfag no buy vr
>inb4 ok zoomer/boomer

People are actually discussing the game on multiple subreddits. Only Yas Forums is crying about it being VR

It's probably the closest thing we'll get to reliving the days before online guides and forums kek

Why did Valve give the quarantine zone achievement an Italian name?

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>40k peak players for a franchise that sold more than 40 million copies
it's dead you sad, coping Half-Turd Analex shill.


yum yum i love tears on my pancakes


I'd say I'm glad Alyx flopped, but realistically after 3 consecutive games that bombed, I don't have faith in Valve anymore regardless.

delete this
ps4 is too expensive
i spent all my money on vr

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>inb4 epic games shill
>inb4 reee poorfag no buy vr
>inb4 ok zoomer/boomer

you may not be any of those things but that doesn't change the fact that you are a mongoloid

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>only 37 reviews
>you need a VR headset to play
>the people reviewing the game are probably massive Valve and VR shills
Of course it’s going to get a high score. You give a fat kid a shitty cake he’s still gonna eat it up and tell you it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.

i'm a brazilian who owns VR though. you're not free from me

i didn't buy the seething.

Attached: brazilianVR.jpg (1280x960, 240.69K)

Am I the only one worried by negative reviews getting deleted? And I'm not talking specifically about this game, but mostly console shit. For example how do you distinguish a "consolewars" review from someone who hated a game? Like how death stranding has a really high score because they deleted 0/10 reviews.

only negative reviews this game gets are from fags who have no vr headset

cope harder

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>10000000 positive reviews
>10 negative reviews
does it make a difference

It’s the best VR game, and it’s still just okay. Not worth the rig required to play, and the game feel likes $20 too expensive for what you get.

>he thinks even this is bait
how rotten is your brain

i knew this, idk why i even came back

based 60iq poster