Anime/manga licensed game

>anime/manga licensed game
>it's a arena fighter
Why don't they try to deviate from this genre?

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Cause when they do they suck.

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tbf dragon ball lends itself very well to a arena fighter


because it's cheap and easy. the characters can be mostly copy/pasted and there doesn't need to be balance because arena fighters always suck, it's expected.

A better question would be, why does every arena fighter after BT3 suck?

>third-person magical shooting game

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Because Arena fighters, let fans play as their favorite characters in open a midly open area and run around and fight as them.

It was a third person magical shooting game?
I thought it was a Muso game?

It's what it said on the fandom wiki.

because they are cheap,retards will buy then, play them for 2 weeks and say the had fun.

name one 3d arena fighter that has ever stayed relevant after the initial new game novelty

BT3 doesn't really play like other arena fighters that aren't DBZ games using its style. Most arena fighters use the Ultimate Ninja Storm template.

KLK IF is okay, but not anything special besides its presentation. I watched the EVO Top 8 for it last year and it was a fun enough use of time. If you count them, Pokken and Gundam Vs are great games though.

Xenoverse 2


DBFZ and GBFVS are proof of concepts, I forsee we will get more real fighters.

Gundam Versus, Pokken, and NAruto Ultimate Storm 4 are all good.

>ever game has to be EVO bait.
I cringed.

I did too when I saw that UE4 fan project

Why does it have to be a fighter?

Xenoverse 2 PVP is trash mang.

Pokken is a weird one to pin because it kinda hybrids arena and pseudo 2D fighting.

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Fair point.

yeah, it's a 4v4 third person shooter. some modes have objectives like capture the flag and push the cart and zone control.

EVO side tournaments have had arena fighters before, but these Bandai Namco annualized shonen arena fighters aren't there. Kill La Kill had its Top 8 streamed last year, and Gundam Vs has been run at EVO's side events for years, not to mention Pokken being main stage for one year and taking 2nd in the fan poll in 2017 only losing to Marvel 3 getting one last year.

>name one 3d arena fighter that has ever stayed relevant after the initial new game novelty
Should have seen that coming.

It was more implying that arena fighters aren’t ever really big in the FGC and shitty ones like Jump Force wouldn’t ever get a comp scene in general that doesn’t die out in 2 months.

FighterZ just got a third season

Gundam VS series. That's probably the game they're all trying to follow up, really.

i want to release inside ryuuko chan

So it's more aping Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Strikers' "licensed anime squad-based multiplayer" thing then, but with more "gunplay".

Single player/raid really isn't an arena fighter at that point.

>anime/manga licensed game
>no dub

Why are the Japs such tightwads when it comes to dubbing? The only games that ever get dubs are DBZ games and thank god for that because Jap Goku is fucking horrendous

Left is very fun though

I want Ragyo to sit on my face while Nui sucks my balls.

from what i've gathered, if i asked an anime fan what the best licensed anime game they've ever played is, i feel like a vast majority would say the ultimate ninja storm games. despite being arena fighters, those games were fun and while not 100% faithful to the source material, the way they create those interactive cutscenes almost like asura's wrath is memorable as fuck. let me clarify though, i'm not trying to suck naruto's dick, i'm getting to the point.

if most people are familiar with and have fond memories of those games as arena fighters, it makes it an easier sell. i'll be honest, i fell for the jump force hype at first because of this exact reason. i saw it and went "oh hey that looks like ninja storm, that could be great." i think that's why we get so many arena fighters. that and to be honest, they seem pretty easy to produce. it's just stages, characters, and cutscenes.

as a bonus, i don't know if anyone remembers those naruto rasen chronicles games or whatever they were on the PS2, but those were pretty cool as well. same with the original ultimate ninja games before they went full arena fighter with storm. we definitely need more variety in the licensed anime genre.

I would rather have Bamco create a million bargain bin licensed Muso games than these fucking arena brawlers

Nice reading comprehension, king retard.

Because most of these games are shitty cashgrabs. Dragon Ball games are usually the only ones with an actual budget.

>Jump Force probably did well enough to warrant a sequel which will come out mid-2021
>It still won't have Kinnikuman, Bobobo, or Dr. Stone characters
>50/50 on if Denji is in
>We'll never get any sort of Jump Ultimate Stars followup with a more modern roster
The koma system in JUS is brilliant and it will never return.

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The best anime licensed game I’ve ever played is One Piece Unlimited Adventure

They're cheap and easy to shit out, that's why. People will buy it anyway because of the license so no reason to put effort into it.

Because Bameco have license on 90% of anime and Games that were decent or at least had different genre tend to be done by other companies.

It honestly feels like they’re going to have to shift soon. IF did okay at best but One punch came and fucking went already. People know before the game comes out that the online will be dead in a month and the only people that you would connect to afterwards are already meta’d out using really autistic combos.

I just want an OP game made by arc, fucking put it in the fighterz engine for all I care. Anything is better than burning blood...

Jump force has more DLC coming out tho.

do not want to spend money

Yugioh Fighting game when??

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Why don't you prove your point instead of slamming your keyboard?

Xenoverse is not an arena fighter outside of PVP. Prove that statement false.

dubs are negative value

The ultimate ninja storm games have the best campaigns of any of these arena fighters mentioned. I don’t give a fuck about naruto and I still found myself invested in the great ninja war in 3

Black Cloverwatch was kino. it just wasnt popular in he west.

Burning Blood is the game that turned me off to all Bamco fighters that even remotely look like arenashit. That thing was a broken mess, half the characters weren’t even viable and the other half ranged from ok to OP beyond imagination

Retarded post, no one is saying it has to be a 2D fighter. Could be a normal action game, an adventure game, RPG or anything. At this point literally anything else is better than these copy paste arena fighters Bamco keeps shitting out.

Personally it's Dragonball Advanced Adventure.
You're not wrong but if I want to see CyberConnect2 putting in the effort for a single-player experience I could just play Asura's Wrath.

>diamond fuckin jozu
>marine ford war over and over and over and over
>and over
>and over till aces death is annoying more than sad

>Kimetsu game coming.
>Arena fighter.

Bet your ass that mobage going be more interesting. And they still have the audacity of try bullshit everyone saying that it going be action game.

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Budokai Tenkaichi and the Naruto arena fighters had a solid track record of good sales and being decent games.
Worst anime arena fighter would have to go to Jojo Eyes of Heaven. Playable Diego(s), Stroheim, Speedwagon, Joshu and Weather Report can’t save that game.

What, do you think it magically becomes a kart racer just because one of the characters isn't controlled by a human? The mechanics are exactly the same.
They literally just came out with Kakerot.

I just think they pair nicely, a fucking solid campaign will make you good enough to feel confident to go online.

What was that MK ps2 game where you ran around the world and learned each characters movesets? That shit got me fucking good with Drunken Fist fat man

You have to pay more money for dubs and these games are shit out cheaply for an easy buck.

MK Shaolin Monks I think, unless there's some weird mode in a mainline MK I don't know about. Shaolin Monks is pretty much the only Mortal Kombat game I'd call good.

>Bamco have license for nearly entire anime catalog.

There is a damn reason of why Nintendo yanked away metroid development from them.

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>expecting anything more than empty half made UE4 fangame level bullshit like OP:Worldseeker

BT3 isn't even that good. It was just one of the first ones so it gets special privilege.

Not sure what's stopping them from deviating from fighters.
Theres probably this mentality that a heavy action manga/anime should equate to fighters.

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I think I gave up on the boring as fuck story mode when I hit a mission to fight Akainu with Ace. Even if you got him in a combo he took barely any damage and if he hit you at all it was almost guaranteed to drop you below 50% health. I tried cheesing it for almost an hour with no luck, realized I wasn’t having fun and never picked it back up

MK Deception’s Konquest mode
>bo rai cho, who’s a fucking disgrace

which Metroid were they developing?

Prime 4

Quick, post an anime or manga you want to get a vidya adaptation, or else Bamco will buy the license and make it an arena fighter.

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It was a mainline game and I believe it was a mode called “konquest” or something. You actually ran around a 3D world with a controllable camera and you could kick random people. I think the character in that mode actually stayed in the roster past that one too

It's easy to code and Storm popularized it.

Arena fighters allow for cheaply making large rosters, and shonen properties often have large casts of characters with different abilities that have some level of popularity. Getting in as many as possible as playable characters is good for marketing.

I’m not saying it doesn’t count. I’m saying Namco shat the bed hard enough and enough times with those games that they might as well not. They exist yes, but are they GOOD examples of an anime license done right? Fuck no

>a million bargain bin licensed Muso games than these fucking arena brawlers
What about a half-Musou half-Fighter?

This is the best anime game ever. Dragon World was kino af.

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You don’t want a repeat of Dobson’s favorite Metroid game?

Prime 4, some sources said that bamco just outsourced to some SEA shithole instead of doing themselves. Nintendo got pissed and and just told them to fuck off.

Considering that development got restarted and Retro is back it's pretty much plausible.


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I think people are starting to catch on that all these games play the same and that a big roster doesn’t mean shit if it’s not even remotely balanced. I’m sure there’s a lot of tasteless fags out there buying and playing it just because of muh license but all of these games are pretty much DOA once people actually get their hands on it and all hype dies in minutes

Those initial sales are all Bamco needs, especially if they can get out games from as many IPs as possible. Jump Force almost certainly made significant profit and is still selling DLC.


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Bamco isn't incentivized to make a good game, early sales numbers are enough.

They do though and there is a reason you never hear of them or if you had heard of them you know they were shit.

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This, you make the games obviously as cheap and rushed as possible and ride off IP and early sales. A low budget means you can’t sell under

it took me ages to realize the health bars were extended scouters, I always thought the thing on the side was a weird helmet

>we will never get a fighting game like those old Naruto ones for PS2
Those were so fun. My brother and I would fight each other for hours.

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I really like the voicework and OST, but it’s a shitty shitty game.

Which was initially created by the Street Fighter/Marvel people, amusingly enough.

>tfw no I am a hero game that's part survival and part dead rising
Could Japan even into openish world games?

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>made by Atari
>made the story retarded even by DBZ standards
>soundtrack is based off falconer score

How did they make such a piece of shit, but then do legacy of goku 1/2/buus fury.

Personally enjoyed it when I was younger given it have a coop mode (played it with my brother) and some progression. Even then though we were extremely aware it was a shit game.

For me, it was Clash of Ninja aka Gekitou Ninja Taisen. They were developed by Eighting, who did Bloody Roar, so they were destined to be fucking great. GNT4 even has a dedicated competitive scene.

Fairy Tail has a RPG coming out soon.

A lot of games that push what fighting games are end up stemming back to staff that worked on more old-school games. Super DBZ, a game that has never really been replicated in the gameplay department, was made by ex-SFII devs.

>Heritage for the future still is the golden crown of anime fighters.
>Capcom never going make a sequel because shueisha let bamco hold entire jump catalog as hostage.

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