Why havent you bought a VR headset yet Yas Forums?
Give me one good reason
Why havent you bought a VR headset yet Yas Forums?
Give me one good reason
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I hate video games
I'm not a tranny.
>Eye sight
Inb4 normalfag plebbit quarantinefags kvetch like the ADL because they're too stupid to understand EMF.
Yes you are
It's got no games that I care abou
I don't have a gaming PC that could run it.
would be worthless for me since i wear glasses and see mostly on my left eye
I haven't even built a pc yet, chill the fuck out.
also half-life still doesnt appeal to me personally.
They're either out of stock or marked up an extra $250.
Because the Quest is always sold out and has been for months, along with most of the rest besides the overpriced Index. Where and when the fuck can I get one?
No good games for it yet. Played Bonework at a friend's place and he swore it was the best thing ever, was mediocre at best. Didn't try Alyx yet but from what I've seen it doesn't warrant a purchase. I'll prolly buy one once it hits mainstream and there's lots of good games for it.
If you can spend 300 bucks on a new console or budget video card, why not spend the money on that instead? Both of them give you much more options for the same price. Should I spend more money just because the option is available?
I'll buy vr when it's full dive.
Is Half Life: Alyx good with the Vive wands? Boneworks was clearly designed with the knuckles in mind and it shows, I'm wondering if I should just wait to get knuckles to play HL: A
not interested, get fucked
Vive are the worst VR controllers because of the trackpad shit. Oculus and Index controllers are better because they have sticks, finger positioning, and more buttons. It will do the job but you won't have the best experience.
I don't play the type of games that would benefit from VR.
>despite all genres being represented
fucking kek
>Give me one good reason
it causes eye strain more than my monitor does
Because vr is dead, why should I buy a Kinect ? Well that's dead too
No games for me on it.
>spelunky/stone shard-like games
>Dragon's Dogma
>Star Sector
I pity you idiots who think a fucking vr HALF LIFE game caters to everyone. You're peak consoomer.
>why haven't you bought VR
I don't have money, and I'd have to see what are some MUST HAVE vr games besides Alyx
Why is Alyx a "must have"?
Why would I starve myself for months just so I can afford something I probably won't even end up liking? It's not worth it just so I can play one game whose main draw for me was never even the gameplay.
I have bought two, three VR headsets in fact if you count the back-up Vive and I'll give you a good reason why I'm not using them much.
>no gaems
>shitty multiplayer games coded by retards throwing assets at their project to see what sticks
Do you guys think Valve will do HL3 in VR?
I genuinely believe it should be but I'm worried they won't.
I'm almost expecting them to never make a HL3.
That being said, if they go all out in comfort options like in HL:A, then I would prefer a flat game desu.
I dont know any decent cheap ones that arent the facebook machine
Not interested in any of the games.
May get it eventually if ever I really feel the desire for it but otherwise nah.
Alyx already is pretty flat
Because I have a friend I can borrow one from at any time.
I have a 970 and Alyx runs smooth on high settings on HTC Vive
they should make her butt bigger if she's niggified now.
I'm having fun but the only other headset I tried was a Quest for about an hour so I don't know shit
She always was an ugly mutt
I don't have a gaming PC period. I have a ThinkPad T430.
I have bad eyesight
When is the new gen of headsets coming out? Stopped following the news after I got my odyssey two years ago.
oh. you should get one, it's pretty great
I dont have a pc
I'm saving money for a headset. Unlike Slavic untermensch I don't whine about it, I just get on with it and don't develop mental gymnastics as to why VR somehow sucks because I don't have one.
she was ugly hapa mutt, now she's ugly negro mutt
I live out of an RV, I can easily touch both walls to either side of me without fully extending my arms. I'd like vr, but I just don't have the room for it.
What are you doing on a video game forum then?
Oh I know, I'm just bad with money and my brain views a gaming PC as a worryingly expensive investment despite spending probably £100+ a year on games. I would like to play VR games though.
She looked like Jade from Beyond Good and Evil originally, but now she's uglier.
I have consoles
This. The only redeeming quality negro females have is a big butt.
>buy VR headset
>get bundled in with retards that make images like these
I love VR but I hate you
moss is fucking garbage
PC is the biggest gaming platform with the biggest library. All other systems are made for stupid people.
Because I don't give a shit about half life since I'm not a pckek.
And even on console only a few games look interesting but no more than 5 so it's not worth it to shell out so much cash for what is essentially just a stupid gimmick 9/10 times.
>PC is the biggest gaming platform with the biggest library for third world peasants. All other systems are made for first worlders.
Fixed for you
I wanted to buy a Rift S, but it's sold out literally everywhere - so I'll wait. I'm not going to buy those shitty 700+ ebay ones.
Why do all consoles die and PC keeps living? I've seen almost countless of systems die while PC keeps living. Explain this. What's the point in wasting money on a useless children's toy box?
Not enough games that interest me because I'm more RPG/strategy guy, and I prefer sitting at the desk in comfy chair, or laying on a sofa with a handheld, over VR waglan experience. I'm also ESL that doesn't like to talk much so VR social experience would be severely limited too. Literally no point in me buying one.
PC gaming is all about console scraps buddy. And said scraps are often botched ports as well. I like to dream too but PC will always be subpar to consoles due to it's very nature. If devs make a pc only game they have to dumb it down considerably since they have to account for all the thirdworld monkeys with their garbage rigs shitting up the "specs pool" so to speak. Not that it would matter much since most pc games worth anything can run on toasters anyway.
Consoles aren't going anywhere.
Maybe if you posted a picture that hasn't been saved onto 300 computers and uploaded on iFunny 50 times to be so compressed and impossible to read I would have taken your post a little bit more seriously, faggot!
Try playing some old dos game or shit and see if your high end rig can run it. PC can die and it dies all the time when new architecture and the like is introduced.
>only few games can support knuckles controllers
>there is still no cheaper options rather than Valve ones
It's like VR doesn't even tries to be good. I do understand there is no real need in leg tracking, but for fuck sake, they should have improve hand tracking for all systems
Fuck whole controller design
>DK1 and DK2 used Xbox One controller
>further it's evolved to a nintendo switch-like controllers
>not even tried to track fingers until Valve did it themselves
But yeah, it's more important to make exclusive options both to Facebook and Vive.
>Try playing some old dos game or shit
Name one that's unplayable.
i will wait for a good VR RPG
I have it, would never pay so much for beat saber only console, but my girl has free cash and likes to waste it so she got it purely to play vr chat for 30 min.
It suck really, but at least I can pirate half life alyx, it's meh game, ok proof of concept and stepback compared to previous titles, but it's also like the only "game" on this shit so ofc I'm gonna at least steal it to play a bit.
Nonsense you gamepad-brainwashed industry destroyer. All games are the definite versions on PC. They would be even better on PC if a console version didn't exist. The only reason games don't have higher standards is because arrogant stupid pieces of shit like you keep supporting a closed instantly-obsolete pre-schooler's entertainment toy.
See user, the games may be good or be bad, I don't give a shit, because there are much better indie games waiting to be played and they don't cost anything, since I can just pirate them.
No idea which headset I would want to commit to. Redpill me on best choice for VR if such a thing exists.