No, I do not believe you understood, potion seller...

No, I do not believe you understood, potion seller. I have approached your vendor with the intention of buying your strongest potions in hopes that they will aid me in the imminent battle to come. I have not come for unsolicited advice nor unwanted health concerns. I have not asked for your opinion on my capacity to handle your potions for I do not care about your opinion. I do not care about you, in fact. All I care is a couple of potions I have specifically asked for. Here's what's going to happen. In five minutes or less I will depart your store with the potions and go on my way. You, however, will remain here, either a couple hundred gold pieces wealthier or a head shorter, if you understand my meaning; and let me tell you, with every second I have to spend in this wretched outlet of yours the latter of outcomes becomes more likely. Now, for the final time, allow me to reiterate, potion seller - I am going into battle and I need your strongest potions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sellerfags are pathetic

Based knightchad.
How can sellerfags ever recover?

....yeah you're still not getting any potions

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Knightfags are so autistic
They don't even consider the risks of chugging certain potions in rapid succession and then act like the seller of said potions is at fault
It's disgusting, like putting your hand on a lit stove, getting burnt and then blaming the makers of the stove itself rather than yourself for your mistakes

Fuck knightfags. Pieces of shit I tell you

i am here

This guy is Jewish unfortunately.

who gives a shit

wtf i love this guy now

He has renounced the religions of old and now serves Jagos.

Yeah, he's a comedy writer so, no shit, he's Jewish. Everybody knew that.

people from Yas Forums



freakin' epic post man. Keep going

>snickers quietly

So that's why to potion sell wont sell to him.

That explains his disdain for a fellow sellerfag

I am the hospital chaplain



Attached: Why Respect Knights.png (1750x1080, 527.06K)


more of this?

>Missing great profit opportunity just to save retard from his own retardation
Potion seller is too good for this world

>the knight thinks he can take on the potion seller
>he doesn't realize the potion seller has contingencies for such an occurrence

Fucker deals with beasts stronger than dragons on a daily basis one bitch ass knight with a god complex aint gonna do shit to him

Attached: carlos-ruiz-potuon-sellah-sm.jpg (1000x702, 204.15K)

The potion seller has the full right to refuse to sell his product to select customers.


how could the potion seller estimate that the potions would be too strong for the knight? he doesnt know him, he doesnt know the first thing about him. judgemental little asshole

>doubting the professionalism of an alchemist that makes the potions to the strongest beings in the realm

shit dude you only have 0 PER

Because noone can handle his strongest potions. His strongest potions are for only the strongest beings

They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong

You're not strong enough for my potions, my potions would kill a God, let alone an ordinary man. Now begone with you, and find yourself a potion seller who sells weaker potions.

He propably has a skill that lets him evaluate somebody's power, which is why he also said that the knight is clearly one of the weakest. (human level)

If you sell your potions almost exclusively to the strongest beings you don't need to be very skilled to detect the occasional weaker knights.

>Implying the knight can take on the potion seller buffed up with his most effective potions.

>poll is split 50/50
Does this mean they're both wrong?

No it just means half of the voters are idiots, pretty accurate to most voting polls actually.

They're both right and wrong at the same time. The potion seller comes from a point of geniuine concern for knight's well being that overrides his desire for profit but the knight clearly is in dire need of potions and one can surmise the battle he's about to engage in is clearly terrible indeed. Best outcome would be for the potion seller to offer him some medium grade potions instead.

>potion seller to offer him some medium grade potions instead
It's literally a specialist shop for only the strongest beings. The knight is in the wrong place to begin with.

t. Knightfag

The potion seller is a rascal with no respect for knights. No respect for anything. How can you trust the word of a man like that?

Or the Knight could go to another shop and get another potion. You can just waltz into a Lv. 100 shop at Lv. 5 and expect to be handed their strongest potions, you're not strong enough.

Knights are gay though.
Just cuz they have fancy armour and value "honor" and shit doesn't mean they're right 100% of the time.

based on what ?!

Potionfag actually, fuck the Knight. He's too weak for the potions.

Enough of these games. He needs the strongest potions, because he's going into battle and needs them if he is to be victorious.

His potions are only for the strongest knights, and he certainly is not of the strongest, but of the weakest.

In a perfect world...

nowhere is it implied that the store only sells the strongest potions exclusively, it's the knight that asks specifically for the strongest potion. the potion seller proably and likley has weaker potions on tap, otherwise his store would be rarely visited if he only caters to the strongest of heroes.

>Potion Seller knows the power of his potions and how they absolutely corrupt mortal men, vowing to only sell them to a being that's no longer human.
>Knight is going into a catastrophic battle and has decided that going to the potion seller and giving up his humanity is worth the cost of ensuring victory for his comrades.
Absolute kino

Does it matter? if he's going into battle, and he might die, then he might as well risk his life two or three times more.

If the potion seller doesn't kill him, and the potions don't kill him, and the battle doesn't kill him, then the potion seller was wrong. If either of the three do, then he's right but he still makes money with two of those options.

>>>implied that the store only sells the strongest potions exclusively
>literally says "YOU SHOULD GO TO A SELLER THAT SELLS WEAKER POTIONS" multiple times
knightfags people

WTF i hate this guy now unironically

Or maybe there are just many strong heroes and the Knight has a complex thinking that he's in the same league as all the legendary heroes that roam the land. If the potion seller had a weaker potion then he'd have sold it, even his weakest potions are too strong for the Knight. The Knight is just that weak.

>buy the strongest potion
>can't handle it
>die for sure

In a perfect world you would be able to handle my strongest potions... but this is not a perfect world

I see you're a man of culture.
My mistake.

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wrong, no jew has a chin like that

Do you really think the knights money is worth anything to someone selling potions to godly creatures? And he has absolutely zero chance to kill the potion seller.

What if the potion seller was deliberatly trying to arous knight's interests in his potions using reverse psychology so he could artificially inflate the price of his potions in the end?

Attached: THINK THROUGH.jpg (120x120, 3.92K)

Men like me would not exist.

He's too weak for the potions

Attached: potion seller.png (340x486, 224.06K)

This was never about the money, its about people properly using the strongest potions.
He's not a Jew, he's a scientist.

>potion seller sells his strongest potion to a weak knight that he can't handle
>knight dies from the potion
>potion seller loses sales

>wh-oh, a customer! Hello, welcome to my potion emporium! Forgive me, I don't get many visitors these days, all the heroes tend to choose that gnomish store across the road an-..a battle?! Why yes, I have all kinds of potions to aid you in battle! Please, help yourself, best quality at modest price!

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Potion seller would sell to Jagos.