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fuck off incel, let people have their genders on your little video game, games aren't your safe space :)

also before you say "they aren't your safespace either", well, no, but they should still be inclusive to all of us, and if you are angry about that, then maybe learn to close your eyes or something, we aren't hurting anybody.

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>we aren't hurting anybody.

>"When I say jump, jump."

>she constantly lurks blizzard forums for weak bait
oh no...nonoononon....NO...!!

you aren't forced to play as anything other than what you want mate, that's the whole point.

"you" people are fucking disgusting :)

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It's more like, "stop whining you fucking baby"


Why is that? what have we done to you, absolutely nothing, i bet you haven't even spent the time actually talking to us. if you haven't you should try it out for once.

>we aren't hurting anybody.
it hurt the kids that play this games. being
exposed to such things.

So make the game rated to 18+ and I will not complain.

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it hurts teaching kids about accepting others? what the hell?

Make sure they get rid of all fanservice and violence in the game then.

agreed, god forbid they end up on a place like gaia online or Yas Forums

>"not everything needs a [x] character"
>doesn't complain about literally every single video game being full to the brim of white people

are you people really so fucking insecure that the mere thought of a minority being represented in your game triggers you way harder than the very lefties you proclaim to be snowflakes?

The problem is conformity to an unnatural, man-made ideology that is born from the thinkings of a cult that is well-documented as being destructive and harmful to new life.
This 'nu-life' has no place on this Earth and is not to be confused with 'the evolution of our species'. It is merely a means to an end for the few to manipulate the many - nothing more.

Can't really use kids as an argument with fags, they either hate them or want to fuck them

Why do real life minorities need to be represented in a fantasy game

faggots repopulate by raping and mindraping children

it's a legitimate condition mate, not unatural. wheres the proof of this being "destructive and harmful to new life"

its not a means to an end, as i stated, it's a legitimate condition where you don't feel comfortable.

Look at this dude on Yas Forums in the middle of the fucking night talking like he has a single clue about anything.

based as fuck Wesposter

>what have we done to you
This is the problem - everyone can come together to discuss it but your types are psychologically configured to ignore anything and everything that goes against you - regardless of what's said, so you're here to either shitpost or you're wasting your own and everyone else's time by posting in this thread.

accepting the delusions of the mentally ill is harmful, yes

then why hasn't anime been banned yet?

You can already play black humans, you will be able to play as an Asian human next expansion. What more shit do you need? Cripples? Braindamaged people? Men in dresses (aka paladins)?

Yes, let big daddy government just ban everything. Stupid fag

just play a human make in a dress (caster robe) and shut the fuck up because thats all you will ever be IRL




Imagine actually believing in god.

Imagine cumming in another dude's ass

Why do real life majorities need to be represented in a fantasy game

Don't priests do that pretty often though?



they should if it's immortal and disgusting, which is the epitome of anime culture and very unamerican

nice argument

How about you up that 50% suicide rate in your retarded little community instead? Everyone would be grateful.

as you can see, a mentally ill that breaks all boundaries of dignity. and, of course, kids getting rekt by faggots.

It's still hilarious how their answer to less labeling is more labeling
It's like they don't care about issues at all and just want more clout

take it easy, why do you wish death upon others like that, you must be sad :)

if you give yourself some time to get to know you you would know that we would even accept you, even though you have some backwards views.

hey friend, not a mental illness but ok, do a little research

I thought gender is just a social construct, so where's the problem? You can just play a dude and pretend you're a girl, it doesn't come up anywhere in-game anyway.


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Maybe fags should make their own fantasy, since epic fantasy was made by straight people

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Acceptance of degeneracy is more harmful than you think. Kids get influenced very easily especially at a younger age. Being trans of homosexual is currently not accepted as the norm but an alternative sexual orientation,trans is straight up mental retardation.
I would rather not expose kids to such things.

>I brelieve I am Napoleon Bonaparte despite being born 200 years too late
Clearly mentally ill delusion.
>I believe I am a female despite being born a XY male.
Clearly completely sane.

K commie


blizzard is obviously full of fags and they made one of the most played fantasy games of all time sooooo


if you cannot see the difference then you must be trolling

>my delusion is fine though

So you're appropriating straight culture?

>say fags should make their own fantasy game
>fags make their own fantasy game

>we aren't hurting anybody

you are hurting yourself

No I said they should make their own genre. High fantasy has no room for fags

there's going to come a day where all these people will die at the hands of normal people restoring order

it might even be soon

High fantasy is exclusively for fags.

No that's furshit

do they really want gender politics on a game that literally revolves around race wars ?
you could just play ff14 which has better customization that already panders to their gender politics

you have alternatives, better alternatives
just take your money elsewhere
but its all always have to be nagging about whatever the fuck gender NEEDS to be in this game

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yeah OK, don't forget to dilate while larping as a female elf faggy boi

The person who posted this probably can't swing a baseball bat without having to catch his breath afterwards.

Gays are super obnoxious, even now that everyone is relatively cool with them they still feel the need to sperg out about representation and throwing debaucharus pride parades. They NEED people to react to them, it's some sort of weird complex.

You dont even have to go that far. Just point out how retarded it would be to treat anorexia with stomach shrinking surgery.

>everyone is relatively cool with them
Speak for yourself. I hope Corona turns their lungs to jelly

What do you retards say to the fact that more normal people are accepting of gays and shit than they are of incels and Yas Forumstards

fuck normalfags lol

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no one cares if you keep your perversions to yourself, once you start doing shit like pride marches everyone will hate you - rightfully so

I'm lucky enough to live in a place where fags are still shunned and treated like retarded children

it's the trannies. gays/drag queens were at the forefront of disgusting, edgy, self deprecating humour. most don't care about gender. lesbians can be a little preachy but tend to stay in their own lane overall, and are ignored cause they're women. a lot of dykes also don't like trannies and are villainized as "terfs"

Degenerates aren't people.

Can one of you dipshits cut to the chase here and post that wojak comic where you pretend you're nazis because you didn't like girls on the internet saying bad things about video games

Because women don't really want to give up their pissy power