I just beat it and its honestly one of the best games I have ever played...

I just beat it and its honestly one of the best games I have ever played. Even though I didn't fully play through half life 2 and had a shittier headset. All the Yas Forumsedditors who shit on it are just mad they can't afford a vr headset.

Attached: alyx1.jpg (1920x1080, 403.37K)

>beat it
>Even though I didn't fully play through half life 2
for what purpose

gameplay you faggot. Also since it was a prequel I figured I didnt need to play half life 2. Already played half life 1 though so I thought it was enough.

>>Even though I didn't fully play through half life 2
>cant be assed to play any of the regular releases of the series
>played the $1000+ release with mega gimmick VR

youll invest 1000 dollars but not some of your time and effort?

oh wait this is bait anyways

will this max out my HP reverb?

To be a filthy secondary who will shit up all future HL threads. Bet the faggot hasn't even installed HL1 let alone played it.

He claims to have played HL1 but theres about a 100% chance hes lying because he had to at least claim one, and HL is old enough most people probably wouldnt question him on it, and its not quite as story rich if he did have to google answers.

He thinks hes slick. OP, you'd be better off just straight off admitting you only played this because its literally the only marquee VR release yet.

ways to raise it from a 6.5 to a 10
>silence the protagonist, she's irritating and her quips are stupid
>add melee
>add long guns
>fire whoever wrote the quips
>add more combat
The tech was truly incredible even though I think VR is a meme. Really detailed world, great art design, and when there was actual challenging combat, very good. Too little challenge, way too many crappy quips, uninteresting protagonist, probably would have been better with Gordan Freeman desu, melee with a crowbar would have been pretty cool. Overall 6.5 generally, 8.5 for VR because it's the only AAA VR game that will ever be made.

How is the game if I can't smooth walk in VR? Still enjoyable?

I did play it you faggot.

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you can, you dumb fuck

It's okay. Slide is better than teleport if you can handle that.
He's asking if the game's still enjoyable without smooth walk because he gets sick with it turned on, double dumb fuck.

I'm baaack!
>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?

Common copes heard from HLA Shills in an attempt to defend their shit game (mostly regarding melee and ammo):
Not the point. The point that this game breaking soft-lock can happen regardless.
Yes, and those are shit. Just because a good game has bad things in it doesn’t mean a bad game should have it too. That and those softlocks were not tied to some braindead ammo management system that could easily be fix with adding melee.
It’s not but let’s pretend like it is. At least in good survival horror games you have a knife or something to defend yourself with. Have that in Alyx? Nope. Nothing. Out of ammo? Game’s locked.
Okay, let’s pretend like the soft-lock didn’t exist. Why NOT have melee? Why take a step back? Why not be able to smash a zombie to death with a brick? Why the less fun for no reason?
This is HLA shill propaganda and has not been proven.
You know what did as well? Moving in general. You got use to it. You will with jumping and sprinting because there are games out there now that let you do so.
Now that that’s out of the way, give me a good argument and not this coping bullshit.

Yup. One of those rare games where you can feel innovation happening right before your eyes. Last 3 hours is incredible, and wouldn't have worked anywhere near as well if it wasn't in VR.

Glad I got my Index, and I hope we get more like it with some more polish. I understand there are some shitty things in it, like the loading screens and such, but it's truly an incredible achievement. Anyone who gets to play it in VR will be blown away. People who get their opinion by watching YouTube gameplay videos will never understand and are honestly missing out.

>Yup. One of those rare games where you can feel innovation happening right before your eyes.
Literally 0 innovation in this game.
>Glad I got my Index
Ah, no wonder you think this game is so great. You are coping with your $1000 purchase circling the drain.
>but it's truly an incredible achievement
Literally nothing was achieved outside of a game simply being released.
>People who get their opinion by watching YouTube gameplay videos will never understand and are honestly missing out.
Ah ha! Caught you. Were you in one of the last threads I dominated? Come back for 2nds? Lmao, your language is somewhat familiar. Which one were you? Were you that soft-lock cope fag I shut down? Resorting to this shit again when you saw my play time? lmao

>shittier headset
WMRs went for $150 or less last year when they were giving them away with student laptops

For 1000 dollars it actually doesnt matter if its the best game ever made, it isnt worth the investment.


>17 hours
>never played HL2 but spent 17 hours on the worst version of the first game

well, you're either completely incompetent and utterly unfit to judge a game or something is sketchy here

>Literally 0 innovation in this game
>You are coping with your $1000 purchase circling the drain
Sorry you think that's a lot of money
>Literally nothing was achieved outside of a game simply being release
>Were you in one of the last threads I dominated? Come back for 2nds? Lmao, your language is somewhat familiar. Which one were you? Were you that soft-lock cope fag I shut down? Resorting to this shit again when you saw my play time? lmao
Sorry who the fuck are you? I don't spend my entire life posting on here, just came to share my experience of the game and see what other people thought of it unfiltered. Clearly you're not a fan -- sorry to hear that. I think you're missing out

Not everybody is 17 years old m8, do you know the price of a new 2020 car?

Holy shit. I didn't actually read the OP until now. Do you see this fucking shill language? What the fuck is this shit? This is literally paid shill lingo! ROFL! And the funnier part is that this fucking retarded faggot probably wasn't even paid! HE PAID TO SHILL FOR NEGATIVE INCOME! ROFL!!!!! AND ALL TO GET MY FUCKING ATTENTION!!!! HOLY SHIT I CAN'T WAIT TO ARCHIVE THIS ONE TOO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

Depends on your income and interests imo. The only reason I wouldn't spend money on something I wanted or was interested in is if it would take away from my ability to provide for my family and secure our future interests.

A $1000 purchase is nothing, especially since I rarely buy anything anyway

No, not okay. Don't tell lies.
>Sorry you think that's a lot of money
Not my money. Yours. And you wasted it all for a copefest lmao
No, not okay. Don't tell lies.
>Sorry who the fuck are you?
You know exactly who the fuck I am, faggot. Read the name and get use to it as you'll be moaning it as I ram your dumb ass.
>I don't spend my entire life posting on here, just came to share my experience of the game and see what other people thought of it unfiltered.
>Clearly you're not a fan -- sorry to hear that. I think you're missing out
I don't praise objectively shitty games. Sorry your handlers tricked you into doing so.

>Not everybody is 17 years old m8
Yeah exactly, some of us work for our money and don't blow it one retarded 1000 dollar gimmicks that will be obsolete inside then next 2 years. You're a rube if you actually compare the utility of a vehicle with a fucking VR headset. The only thing they have in common is that their value will only drop and make them a shit investment.

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Why not just hide the threads?
What headset do you have?

>Why not just hide the threads?
Read the fucking name and remember it well, shill. This is my duty. I will crush all of you faggots into the dirt one way or another.

I actually played a better VR game back in the mid 2000's. It was an arcade light gun game that tracked your actual bodies movement for dodging rounds.

Yeah I agree with you. $1000 is a lot of money for a lot of people, and it has no utility value. It is 100% a luxury item and if you're not financially stable or not entirely interested in VR it's a bad purchase. It's for a niche crowd until it becomes cheaper, which I hope happens sooner rather than later

Yes sir

I love how VR shills like to pretend they pull down insane money. Literally all of you do it. You all have the mentality of people who die poor, even if you have disposable income now. "1000 purchase is nothing"

Alright. Bet. Its not some insane amount in what I make overall in a month, a year, but its way more than anybody should spend on a gimmick with 1 major release under its belt. Just because you can purchase something, doesnt mean you can afford it. And you dont have a family or interests you fat fuck shut the hell up. You jerk to child cartoons.

What's different in the source version?

No, not ok. Lying is never okay. Apologize for lying.
Good boy. Know your place and look up to papa.

>It is 100% a luxury item and if you're not financially stable

Post your bank statement bro. Whats your take home and what do you have going out?

It's a fucking coping mechanism. I just ignore it and play it off when I see it, and boy howdy do I see it.
And this is coming from a fucking VR shill lmao

>boy howdy
holy mother of based

Amazing game, genuinely feel bad for poor and stupid people who won't get to experience it.

They ported the game to a different engine and broke it. Physics, graphics, scripting. Not my words but itll do in a pinch:

Half-Life: Source is objectively inferior in virtually all regards to the original. Numerous bugs, glitches, and technical oversights mean aspects regarding the textures, models, animations, map lighting, physics, level scripting, AI, hit boxes, weapon performance, and much more are fundamentally broken in some manner. It's come to the point that critical bosses are no longer capable of performing damage. These issues have been reported to Valve years ago, and they are perfectly aware of them, but the problems will not be fixed as they long ago abandoned the title.

Often, people are lead to believe HL:S possesses better graphics because it's "remastered" and on a new engine. Again, this is demonstrably false.

In short, there are no pros to HL:S, only cons.

tell him to evolve so he doesnt get sick

Jesus Christ. Valve amazes me sometimes

Oh, did someone say good things about a video game? Better gaslight him and treat his gaming catalog like working credentials. Fuck, you people are stains. Go on a diet.

The IDEA of VR wasn't even my main issue here. It was that even if the game was good, it couldnt be good enough to justify a 1000 dollar purchase of VR equipment.


Im talking about video games you niggers. Alyx might be good but it has to be one thousand dollars good, because its the only game in town.

Address me directly, fucking coward fuck. You are a piece of shit trashboy. Lick my asshole clean after I shit all over your shill face.

I don't think he was speaking to you directly but fucking drag him King

Bro, he IS speaking to me directly. I've been dealing with these fucking scumbag piece of shit shills all fucking day. I can read them like a fucking book. I AM the HLA Shill slayer. I will not rest until everyone acknowledges HLA is an objectively bad game.

K just one account that isn't my 401k

Currently down a bit from the huge dip, but this is just my investing account. Personal bank account has more because we're looking to put a down payment on a house soon.

Attached: Portfolio.jpg (1129x209, 34.68K)

>Better gaslight him and treat his gaming catalog like working credentials.
Well he did start off saying he didn't play HL2, which is one of the most highly regarded video games in history so yeah he comes under question immediately.

and then of course he says all of Yas Forums is mad because they cant afford VR so he instigates people right off the bat so while i appreciate you came here to defend him, he might have brought this on himself.

Godspeed you fucking madman

Well you could pay for 1 and half VR headsets with that but Im not entirely convinced of your solvency

Bruh that cash is just used to invest into more stocks when I feel the market has stabilized. The value you should be looking at it the 24 grand in stocks.

Bro, here's fucking proof.
These faggots have been stealing my namefag because they think it is an undermine opposition or some shit. Here's the thing. Them doing this plays directly into my fucking master plan. Eventually the entirety of the HLA community on Yas Forums will be associated with either me (if I keep up my hard work) or faggots pretending to be me. With this, regardless of the outcome, I can raise awareness of how fucking shitty HLA really is. A trip would be a mistake because then people can just filter me. But without a trip? How much can be filtered? Whoa, that's a lot of filters, maybe I should check this shit out...?
It's my master plan, please don' tell anyone, ok?

>first hour is a walking simulator
>gunplay is average
>story is watching things you can't interact with happen around you
Good job VRfags you got me to try your latest tech demo.
I understand why people who have no better games think this is a good game but it is not and so I have refunded it.
Can't wait till people mod it for 2D and the vast majority figure out how actually shit it is.

Attached: death-stranding-new-header.jpg (1002x668, 44.1K)

This is the funniest shit I've seen on here in a while

Your stocks are going to continue to drop through the floor so the fact that you're banking on those is a concern. Id wait on the house.

And I'm fucking loving this shit too. These fucking morons play directly into my hands. It's feeding my God complex like you wouldn't believe.

? This is just my investing account. It's expected to fluctuate, but since a month ago it's down a bit. It'll go back up. And I'm not banking on them. Stock investments should be done with excess money, and this is excess money in my case.

And yeah, I agree to wait on the house, but not for the same reason you're implying. House prices are going to go down a lot because no one will be buying them in the short-term. Better to buy in a year from now when it's even more of a buyer's market than it is.

>HLA is an objectively bad game
art can't be objectively bad.

Don't feed him. He gets a dopamine rush every time someone responds to him

>more VRfag GIDF shilling
Half Life is objectively the worst FPS series.

It most certainly can be but I'm too fucking tired to get into this debate right now. Just look for me in the next HLA thread if you want me to run a train on this retarded statement tomorrow.
Good night.

Yeah I thought it was great.

He just wants you to think that, he's absolutely seething

>games R art
So the GIDF faggots are marxist useful idiots. Explains a lot.

Attached: c1609061ff02dfb435f2171722c315ba.jpg (400x400, 43.16K)

My master fucking plan... it's fucking working and I can even tell you fucking shill retards to your face and it wouldn't change a thing. You all play in my hands like a master crafted fucking guitar crafted by my own master fingers... It's fucking amazing... You will see the truth, my little instrument. You will eventually accept the truth.
Okay, bed time now. Goodnight, little tool.

>he's absolutely seething
he actually seems either high or legitimately insane.

I really don't know what his deal is. I don't remember seeing anyone like him before. An untamed amount of autism and willpower

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reminder that retards who've only played half life 2 are literal secondaries
half life will always be the best half life game

Another thread of brazilians and indians seething at vr

I liked Half Life and HLA but for the life of me can't get through HL2

There's a world where I am him. I'm autistic too, a big half-life fan. I wasn't into VR Motion Controllers either, because I hated the wii and thought it was like waggle.
I ended up getting a VR headset for cockpits, and got the motion controllers because why not, and realized how wrong I was
But maybe there's a universe where I didn't get the controllers, assumed they sucked, didn't get vr, assumed it sucked, and was seething I couldn't play the new half-life, with insanity to follow
I feel sorry for him. Sad. Very sad.

I don't care for City 17 compared to Black Mesa. I kinda wanna move on already.

Opposing Force was also lit.