Yet another comfy animal crossing thread

haha funne turtles

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Don't mock my turtle friends.

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Has your gf visited your village yet?

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Someone with shops open, OPEN THE FUCK UP

since the first campsite villager is always smug, who are you guys hoping to get?

>camp opens today
>no camper
>terraforming inevitably delayed at least a day now because of this
do they show up frequently at least timetravelers?

>tfw they turned April black

Do turtles not have tanks or something? They just sit there motionless? Creepy.

Anyone else hoping they add a dream suite in a future update? I love the towns in new leaf that tell a story like Aida and Hitokui. Just think how much better those would be with outdoor furniture

I'm gonna cum inside your gf while you watch and then take your pathetic boi pussy for myself, user.

wanted to tell everyone about my whale shark again! i love him!

look at my cute katt singing

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No because I don't have one

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Marshal or the new fuccboi cat.

reposting here

does anyone know if there's trophies that require insects like the fish ones? if so how many do i need?

I want Raymond.

wtf how do i get turtles

post maybell dodo codes I wanna shop

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Fucking autocorrect

My wife Kyle

hey guys, i just got isabelle and stuff and more options for redeeming nook miles points, just was wondering if the items all change out each day, like the fences do, or if they stay there for a while. do i have more time to get this stuff?

this fucking personality lock they have for the first 6 is so fucking dumb. I'm visiting other peoples places and so many have the same combos

Southern Islands for now.

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The mouse one

>he farms tarantulas
Seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Stop spreading lies. My campsite guy was Zucker and he's lazy.

So far they haven't changed at all, other than fences, after two days and buying most of the recipes

regardless, you're locked to jock, uchi, lazy, normal and peppy for the first 5. W.H.Y

>buy a bunch of mismatched shit from mable so I can customize it for a cute yellow raincoat with boots aesthetic
>can't customize
please tell me this changes otherwise that's fucking retarded.

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Praying for Raymond, Marshal, Julian, O'Hare, or Pietro.

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nah, just play the stalk market

anybody got the young bamboo chutes or whatever they're called?

full shop lets you buy all variations
stall does not

i just started and thanks to her i have all fruit already

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ah gotcha, thanks!

when do tarantulas switch to scorpians and vice versa

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This, was hosting before, had this come up, it's so fuckign annoying. Should just let you play and have them arrive in the background.

First two villagers on my island are biff and deidre. Give it to me straight anons.

>bushes from new leaf got cut
TERRIBLE. hopefully the leif update adds them back

Cutest thing when they do this. Drop a music player nearby and pick a song and they sing along to it

>Drop a music player nearby and pick a song and they sing along to it
oh shit

Same, it's my biggest wish for the game. Seeing the crazy shit people did in New Leaf like you mentioned makes me want to see the even crazier shit in New Horizons.

>didn't realize mashing through the crafting animation speeds right through it

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How do I get a villager to fuck off and what are the odds they get replaced?

>we have to rely on updates to get content that was already in the base game of the previous AC game

if i break a boulder... does it ever come back? so far, this boulder isn't coming back.

It's actually rained all day from morning to evening today. not sporadically. Have caught like 4 coelecanths.

Nice muslim foot bath.

it respawns somewhere else

1 boulder respawn a day, and it's in a random location.


>4th non native island ive ever gotten
i mean ive traded with other anons enough but whats with all these fucking PEARS

Need oranges.
I have pears, apples, and peaches to trade.

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What's worse there are literally bush models on the side of your house, so I don't know what the deal is.

you have two fruits: native, and 1 non native
you will only get pears
flowers work that way too

I think you're locked to two species of fruit and flower each. You have to visit other people to get the others. I've already got them all in these generals.

So when does the game's activities reset? At midnight, or around the time you played the previous day?

Ninty had to cut a shit ton of content because they could barely get the game to run at 720p. they're incompetent hacks even with their shit outdated hardware

>somebody quietly left

Oh shit is that how it works?
I'm glad I'm not insane, thanks anons.

This is important; is there a theremin item like there was in new leaf?

5 am

Anyone with cosmos or roses in their shops (and it's open) want to open their gates? I will bring you apples, apple furniture and 100k bells.

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is your shop also limited to flowers?

I've got roses, pansies, tulips, hyacinth, and wind flowers
will I ever see cosmos lillies or mums?