Game starts with a quote

>game starts with a quote

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>Grown man who watches Chinese cartoons

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a world without shitposting

I want to fuck her face.

>quote had nothing to do with game

I hate niggers

>The delightful and ever-novel pleasure of a useless occupation

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megumin should have massive TnA

>MMA/boxing game
>Nietzsche quotes during the loading screen

That was also the first thing that came to my mind

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Start making sense, you rotten book, or you're gonna be sorry!

I literally want Kaine to choke the life out of me while yelling at me. Please, Laura Bailey, kill off your critical role character and make anew one that acts and sounds like Kaine.

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>redditor posts on Yas Forums


That's what Yun-Yun is for.


>grown man who browses Chinese cartoon forums while chastising people for watching Chinese cartoons

What the fuck does this even mean? Fuck you Levine!!!

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I don't understand that phrase. Is it calling my vidya gaems a useless occupation ?

>Game start with a quote
>Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you

"If there is truly evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of man."

t. Edward D. Morrison


yun yun is trash

Do the newer call of duty games still show quotes when you die?

Look at his picture.You can do it, user.

>thread starts with a fetish art

If there is truly evil in this world, It lurks in the heart of niggers.

>grown man who watches Chinese cartoons thinks all of a taiwanese basket weaving bulletin board is his safe space

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"The year is 2053. Basketball is dead."

That just reminded me of eternal darkness.

>Please, Laura Bailey, kill off your critical role character and make anew one that acts and sounds like Kaine.
I didn't know how much I wanted this.

>not posting the full original


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>War is hell

Came for this.

>it's the kind of quote some vapid white thot would post under a selfie she took while vacationing

>Chinese cartoon forum
Oh you must mean Yas Forums. It's an easy mistake to make newfag.

>he doesn't know the greatest prophet of stuffed bellies, the based kipsu
Stuff yourself, it feels good.

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Yas Forums is on 4channel retard.

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tell me about Megumeme
why does she wear the choker

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>Live like a windrammer, as you fuck

is this vore

because she is mentally ill

... and now I imagine the posters in this thread are cute girls that are going to become quarantine fatties, thanks user, I hope your plush gut is as huge as I imagine it

that's some serious denial, user.

I've been having these thoughts thoughts lately. Like, is any of this for real or not?

Wait wait wait. How is posting anime on an anime image board wanting a safe space? Explain.

>game starts with a quote from your real life hero

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>Entire game is a half elf possessing people and making them more evil than they otherwise would be

>he honestly thought he was talking to thin girls

It's possible to trick people into creating false memories by giving them misinformation about an event in their lives.

>tfw the Japanese version doesn't have this.

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I want to bury my face in Aqua's fat gut. Fuck Megumeme

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.

Paging dr. Based

>cries whenever people disprove of weebshit
>claims all of Yas Forums is for weebshit
Go back to Yas Forums dumb weeb.

a world without wojack

Kaine and 9S are the sole reasons I play dubbed, I'd feel bad if they weren't phenomenal.

First of all you mean disapprove. Second of all, it's not "disapproving" it's outright sperging. It's not that it's all for weebshit, it's just that this is an anime image board and getting triggered by anime is just an exercise in futility. It's like people who are too fragile to handle the occasional slur that gets posted here. You're like that except instead of getting triggered by "nigger" you get triggered by cartoon characters.

Conan the Barbarian started with a dumb quote from Nietzsche and it's dope as fuck.

>trigger weeb loser ranting like xer's opinion is valid

I accept your concession.

>game starts with a bloat

No unfortunately

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>Artist hates drawing it but makes a ton of dosh off it

I pity these people