Dragon's Dogma thread

Dragon's Dogma thread
How's that pawn looking Yas Forums? You are treating everyone else's pawns with the dignity and respect they deserve right?

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Anyone tried this mod?


Apparently it makes the warrior actually fucking good. Was updated heavily recently.

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*brines your pawn*


Recently got into Dragon's Dogma. Trying to get to a high enough level so that Bitter Black Isle will stop raping me. Recommendations?

>How's that pawn looking Yas Forums?
you tell me
>You are treating everyone else's pawns with the dignity and respect they deserve right?
lolis belong in the everfall

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Also the Everfall is reserved for pawns wearing the duchess outfit

you sassy bitch
She's beautiful atleast a 7/10

Warrior was always good.

Around 60-something is a good level. Usually after spoiler because I don't know how far you are: After you went through the Everfall to collect enough to wakestones to finish the game. But don't finish it, use them for BBI

This game is fucking lame. They had the opportunity to make the "pawns" look like anything, and they chose to make them look like humans? Who the fuck wants a soulless personality-devoid party member that repeats the same annoying lines over and over?

Why not give people a more varied character creator to make demons, zombies, automatons, mermen, insectoids, plant-creatures, etc etc etc? I mean I wouldn't expect actual innovation from Japanese devs but surely the idea crossed someone's mind at least once?

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beastmen were planned and so were other races, but because the WESTERN developer Ninja Theory was too retarded to make a DMC game, they had to be babysitted by Itsuno and his team

There was so much more planned for this game, but if you don't know shit about the game, you might wanna leave user :)

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>high fantasy multirace shit is 'innovative'

Somewhat glad they weren't in. Fine to have them in the sequel as given that it'll be in a new cycle (presumably).

A lot of content ended up getting cut. Early on they even planned on making the fucking moon an area you could explore

I did stinky and beat the game, so I'm on my second playthrough. Definitely gonna try to get to 60 though, since I'm already mid 50's

Well it's not so bad, BBI gives you more wakestones than you need unless you really suck and you can enter it any time.

>You are treating everyone else's pawns with the dignity and respect they deserve right?
Loli must feed the brine.

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How extensive is BBI anyway? Is it a relatively short dungeon or does it go pretty deep?

thanks man you reminded me I wanted to reinstall. Guts build as always.

It will take you some hours to go through, and a bit longer because of repeated deaths in some harsh rooms. You would also want to ge through it several times.

rate me n my bitch

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the unarmed combat is really fun though extremely limited, my one wish for dragons dogma 2 (except the generic, bigger game, more things) is either an unarmed combat system or a separate class that can get various glove weapons. I just want to punch and kick things to death.

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Compiled some of my characters with their sliders if anyone's interested
Might be a bit inaccurate and there's no colour info but you pick what you want

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Mods fucked my game up. Well now I'm going to minmax even harder than previously.
I'm going to grind hard to get to 100 before Butterlord comes out.
I've seen some people pawn whoring in recent threads and I'd be super keen to swap as long as they're well built.


Yes, a class for unarmed would be nice.
I also want something like a fencer/samurai, that uses a one handed sword with no shield. A warrior, but faster and less powerful.
Oh, and a spear user, of course, like in DDO.

wakestone the general

I never got why so many people called dragon's dogma's story shit. The themes of it are much deeper than a regular game, and it's inherently focused in story telling from a video game perspective, unlike most cringe hollywood aping moviegames.

Dragon's dogma is meta. The whole game is about being stuck in a endless loop of worlds and lives. It's about being in a fucking video game. The game begins with the quote "the delightful and ever-novel pleasure of a useless occupation" Which works in the story for the role of all inhabitants of the world, from the pawns to the npc's to the dragon to the senechal. No one is in control. They all have a role they fulfill in the video-game. Even the senechal who is like "god" isn't actually a god like he says, but another pawn The god is the developer. That's why you become invisible when you become the new one and it looks like shit and you have nothing to do, it's basically that the dev used the dev tools and made you invisible. The player is the arisen because they are the player, they are the only one with agency both in the story and in reality because we are the player, the whole world of gransys is theater designed to amuse us. But even the player is limited to what the game designers put in the game, so that is why the cycle exists of the arisen slaying the dragon, becoming the dragon, killing or failing at the senechal.

But that quote has also a double meaning, the act of playing games. I realized this first when i started up a new game and it was suddenly so obvious, the ever novel pleasure of a useless occupation. The act of playing a fucking game.

abandon all delusions of control

Dragon's Dogma has a fantastic story and it's great how a lot of it, like where the dragons come from, is told via show-don't-tell. But unfortunately most of the game's story happens at the end.

that is a fair point, the cool stuff happens 90% into the game.

Because people are fucking retarded.

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Its crazy that you can tell that these people probably didn't mount any monsters and just stood around at foot level tapping light attack over and over again like virgins.

at what level should you kill death? i am 105 on magic archer with dragon forged dragon's tempest bow and i almost do no damage at all on him.

Apparently you're meant to do it over multiple encounters since it keeps the amount of health he disappeared at, which seems kinda lame to me, but it is actual death.

you unironically have to be high iq to understand dragon's dogma. Don't forget that most players don't experiment at all if they aren't explicitly told what to do and how to play.

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Don’t get me wrong, I have 10x more hours put into DD than I have with Skyrim or some shit so I’ll be the first one to say that the gameplay in DD is leagues better than Skyrim, but if you think the story is more than 2deep4u bullshit then you’re retarded.

why? I think the story is very clear. It's ok if you think the story that is presented is dumb and that games shouldn't try to do that and just be entertaining, but the game is actually much more explicit and clear than most weird japanese kill god games which often are just weird for weirdness. Everything in dragon's dogma though makes sense if viewed through the lens of it being a game about being a game. You could call it pretentious, i don't think it is cause it isn't forced on the player and it's presented with at least enough subtlety that most if not everyone misses it, i don't even think there is a dragon's dogma analysis vid on youtube that goes into this (could be wrong though)

>Don't forget that most players don't experiment at all if they aren't explicitly told what to do and how to play.

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this game is so fucking shit, why does Yas Forums meme it up so hard?

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why is it shit in your opinion?

it's unironically too deep for you

have you tried being less of a brainlet?

The first notice board on bbi gives you three very easy quests. You can also buy the makers finger and use it to take down a cursed dragon, or condemned gore cyclops. These methods give you very fast exp.

I saw spears were originaly in the game, but were recycled to make daggers.

I honestly overlooked this very big EXP possibility, thank you

I did some experiments yesterday.

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it actually is pretty shit at the start. once you work out how to play and start playing with classes it's way more fun.

why did they give warrior only 3 skills they gimped the most fun class to play

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so l1/lb is for shield skills with this mod installed? why not just slap 3 more actual warrior skills on it instead? sounds gay.

I need to get back to playing it.
When it first came out I made my Arisen Scatman John and my first pawn Louis Armstrong.

Then I got a new computer and didn't install it until a year ago. I made some redhead waifu and my best friend as my pawn. She goes "Why is she so fat?" to the pawn I made of her.

I stopped playing after that.

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The fastest way to grind a lot of exp is to go north of the great wall at night, and farm skeletons summoned by the wight. Just remember to unequip your pawns weapons so they don't kill it. With exp boosting charms, this method gives enough exp to max out vocations in about 15 - 20 minutes.

Make your girlfriend skinnier next time.

I'm willing to drop the series over shit like this. Fuck them getting auto included in everyhing. I'm okay to step out of western fantasy a little but every game having a samurai no matter what shits me to tears

Westerner afraid of superior Nippon Warrior. Sad.

But what if we go to DD Japan and fight Japanese dragons? What if we go to other places with the cycle and fight their dragon equivalents?

user he said fencer/samurai, the dude just wants a one handed sword class
calm your jimmies

3 per weapon. It's not that hard to understand retard. Otherwise you'd be well and truly over powered.
>but everyone else has 6
Yeah but they have 3 important ones then 3 trash ones. Most classes are specialised towards one weapon and have the other for a side arm. Mages get more because their playstyle doesn't work without skillspam whereas warriors can actually do damage without skill spam and stam drain.

>dark souls european castle
>everyone is dressed as a samurai
>every iteration needs katana
Yeah nah. It's fucked and boring.
>inb4 dark souls
It happens in loads and loads and loads. It's harder to name a jp game that has swords and DOESN'T have katana - moreover when they are included they're also generally super over powered.

i like the detail of the game taking place after a classical age has passed with the antique ruins and creatures from greek myth. Makes it feel more grand and mysterious and give it more character than just medieval fantasy. Hope for weirder creatures in the next one.

I said "fencer/samurai" to give an idea of what I mean. Of course they shouldn't put an actual samurai, wouldn't make sense in a western fantasy.

>fencer samurai
>one hand
Are you retarded?
>two handed
Very few were in the height of it. Most duel wielded. It is straight up the only case where duel wielding was ever a real thing that was effective.

With that in mind and the skills of a fencer, fencer would just be assasin except you could equip two main weapons instead of the additional shield or bow. The second weapon would add like half its value to the primary and create status effects as usual if it hits. That would be cool and realistic.


What is the gameplay advantage of picking fighter over sword and board assassin?

I just hope for more room for the current creatures to be weird. Suarians and Goblins are plenty fascinating when given the chance. Goblins are straight up tree spirits and Saurians are sapient hunter gatherers.

Dragon’s Maw

I don't know where this dumb meme that DD starts off slow comes from. In the first five minutes you climb on top of a chimera and cut its snake head off its body while the goat head casts spells at you and the lion head is destroying your brainless friends. Are they referring to the next hour you spend throwing goblins off cliffs and shooting arrows into the eye of a cyclops and then toppling it with Rook so you can stab the fuck out of its face? Or the fight with the hydra right after where you throw an explosive barrel down its throat and its head explodes?
Itsuno is based as fuck for not including a single katana in this game

Not wasting the assassin vocation on swording and boarding.
If you want to board you should be using daggers - that way you have every single defensive option in the game, counter, roll, block.

Retard? Dual wielding is very sub par and was only done in funny haha joke duels

>Are you retarded?
no but you might, if you can't see why the other guy chose it as an example.
Not everything is to be taken literal you fucking sperg

Absolutely not true at all if we're talking about rapiers. Many stuck with a single blade but many more preferred a second rapier or a dagger.
One versus one fights are the ONLY fights where stupid over complicated techniques like duel wielding are effective.

>he wants a one handed vocation
>lists two fighting styles that use two hands for duel wielding and double hand grips respectively