One Step From Eden

How's your runs going bros?

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I was really excited to play it but ended up losing interested in like an hour.

Good until you distracted me.


This game's art is such a mess.

I'm actually dogshit

How's the game lads? I remember enjoying BN and starforce a long time ago and the game looks kinda similar to BN so it seems up my alley. Worth the price with a 20% discount from humble?

is it as good as Megaman Battle Network?

nothing ever will be

The combat is MUCH faster than BN.
Pros to me are the fact that being able to cull the RNG and the amount of times you get cards means you can curate a build relatively consistently which is nice. Doesnt feel like Slay the Spire where you kinda have to roll with what you get. Theres a lot of playstyles involved and each character has multiple unlockable setups. Cons are probably the simplicity of the patterns once you run it a couple dozen times and theres some clarity issues that can make dodging hard.

If you want to play something somewhat hard that has good playstyle variety but an overall same-y gameplay, it's pretty good.

I haven't made it to the last stage yet.
The girl that does music and DDR patterns destroyed me on the 6th stage.

It's not very noticable but during her later difficulty beam waves she targets your panel with an attack. I just move in up and down until the wave gets to my panel so it doesnt hit me

Yeah, I noticed that way too late into the fight.

Is this game worth? I really loved Slay the Spire

Do you like grids and action?

this has a deck building aspect, but it is very much not a card game

>*a typical card game

don't expectthe play to be anything like StS, but it blatantly borrows many StS elements. I'd say yes, I also love Spire and enjoy this a lot.

>>*a typical card game
fuck thats what I meant


yay I made it

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The sprites of the alternate outfits are so well done it baffles me how they arent the default for each character. Its like they want the game to not sell very much

What are the pros of killing bosses?

Diagonal attacks are super annoying
Bouncing diagonal attacks are the worst

you get a relic and money. Basically kill them always unless you need health

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This game is so fast for my poor wizard refelexes. I need more practice.

Made it to the boss one time as shield lady. Got it down to about 6k health until it overwhelmed me. Any tips before I face it again?

Final boss only had like 4K for me, did I miss something or is the girl not the real final boss?

The game is too fast imo. Battlenetwork's combat was slower and thus gave you a chance to actually read tells and react to shit. not to mention you could actually stagger and counter hit bosses.

This game has none of that and the screen is way more busy with shit blasting everywhere.

The giant fortress is the final boss. It had many times that health, although I forget exactly how much. I wanna say it was 16k, 20k, or 26k.

Oh alright, for me the run ended when I beat and spared the first encounter of stage 7

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I think I killed about half of them, so I guess there are different endings.

I really like this girl but thats about it

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I just had an amazing run. I was doing so much damage that shit wouldn't last very long and it felt so good. Until I got to the gun boss and he just fucked me up super fast.
I don't know if I'll ever beat this fucking game.

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I had the gun boss as my last boss, I think he might be one of the easiest for me in the late game.
DDR girl and the one that breaks tiles and throw spinners/diagonal shit at you might be the two worst.

From what I've heard and read
It's like undertale where you get a different ending if you spare every boss/ kill every boss shoppkeeper included, or a neutral mixed

I don't mind ddr at all, she feels easy to me, maybe she's harder in the later levels but yeah fuck that priest bitch. Speaking of I unlocked her after my run ended. She feels really weird, I don't like any of her starting spells but her weapon seems great. I wonder if I can build a run around just using that.

You can kill the shopkeeper? What's the benefit of that?

I really like it so far but I feel like the visuals are way too busy, especially later on. Also I hate diagonals and feel like an absolute brainlet trying to dodge them.

>Also I hate diagonals and feel like an absolute brainlet trying to dodge them.
I feel you, they're the worst.

Does the world you pick influence the cards you get?

What kinda works for me is Saffron's chronomancer deck. Her ability to slow time is really fucking strong and great to start out with because it gives you a better chance to actually learn the enemy patterns.

I have no clue. I honestly don't even know what flow, trinity and whatever actually do.

I don't think so, but you can set your focus at the top of your deck list. It'll add more weight to the type of cards you choose.

From what I understand, Flow is a status that empowers some specific spells and Trinity stacks up as you cast spells that grants it and some spells have a special effect when they're cast while you have 3 trinities stacked up.

How does she slow time?

That's basically what I thought.
She get's rid of her weapon for a slow time button. It costs 1 mana but she can basically spam it.

I had a minnie gun card with splash damage on hit in a trinity build, it would just destroy every room.

Those are just special resources added to your spells.
Flow is basically a combo meter that gets used whenever you cast a spell. It doesn't matter if that spell has an actual flow effect or not, so try to build around that. It's basically useless when you can't play multiple flow cards after another.
Trinity is similar in that it gives you a bonus effect for specific spells when you hit 3 stacks but isn't as combo reliant as flow.
I'm still new to the game so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

so what is this game? Megaman battle network mixed with random deckbuilding a-la Slay the Spire or Dominion the cards game?

This is why I refunded it. Too much going on at once, left me just spamming spells randomly while focusing on dodging.

Basically but it's F A S T

The dev is already looking into it since a lot of people seem to complain about the game being too fast. Probably some kind of toggle to change the game speed or something like that.

Unlock her as a character

I don't even have a problem with how fast it is. I just wish the fucking menus wasn't on the left. My brain doesn't want to look at the spells on her head and I keep looking t other bottom left.

I think it's that BN games usually build up the speed over the course of the game. It starts up really slow and by the endgame when you are doing optional superbosses it's really fast.

I'm honestly considering buying the game just for her skin.

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>15 hours in
>havent gotten past the 6th area yet
Is there any hope for me?
Also how do character unlocks work? Im still missing gunner reva and terra, and the only alt spec ive unlocked is chrono saffron

Is it normal to feel overwhelmed?
I have no idea which spells or archtypes are actually useful and you get them randomly to boot.
Bosses and random encounters ramp up to the point where I barely have any idea as to what's going on and I either have to focus on my area in order to dodge shit, or on the opponent's area in order to actually hit with anything but the peashooter.

According to the devs twitter, killing a bunny during camp rooms adds 1 luck to the run

Pretty much. I'm like 5 hours in and I don't feel as overwhelmed but in the later levels I do.
Just try your best
Seriously? I've been letting that little fucker live thinking something bad would happen.

Yeah, the earlier stages are fairly gentle, but then you get the later stages with enemies that just vomit half a dozen attacks on your side of the field every other second and I start facetanking things, which is shit because healing is sorta scarce from what I've seen.