Half Life: Alyx

Bros, why does Alyx love "exploring" big alien stuff by fondling and sucking it off so much?

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Why does she enjoy thick and slimy alien things?

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The xen flora was so interesting. The guy completely overgrown in the hotel was very cool.
So many things i want to stick my dick in

She's just in that curious phase

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Some paypig should commission her with Xen flora. Make it happen.

>The guy completely overgrown in the hotel was very cool.
Did you find the Xen Dildo chair?

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She looks like she fucks vortigaunts

Alien sections were comfy.

you guys did put on a face mask right?

Face mask? What face mask?

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Are you saying you wouldn't fuck a Vortigaunt?

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>thick and slimy alien things

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>So many things i want to stick my dick in
What the fuck is this even?

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how come shadman is not on it?

you guys did find it, right?

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What's that?

Death Stranding easter egg

Attached: alyxwave.webm (1912x1056, 2.86M)

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Can you only do that with Inderx controllers?

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No idea

Attached: alyxdrone.webm (1902x1040, 2.92M)

You can squeeze your hands with the Index Controller to crush cans (or other things). I think they bound it to some key for the Oculus ones.

I'd assume anything with fingertracking

Are we really ignoring the fact that this nigga is sending pictures of him sucking off the wall penis's ?

I blew it away with a shotgun almost immediately.

Don't pretend you wouldn't

first day huh?

>le epic funny joke xD
please kys

Like you wouldn't stroke that walldick up and down

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damn this tranny needs to dilate

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this faggot scared me so much

More like alien grunts.

quality thread


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All these implications that Alyx just went to Xen and seeing that her first instinct upon seeing phallic alien organisms is to stroke them and suck on them is hot desu

lucky her

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>dont go to Yas Forums is over half a year
>make my return to talk about HL:A since I have no one else to talk about it
>see this

yeah, i'll go back to r*ddit

Is it possible to achieve Gordon Freeman mode in real life? Like, obviously you have to talk sometimes but could you just be really excellent at what you do and hardly ever talk and gain respect from your peers still?

Did you know in Half Life 2 Alyx had a large dildo on her bed?

Cinematic Mod is shit

Its over rated. Mostly just listen to dumb people talk

>Modelled cervix

Stay there forever next time

the only joke I could make from the intro

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Popped this motherfucker a couple times by instinct. That was unexpected.



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