Remember that game series you love, that will likely never get another entry even though you've been promised one? What's her name, Yas Forums?
Remember that game series you love, that will likely never get another entry even though you've been promised one...
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I read the books after that shitshow that was season 8 and was pleasantly surprised at how non-SJW it is compared to the show.
To me, the Exile's been busy trying to find Revan in the unknown regions.
Brothers in Arms. Well never fucking know what happened to Baker company
Chrono Trigger
2 years tops for Winds then 8 more years for A Dream
Fuck I was gonna say this. Fuck Randy and Gearbox for going insane and never finishing it.
Dragon's Dogma. I just want all the bullshit they had planned out, it looked so cool.
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew
fat fucking hack knows any ending he could write would get demolished by the spergs whose expectations are so high they believe Winds may as well be the New New Testament.
Prince of Persia.
Devil May Cr--Oh, Wait!
>Book is different from the movie/tv that was made without source material
Color me surprised.
>look mummy I posted it again, that paragraph with zero context
The context isn’t so much an issue as the writing. It’s a good example of just how vile and stupid the writing is. Getting dysentery isn’t the problem, but you don’t need to explain it like you’re the Dr Seuss of shit.
>every major plot point will be the same as the show
Who even cares anymore?
Mother 3 happened.
Shenmue 3 happened.
Mega Man Legends 3... well, that one got fucked over more than anything.
Lunar 3, though, simply never happened in any form. And no Dragon Song doesn't count.
You'll get a PoP vr game at least.
>he...he's still writing it!
>r...right guys?
>stannis is gonna win right?
Victoria 2. It's painful, really really painful. It might even be a blessing in disguise, considering the current state of Paradox Interactive.
The vileness of it is exactly why it's effective. Dysenteria fucks you up and is shitty.
I guess it wasn't technically a series, but it did promise a sequel that never happened.
Came here to post exactly this
I guess you could say her bowels became the world.
Its the stupid Dr Seuss writing structure thats the problem
George is a shitty writer, the more he writes the more its shit, the more its shit the more he writes
Get it?
What happened? Last game I played was Hell's Highway and the pistol was haunted . Don't remember what it was even about really, bretty fun though.
Yas Forums how would rewrite this?
Me taking a big whiff.
>Sunset found "her" squatting in the grass, groaning. Every game was shittier than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, "she" was playing Smash. The more "she" gamed the more it sucked, but the more it sucked, the more "she" gamed
Any game that ended with sequel bait but never got the sequel.
Threads of Fate
Legacy of Kain (no, not the reboot /non-canon trash)
Jazz Jackrabbit
Tactics Ogre
>Sunset found her bivouac in the arroyo groaning Every stool was looser than the one before and smelled more like niggers. The moon came up. Shitting nigger colored water. Drank. Shat. Her thirst grew.
>2 years tops for Winds
we've been saying that shit five years now and it never happens. his new year's post in 2015 broke me. stopped caring after that because he obviously doesn't give a shit.
ooops sorry, meant for
Day of Defeat
counter strike is making more money and it would be hard to monetize a WW2 shooter
>sequel bait
Such bullshit that radical entertainment went under and they never even made a spiritual successor.
Don't be a fucking mark, he makes a lot of money and that's all that matters in the business
Dragon Warrior Monsters
Dark Cloud
Tomb Raider if I can use that. They still make games but they're shit and they might as well just stop.
Melty Blood.
Don't give me that weird prequel crap
Gamecube had a thing with cool card-based RPG's
>Sunset found her filing by the grass, groaning.
>every tax was more progressive than before, and cost her more. By the time the moon was up, she was losing deductibles. The more she filed, the more she paid, but the more she paid the more she filed
As the sun touched the horizon, embraced like a lover long missed, she was squatting in the grass, moans of pain and shameful pleasure escaping her trembling lip. Thick, greasy turds stretched out her pink shithole to its limit, making her at once oddly proud of what her pooper could take and ashamed of thinking about it. Each stinky shit she pushed out smelled worse as her poor abused body ran out of fiber, making each her overworked quivering asshole push out so much closer to diarrhoea. As the moon came up timidly, splendid as a young virgin, sky-clad in the evening air, her worn, loose shitter was spewing brown sewage with no substance down her tired legs. Her efforts to drink to keep what little strength was in her ruined body were met with betrayal and more shit water running down her legs and pooling in the spaces between her pink little toes, and the resulting thirst reduced her to a desperate mess, kneeling and licking the dew off the grass with her ass up in the air, leaking ever more human waste down her milky thighs.
Maybe not a sequel, but another dark messiah game with a succumbs in my head
was he based?
Until season 5, brief glimpses of it in last season.
>cheating on his sister with a bulltranny
This. Every time Capcom makes something that’s not Dragon’s Dogma 2 I die a little inside
The bulk of them were written in the 90s and early 00s. Still, it did still have gay stuff like Renly and Loras, but he wasn't very explicit about it. He actually made Loras pretty noble and loyal, even after Renly died, where in the show, he's just a dumb butt slut after Renly croaked.
I would even settle for an HD remake.
Bloodborne. All the mechanics, the game ideas, the aesthetics, the setting... Never to be brought again. Never refined.
There is nobody at PI with a big enough brain to even attempt vicky 3, not to mention the issues with making a genocide simulator in the current year.
alt. Blood Meridian style
>And she squatted on the grass and she groaned and every stool was looser than the one that had come before it and smelled fouler. The moon came up and she was shitting brown water. And she drank more and she shat more and more and grew thirstier as she shat.
LOL Wtf?
Book Renly is also a manly, likeable guy, unlike show Renly who is a whiney faggot.
Shadows of the Damned. Why did they even tease a sequel if it was never happening?
Vagrant Story
>Joffrey: "She threw my sword into the river! My Lionthooth!!"
>Renly: *laughs so hard he has to leave the room*
Front mission
dino crisis
Not many people feel your pain user, but I do.
Much appreciated.
Yes and I will never forget.
Tactics Ogre.
Shining Force