What do you think about Nintendo's 2020 line-up, Yas Forums?

What do you think about Nintendo's 2020 line-up, Yas Forums?

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Where the fuck is my Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4?

51 Worldwide was the peak of the direct

Not coming this year and probably not next year either. Didn't you hear that Metroid Prime 4 had to restart its entire development? That shit takes yeeeaaars.

I'm waiting for the E3 Direct first.

E3 is cancelled.

I've heard announcements from many companies have been delayed because of the virus


>Ring Fit

Honestly it looks awful so far, most of those games are ports from decade old games and are already dirt cheap on other plarforms while on Switch you'll have to pay full price for them.

Xenoblades, Trials of Mana, Bravely Default II, 51 world games and maybe Ninjala are the only interesting games on that list and two of them are remakes

Will be too much in the later half, too little in the first. As usual.

I think it looks like the only thing I'm playing on my switch this year is Xenoblade.

Honestly only excited for Ninjala but cautiously optimistic because it's f2p.

>meanwhile it accelerates Bannerlord's early access

When did we ever not know about a big fall release at this point of the year?

we, as nintendofags, love fucking and getting fucked by other men. sucking and fucking is a hallowed pastime that dates back to the original NES days. cramped in tight dank warm spaces with no female company, we naturally turned to buggery and homolove. when we finally decided to switch to other consoles it was too late, we simply continued being poofs out of habit. those nintendofags who you meet just want to welcome you in the most nintengay way possible: hardcore sex between men. There's nothin' gay about it.

>2020 was supposed to be the best year for gaming since 2017
>starts off with everything getting delayed
>datamine kills all of ff7r's hype
>longest nintendo drought
>still nothing compelling about ps5 and xboxsex
>corona fucks everyone's shit up, including canceling gdc and e3 and shutting down switch production
What a mess.

There will still be an e3 direct. And a presentation from each major company.
All you will miss will be the pc gaming show, big fancy press conference and pre pre show, and the pre pre show is the only major loss there.
Sony will likely make their presentation pretty short because no games but Bethesda will have a nice long one to show off starfield.


Yeah I was really interested before they dropped the free to play at the end, it will probably just be cosmetics but it's still a bummer.

don't forget fucking Byleth in Smash, the anti-hype of which also killed the Three Houses DLC.
God, that feels like years ago now

Frogfag who leaked the mini already said the June direct will have all the big stuff

Pretty pathetic so far. From left to right
>xenoblade definitive
Actually good looking remaster, apart from the new content being separate from the main game
>bravely default 2
Looks pretty bad, will play on other platforms where it won't look and run like shit
>animal crossing
Good but lacking in ways that don't make sense
>good job
Indie game published by Nintendo
>panzer dragoon
Going to play on a platform where it won't look and run like shit, visually it's simple, as if the devs don't know what they are doing
>51 worldwide games
>mua3 dlc
Whole thing looks disappointing
>sword and shield dlc
Better than those shitty updated versions, but stacked on top of a pile of shit
>burnout paradise remastered
>ringfit dlc
Why so much DLC listed?
>into the depths
No need to get on switch
Why are you listing DLC
>jedi academy
Good game, but Ports? really
>kings bounty
>minecrafted dungeons
How did this shit even get made?
Remove DLC, half of this shit is ancient ports, and SRIV, was the worst in the series
Good gimmick wasted on GAAS
>trials of mana
Plays better literally everywhere else
Phone ports
>mr driller
I hope no fans had to see this
>trails of cold steel 3
Why just the third game, I hope these aren't connected in any way
Looks like phoned in shit
>©2020 marvel
Didn't see a trailer for this one.

I would impressed if they do. Actually almost every game from this "mini" direct interests me a way or another.

You're just a cuck poorfag who can't afford them. haha that's why you don't like nintendo, there's literally no other reason. haha poorfag

Probably gonna pick up xeno blade and that's it. They really shot their load early this year huh lmao

The guy who leaked the Indie direct and this one came back to say that 2020 is Nintendo mostly doing ports and remasters, so it's Nintendo having a rest year, another rest year for 3 years going, The company must be going through some significant inner turmoil if they can't even stick to WiiU development cycles.

Can't afford what exactly, I already have a Switch, and it's shit.

You cant afford to buy $60 ports of games that are 5 years old you fucking poorfag LMAO

Please refrain from exposing me like this in the future.

It's another 2018. 2018 was a pretty lackluster year.

>Bravely Default
>Play better on other platforms
Nani? You're allowed to omit the titles you know nothing about when shitposting user, it'd give your opinions more credibility.

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It will play better on other platforms though.

I mean, you can shit on it for old ports and no new 1st parties but that is genuinely a very diverse and broad range of genres right there.

There's something for literally everyone.

Which one?

Where the fuck is doom eternal?
ID said the wanted to make a great job, but also that it would be released this year

PC, maybe PS4/5, Square Enix have moved harder on backing Playstation, Bravely Default on Playstation seems more likely than previous titles.

>Begging for ports

>No new Mario Oddysey
>No Mario 3D World
>No new DK
>No new Metroid
>No new Wario game
>Nothing about BOTW2
>No new 2d Mario game.
The fuck are they doing?

>Direct "mini"
>Announcing you biggest games on a mini

Yeah, like the other two bravely games

Even if it was a mini, there hasn't been shit announced for awhile now that is remotely anything big. It's all been shitty ports and mobile games.

If Burnout runs at 60fps I'll consider it.

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Diverse lineup is cool, but holy fuck at least make it good. The Switch is such a disappointment, can't wait for it's successor to be like 5 Nintendo exclusives, 3000 indie titles of no value and ports from the last decade and beyond.

Irrelevant, games were made against wonky hardware on a proprietary engine, Bravely Default 2 is made on Unreal, on the Switch, it will be ported in at most a year, and unlike the Switch version it won't be 720/30, while looking worse than 1080/60 games.

I'm unironically excited to play some board games.

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>it will be ported in at most a year
Holy shit just shut the fuck up already.

Honestly curious, why play that over Splatoon? It just looked like a chink ripoff with f2p slammed on to get an audience.

Any console exclusive would look better on PC. Why not wait until they confirm a port before you state baseless assumptions as fact?

Dogshit, especially since Animal Crossing was supposed to be a 2019 release

Here’s hoping they actually have something to show in June and we can see what the major Nov/Dec Holiday release is (if there even is one)

Pretty good so far.

I've already picked up Animal Crossing and plan on picking up Xenoblade, Bravely, and Trials of Mana.

I've got a couple of maybes in Good Job!, 51 Worldwide Games, Shinsekai Into the Depths, and Catherine Fullbody.

Well it's a brawler that's all about crazy movement, running up walls and doing flips and jumping over buildings.

Splatoons a TPS about shooting the ground with ink and swimming through it. Other than the general artstyle they're not exactly similar

XCOM 2 and Jedi Academy are kino. But they're also best played on PC.

>no argument
As expected.

No need to confirm, we know who's making it and how they operate.

Are you sure it's not the line up of 2010?

We'll be in for some ludo gaming moments all right, Xenoblade Chronicles definitive is gonna be hella freakin' epic I can't wait!

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Ok but if you want to play it on a handheld how is it best played? Yeah.

And I assume you expect them to remaster this game in 4K when they port it to PS4, no?

Handheld PC

No, just move it beyond 720.

Blades for the switch? When is it coming for PC?

Mystery Dungeon DX goes in top tier
Animal Crossing goes in low tier

2020 is a rest year, just like 2019 and just like 2018, the guy who leaked both directs also leaked that it's nothing but ports.

>Square Enix have moved harder on backing Playstation
Which is why they're bringing Octopath to Playstation. And they're also bringing the DQXISE content onto PS4.

Remember when nintendo made new games?

November 8, 2012

Tokyo Mirage sessions has great gameplay, it deserves to be at least in top tier.

FFVII-R is exclusive for at least 2 years, for Square Enix, that's pretty hardcore, it's only going to come to PC afterwards.

It must have something to do with their new presidents one of the problems must be kinda like this
>welp nintendo online fucking sucks dick
>we can’t even fucking release 3 nes games per month
>fuck we should bring back virtual console
>we fucking can’t capcom snk and konami are already rereleasing all their old vidya by themselves
>fucking port whatever the fuck we can port then, anything to have more time after the metroid fuck up
>well we have the pokeyman dlc
>yeah fuck it we’ll figure it out later, normies always buy pokemon no matter how shitty gamefreak makes it, just tell them to make another remake by next year and we will be fine

Why does Fatlus insist on porting Catherine to every platform under the sun while Persona 3 FES and 4G rot on dead systems?

>FFVII-R is exclusive for at least 2 years
Only for 1 year

I thought they moved it to 2, nonetheless that's pretty big for Square Enix, on a major game like this, unlike a throwaway like an Asano team title.

why is pokemon games in different tiers? They are literally the same game. WTF!

Atlus is slow in both development and the mind.

Shitlus is a mismanaged company.