>boomers aren't even watching gsl right now
Boomers aren't even watching gsl right now
>watching Starcraft 2
We'll never get the comfy GOMTV threads back and that saddens me
While there can be entertaining games in Starcraft 2, Broodwar games are more fun to watch even though I would never play it, because it would be way to hard to learn for a slow reaction brainlet like me
what the hell is gsl, gay sex league??
Yes, they'll be adding Animal Crossing next month and it'll become GFSL
watching OWL atm
Flash is taking it home again isn't he?
too busy learning AoE2 build orders
flash is not in the GLS ST finals tho
>four teams with electricity-related team names
Poopfeast420 were the glorious day
the real games played every sunday and tuesday
>roach printer go brrrr
they almost make this shit game worth watching
Maru is really actually good at the game.
>Starcraft 2
Its worth it for Tastosis
do banshees not shoot air to air? who tf designed this piece of shit
>look away for one second
And that's why I hate playing bio
other sports are locked down. Normies on suicide watch, literally
is this best of 5? does maru really want to try to go 2-2 with a proxy?
when did tasteless get fat?
its bo7
Fuck, the days are blurring together. I thought it was koreatime for a second and got excited.
the casters are making this so enjoyable what the fuck
how does maru win this btw? zerg 2 strong
oh thank god, so he still has a chance
He doesn't. Zerg is a broken race and and Dark is a Top 5 in the world player. Individually those two factors can be overcome, as Maru has shown in this tournament by beating Innovation (Top 5 player) and then Solar (Zerg). However, put the best race in the hands of a truly great player and you simply can't win. If Maru had switched to Zerg after his last GSL win, he'd have won every major tournament between then and now.
maru needs a second BC to do more pressure
I know shit all about SC, just tuning in because I'm bored
But man losing those looked massively costly despite how much the casters downplayed it. Immediately after that he got plowed by air units that took forever to kill because he only had one left, and it's been doing lots of work since then too
That misclick looks like it cost him the game
Maru throwing as per usual
>Watching zergcraft
Oh yeah, Maru does throw a lot. I forgot.
Does Idra still play? I always hated that edgy faggot.
Greg has not played in a very long time
>use my 100/150 2-supply spellcaster to mind control your 300/200 6-supply unit
>the spellcaster can move while burrowed so you don't see it coming unless I'm dumb enough to move into the range of a turret or let you scan me
>you can't snipe the spellcaster before it happens because the mind control spell has 8 range compared to the 7 range of your unit (with a tether range of 14 after the spell has been cast) and while this happens I'll be attacking you with units that will slaughter you if you don't focus on them
>even if you snipe some of my spellcasters before I grab your units, as previously mentioned they're 2 supply and cost 100/150 so I can simply keep a massive amount of them on hand
>even if you get the EMP upgrade, the spellcaster is so big, so supply efficient, and I have so many that if you only miss two or three I will still destroy you
>I know where all of your ghosts are anyway and can avoid them because my early game macro-support units have a spell that gives me vision of the entire map
>every second you spend trying to stop my spell from giving me complete map vision is time I spend getting stronger since you can't attack my vision and me at the same time
GG ez git gud at this balanced game
are terran good yet
i miss it
>tfw there's no footy to watch so I have to watch Cs instead
>my favourite players retired
The AoE championship was comfy, though
maru bringing it back!?
>maru wins
yes hes gonna do it
>golden wall next
you're my golden wall
I don't play SC2
Are Terran garbage? I don't remember the last time I saw them
there's a terran in the gsl final right now
nah people just figured Zerg out and know how to win with them
>Finally get a SC2 thread
>Maru on his last legs in the final
Where were you fuckers all this week? I need confirmation more than 1 person is watching this GSL final
Literally just tuned in, I was watching some other tournament a while back and it was all ZvZ or PvZ
Terran is the weakest race and Zerg is by fucking far the strongest (Z>>>>>>>>>>>P>T). The fact that Maru has taken two games off of Dark is a testament to Maru's status as a living god.
Terran are by far the most bullshit race in terms of their potential. They are only limited by human ability.
When the AI was playing Terran it basically broke the game because it was microing each individual Marine and making all counters redundant.
Zerg are by far the most limited, if you try anything unique, creative or interesting you are instantly punished by a counter-push. The only thing Zerg can do is react to what their opponent is doing.
Remember that shitty gom player
And banjo
Tears in the rain.
I can't believe incholesterol is fucking dead bros
Behold, the GOM TV player experience
>GOMTV Player
Now that's a shitty experience I haven't remembered in a long time
god damn that muta micro was sick
the best player in the world today, Flash, is terran.
nah, this is zvt in a nutshell
Is there even a single video game character that can stop Maru's drop play?
>Drops? Leave them to me.
pssh, nothin' personell
I don't like watching starcraft 2. it's souless. I watch ASL instead.
>zerg dominating for ages
>literally everyone behind maru
>game 7 bo7
This is it terranbros.....
boomers watch bw instead of that shit
imaging choosing the username "Dark"