The Elder Scrolls and General Mod Discussion

Was he based or cringe?

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fuck off redditor


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eww I read like 1% of it and gagged hard

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Based. Stands for what he believes in. Wish he had a his own quest much like some of the other divine priests did like kynareth, mara, dibella etc.

Extremely based. Everything he says is true.

>We live in an era where the acknowledgement of queer identities, the acceptance of racial oppression, and the prevalence of economic injustice are viewed as something dangerous to discuss. however, we in the leads team, the writing department, and all over this project, have come to the conclusion that ignoring potentially uncomfortable or "politically incorrect" subjects would do far more to cheapen the story, themes, and artistic direction of our province than it would be worth.
Holy fuck the virtue signalling in this wall of text is amazing.
>it's dangerous to discuss faggots, nigs, and poor people
I don't know how to contain this maximum kek

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>crates in Beyond Skyrim Morrowind will have gay propaganda written on them
these retards make bethesda look like saints by comparison

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original image hashes can be found on the usual Yas Forums archive when it goes back up

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What a fuckin time to be alive

Lynching's gotta come back in a big way

Its just a bunch of faggots in a Discord of all things.
The modding community is well beyond just them.

Argonians, are in fact, the best race.

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and dabbing on DUNGMER

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Not just based, but redpilled too

obsessed and delusional westcuck

thankfully not, it's just skyrim

With the Covid lockdown going on I replayed Morrowind with ALL the addons including Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Man, it was pretty epic.

No, bud. I wish you were right, but that mentality is overwhelmingly representative of the modding community. I used to do a bunch of script work on plenty of mods, mainly for Oblivion and fallout. I don't even bother anymore.

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>heh... TWITTER?? Pathetic

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This is all just so depressing to read.

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jesus christ discord users are truly subhumans. It's like deviantart and tumblr rolled into one aids-ridden package

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>assblasted anime mods deleted the animetranny pic
>kept the discord tranny pic up
based imbecile mods

Why are gays the way that they are?
Why can't they just like sucking dick and be normal aside from that?

>Why can't they just like sucking dick and be normal aside from that?
I think most of them are like that. It's just a few really loud and annoying ones that make them all look bad.

What I don't understand are the trans people who want to identify not as the gender they transition to, but specifically as "trans". Doesn't make sense to me.

he was dead with an arrow to the head

I'm playing Enderal right now. I almost feel like it has too many side quests. I keep getting a quest, going to its location, then finding someone there who has another quest, and so on. My journal's getting pretty damn full. At this rate, I'm going to be grossly overleveled when I go back to the main quest. I already have a ton of skill points I haven't spent because there hasn't been a need to yet.

I'm curious: Do you only get companions during the main quests, or is there a point where you can take them with you all the time?

Are most of the mods already available for the remaster? My PC got fucked up and I'm about to buy a new one, which means I'll have to either choose to buy the remaster or the original.

Someone should tell them about Soule and his 'inspiration'

The Empire should replace the divines with daedra worship.



You can't even start an Elder Scrolls thread without being a faggot.
What's wrong with you? Speak like an actual person.

Many mods have been ported over, and there's this tool that lets you port over mods yourself:

You have to run a mod's assets through the tool, then launch the plugin in the remaster's Creation Kit and save it.

Which is?
Dont leave me hanging

ok boomer

More faggot shit, I can't even tell if you are an actual person or just a bot, might as well be if all you do is respond to everything with memes.
What a faggot, not one single bit of thought in your posts.

Can anyone list mod based this masterpiece


its hurt, brah

I play Requiem and I kind of regret it.
First 30 levels were amazingly fun, but after that I've been becoming more and more OP. And that's with avoiding getting daedric artifacts since in Requiem they're as powerful as in Morrowind but the issue is in Skyrim they're handed out like candy, you pretty much have to go out of your way to NOT get them.
At level 50 I've got a shitload of quests left but the issue is there is no point in doing them because the only enemies providing any challange now are Dremora and some named bosses like Alduin, everything else dies in 1 hit , while they do almost zero damage to me in my Aetherium armor. It's boring as fuck, like I was playing TESO.

At this point I'd rather be playing Morrowind or Skyrim without Requiem but something like Perkus Maximus or whatever, but I put too many hours into this character, so I will just finish up on Dawnguard, Dragonborn then uninstall and probably never play Skyrim again since I explored most of the gameworld.

tldr; Requiem's only fun for the first 30-50 hours

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why are modders like that?
i thought they were cool guys, passionate about game, not bunch of faggots

pic semirelated

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Morrowind mod community is still based. Most lead developers of big projects, like Tamriel Rebuilt, are grognards that wouldn't allow faggotry like in the screenshots above take root.

Oh, that's great. Thanks, user.

The latest versions of Requiem are indeed too easy in many parts, many enemies were nerfed, the mod gives out more powerful weapons more liberally now and armor ratings for your character have been raised significantly.
But then again, it's still better than vanilla or other mods that simply don't have any real difficulty the whole way through the game.
You could always try older versions of the mod but it seems you no longer want to start over again, regardless of how different things are but then again, it's simply the problem of all Elder Scroll games once you get to high levels.

>At level 50 I've got a shitload of quests left but the issue is there is no point in doing them because the only enemies providing any challange now are Dremora and some named bosses like Alduin, everything else dies in 1 hit , while they do almost zero damage to me in my Aetherium armor. It's boring as fuck, like I was playing TESO.
This is exactly why I'm okay with level scaling.

So you are okay with enemies being no threat to you but requiring 30 hits to kill because they are just hp sponges?
Because that's all level scaling does.

That's what happens with *bad* level scaling. The concept is fine, it just has to be done properly.

And what games do it properly?
Because if common enemies remain a threat to you late in the game then why bother leveling up or creating a leveling system if you are exactly at the same state in relation to your enemies the whole entire game?
It might as well not be an rpg but an action game with special skills at that point, and Skyrim's shitty engine is not capable of that.

Elder Kings dev team are discord trannies

>bernie mod faggots
Well to be fair, one of the guys in those screencaps quit due to the tranny faggotry/injected politics

>Now, if you've suffered through reading this much text, I'll go on to say that you can hear in this music a sense of true love. Yet, the place of truest love is unattainable. Or is it? One thing is certain, I always infuse as much of my life experience as possible into my work. Who did I really think of when I wrote this...? Of course, it was my Immortal Beloved! Every composer has at least one.
With the context of the rape accusations, this gets a bit weird. I personally disbelieve them, but it's funny to have a chuckle about.

>bernie becoming president would negate those loans

oh, to be young again

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why is every elder scrolls lore thread amazing and every elder scrolls modding thread utter garbage? what fuels the conceptual divide?

>Hey, I don't like virtue signaling and find you forcing your political beliefs pretty damn fucking obnoxious man, I just want to play fucking video games
>Doubledown on it

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Heres a good picture of my waifu for coomers

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dorks posting coomer garbage in modding threads

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what's funny is that there's an entire japanese site that translates western memes and explains it to the japanese aka cuck, big guy, etc etc and that's exactly how they described communism on the page
>when you are younger you are more inclined to like communism but when you get older you prefer capitalism
or something along the lines of that

>getting an urge to mod again
>remember what I have to go through
the most autistic thing is when you need a compatibility patch for some mod and it's hidden in a discussion thread which is like 200 pages long and it's not mentioned on the mod page...
no I'm not reading 200 pages of this bullshit. I have 200 more mods to install and it will take 3 lifetimes to read every comment section

He was literally speaking truth


>spend hundreds of hours modding skyrim on another replaythrough
>give up playing after an hour or two and uninstall
yeah never again

i didnt give up but i had to restart 2 10-15h save files because of reasons

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Has anyone tried OpenMW on android?
Do I download the official or the Microwave version?

I hate how enderal lore feels, it is so odd to me how I react to it. The quest design and the mod itself are very good but the setting and lore is so much inferior to TES it makes me uninterested to play.

>that one user who posted screencaps of his giantess cancer mods
A few years back some user posted his rape/necrophilia slave companion screencaps that were funny at the time but I barely remember them at this point

Link to this site?

He is literally saying truth

One thing I've noticed is that whoever wrote it seems to have a serious axe to grind with religion. It's a little distracting.