Post characters you cannot accept anyone likes

Post characters you cannot accept anyone likes.

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surely you selected the wrong image by accident right?

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Dogshit character, only real waifu is Yukari, but I'd let her shit on my chest without a second thought

people only care about mitsuru because she’s hot. you’d flip shit if a blander looking character made you do summer school.

Imagine the smell inside those boots

Yukari antagonizes a bunch of dangerous thugs but hides behind Junpei the second they start getting violent. She also slaps the MC for literally no reason just because she was embarrassed, a childish reaction. Much worse than summer school.

I thought Misturu was cool and competent, but thought Yukari was the hot one.

i don’t understand how saying yukari is worse than mitsuru makes mitsuru okay.

Acceptable. I was worried you were one of those dumb niggers who likes Yukari while calling Mitsuru "bitchy." They exist.

>Yukari antagonizes a bunch of dangerous thugs but hides behind Junpei
Junpei looks like he fucks kids, and probably does. BASED Yukari probably did this as a way to get rid of him.
>She also slaps the MC for literally no reason just because she was embarrassed
>Yukari is a Japanese Anime girl
I agree it's stupid, but this is a cliche at this point
>Much worse than summer school
I'd rather be slapped once then go to Summer School

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>dumb niggers who likes Yukari while calling Mitsuru "bitchy."
Yukari is the only acceptable waifu in 3's main cast though. Unless.. Tell me you're not a Aegisnigger.... right user?

And yet Fuuka and Mitsuru don't slap you. Hmmm....maybe Yukari's just a fucking cunt even among other cunts.

I can accept people have shit taste

Aigis is the best written female character in 3 so obviously I am. Junpei's obviously best male but you can't date him even in the FeMC route so...

Imagine not picking Aigis as your favourite P3 girl.

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>there are people out there who don't like Mitsuru

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Yas Forums doesn't like characters who hold them to actual standards. See the seething over Kreia.

>best written female character
>Female character
She's a toaster user. She's a fleshlight with "feelings"
>Junpei's obviously best male
He looks like he fucks kids also he isn't Shinjiro so go fuck off
>you can't date him even in the FeMC route so...
You're not a 9 year old little boy so no shit he's not interested.


only thing i hate about mitsuru is she wouldn't cast anything but marin karin

You're going in too hard. If you want people to actually fall for your bait, you have to ease them into it a little. Try to avoid saying things that obviously aren't true as it's a dead giveaway.

>See the seething over Kreia.
I thought that wass just a bunch of shitposters who ruin every Obsidian related thread.

>will only talk to you if you’re a literal genius
>don’t understand what burger wrappers are
yeah, “standards”

>anti-robot poster is a projecting pedo
not surprising.

I might be acting over the top cuz it's funny, but everything I said reflects my true opinion.
Aigis is a great written character but doesn't have a pussy. She is a robot. Great character, sure, but not good waifu. And Junpei, from day one, has made me uncomfortable because he looks like a fucking child molester.


She knows what they are, she's just never seen one. I doubt you immediately knew what Elizabeth was talking about when she asked you to get a triangluar sword for her but you immediately understood when Mitsuru explained it
>inb4 no I totally really knew what it was honest!

You can make terrible low quality posts and still wholeheartedly believe everything you type.

>triangluar sword
Haven't even played P3, what the fuck is a triangular sword?

>Haven't even played P3
And there it is. Mitsuru confirmed best girl to people who actually played the game.

Anyway, at one point your quest giver and Persona fusion assistant person Elizabeth gives you a quest to find her a "triangular sword." Obviously you and the MC have no idea what the fuck she's talking about so you go ask Mitsuru who's clearly the most knowledgeable member of the party. She explains that a fencing epee is also known as a triangular sword since the cross section of the blade resembles a triangle and lends one to you.

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I too played through the game and the PSP version, but Hamuko is best girl, user.

i don’t see how her recognizing something because she’s a swordsman makes her smart. that’s just what she’s good at.

Blessed Opinion

Exactly. Knowledge=/=intelligence. The ability to make connections based on existing knowledge is intelligence. Therefore not knowing what a hamburger wrapper is does not indicate low intelligence just like not knowing what an epee is does not equal intelligence.


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As far as I remember you literally just go to her because she's the smartest and it happens to work out

i don't have any rise pictures and i'm not going to go save one

You seem to lack self awareness. It's called a "Burger Wrapper". If she were intelligent, she could deduce through context clues what that is. She obviously knows what a burger is, and thus a burger wrapper would be a wrapper for said burger, but the entire confusion about Triangular swords comes from the fact swords can't or at least aren't usually triangular in nature. Her not knowing what a burger wrapper is makes her a smooth brain, them not knowing what a triangular sword is makes them normal fucking people because how can a sword be a triangle.

she's best girl, Makoto tried and failed to replicate her status as best girl

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It happens to work out because she and Junpei are the only sword users in your party and Junpei clearly has no experience with swords since he just swings it around haphazardly.

>It's called a burger wrapper
I've never seen a burger wrapper with that on the label. Certainly not the models in game. She looks at the paper surrounding the burger and wonders what it is and what it's for and quickly understands once it's explained.

Also I don't remember the scene where she doesn't know what a burger wrapper is? Are you just making it up? Could you fetch it for me?

>Also I don't remember the scene where she doesn't know what a burger wrapper is? Are you just making it up? Could you fetch it for me?
Oh I have no real dog in this fight, I haven't even played P3, just the idea of "She's not dumb because she doesn't know what a burger wrapper is just like they aren't dumb because they don't know what a triangular sword is" is such a spooky sentence. You don't need intimate knowledge of a subject to deduce what a burger wrapper is. Though in her defense, if she just encountered a random ass piece of wrapping paper and couldn't immediately deduce it was specifically for a burger, I don't blame her. It could be for tons of food.

Did she really become a lesbo with Yukari at the end? Gross.


her arena design is literally perfect

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OP here. I fuckin love to watch mitsurufags squirm as they try to defend their mommy. Boy has this thread delivered.
no theyre all good except mitsuru.

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Okay because as far as I remember, that never happens in game. The closest thing I can think of is when she and the protag go to a noodle shop and she doesn't know what the proper etiquette is.

>literally perfect
>still wearing clothes

Based anti-Mitsurufag making terrible threads just to stir shit.

Yeah no idea homie. I'm curious now too though, I wanna see her try and figure out trash on the ground.

I want her to step on me

finally, someone says it. Mitsuru's not the worst character in P3 but she's easily the most overrated.

skintight latex bodysuit > naked

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I want you to step on me user. Call me a slut and step on my testicles with the end of a stiletto heel.

>insulting Da Man to prop up your shitty waifu
I pity you.

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>I wanna see it without really seeing it
Until I can see the pink of her Japanese schoolgirl pussy, it ain't enough.

thank you my man.

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>Literally worst Best Friend in any Persona game
>Da Man
I'm LMAO'ing at ur lyfe

there's usually a crotch zipper

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I don't see her spread eagle showing me her chocolate starfish and pink flowerbud user. Not. Good. Enough.

Mitsuru is helpful as far as location and plot is concerned. Her charm skill is shit though. I also really like rapiers and her Persona. The only p3 character I didn’t like was da man junpei because he always blames you for his problems.
Also Jinn was the coolest character with the best death

okay mitsurufags I hope we have found a common enemy.
If you dont like junei something is very, very wrong.

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I don't see there being any appeal in her. Boring as fuck and kind of a bitch. Even the chink girl you recruited in Awakening was more interesting, as she was into painting and was had pleasant dialogue.

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anyone from FE fates

she'd just make you work harder for it

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Awakening and onward have all been trash with trash characters

>sexist who shits on best girl and then fucks off from the main cast to simp for the enemy team's girl.
at least he's not as bad as Ken.

She's a woman. Take away her sword and her dumb blank gun and I'd take what I want and she couldn't stop me.

maybe, but with those in hand she's calling the shots

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if it wasn't for Lucina's marth disguise design I would have never played any fire emblem game. also Fire Emblem would be dead if Awakening didn't sell, and she is the face of its marketing.
That being said, her personality is extremely subdued.


>he has a life outside sucking protag's dick every minute
>worst best friend

>With a literal weapon and an object that let's her summon her fucking Stand, she could totally beat you
No shit
