Weekend GaryC Sketch Thread

Come draw with us Yas Forums
>alternate client with eraser
>saving correctly
Replace the number with the id of the image
Save button saves compressed jpgs, right click save saves with pixelated lines

Attached: sketch(95).jpg (800x600, 63.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


God what the fuck does this picture look like? It looks really familiar but I just can't place it.

wait I figured it out

Attached: file.png (600x600, 283.91K)

Do we really need a thread at this hour?

Attached: orindance.gif (220x300, 15.13K)

Today's story:

> World War GaryZ

Attached: play_gacha.png (800x600, 94.56K)

Attached: canvas.png (798x598, 55.6K)

very cute user


I only fucked it once. But now i will do it again just to spite you.

How did Goat die?

Attached: canvas.png (798x598, 41.27K)


You're pretty good

Attached: canvas.png (798x598, 120.03K)

Goat is good

Attached: canvas.png (798x598, 100.22K)

Attached: download - 2020-03-28T035143.659.png (798x598, 34.9K)

Attached: yui_gn.png (800x600, 67.97K)

maybe not, but it'll probably be gone in the morning so who cares

Attached: sketch crop 7.jpg (375x286, 48.01K)

Beginner drawfag here
How do you come up with poses?
I normally just copy one. When I do one from my head it looks strange or messed up in some way.

>left out all the fun drawings
>left in mariel
I genuinly have no idea why you even humor him but take great care to avoid shitters like glasses.

i think a lot of people use a reference of some kind when they're not too sure about a pose

Well one of the greatest skills an artist has to develop is the ability to visualization. Generally get an idea of the stance and force behind your character and then try to look up references for what you want.

quality dropped noticeably too.

Will i get banned if i draw cunny?
I'm tempted to

there's no moderation whatsoever

stop including marielx

not video games
neck yourself furfags and coomers

No, u.

Attached: hmm i wonder who this is.png (798x598, 48.88K)

Attached: mono.png (800x600, 27.62K)

Literally who is this? I see here requested all the time.

Monoko from Yume-Nikki

Attached: Out of state duox.png (798x598, 143.64K)

Attached: sketch(185).png (800x600, 13.35K)

Attached: or as we gamers call it dick suckin height.png (798x598, 114.62K)

shes a pain in the ass to make on model tbqh

Attached: sketch(23).jpg (800x600, 91.6K)

75% look for interesting pose references, 25% get an idea and try to replicate it on my own.

Yes and her body type is much weirder than she lets on, her head is MASSIVE

He's actually been by a few times

Attached: other game any time of the day bro.png (798x598, 54.13K)

Good, now do her even more compact.

You start to think her head is massive, but then you realize its just the helmet throwing you off. Remember, the thing on her head isn't really a hat and isn't fitted to her head as you would expect a hats to be.

Attached: sketch(24).jpg (800x600, 111.2K)

No I mean the actual model has a big head. Much wider than her shoulders according to ripped models.

yo who drew the Q3A Crash
that shit's going right in my fap folder


Attached: 6678869.png (800x600, 12.99K)

yeah I did her neck-down totally off. don't even need to rip a model to see it

Attached: edit in middle, original on right.jpg (916x707, 152.68K)

It always weirds me out how she only has a weird fang and a bunch of weird tiny square teeth rather than a mouth of fangs.

that's just how vampires work

this thread becomes worse each time I come here
christ what a cesspool of faggots

Maybe you should stop being such a faggot

Morning Yas Forums, give me some simple requests to warm up with~

>work hard to make my drawings for this arc look hells of better than my usual shitposting fare
>made relatively harmless additions that didn't affect the overall plot in a dumb way
>still left out in favor of marielx and the clique

The fool's death, then. One that accomplished nothing and changed nothing, with only wasted effort to show for it.

Seriously though what did I do wrong this time

Attached: gib request.png (800x600, 41.76K)


Attached: dali dos.jpg (800x600, 35.01K)

You touched glasses, now you're contaminated.
Probably just tried to avoid saving as little as possible, mostly what was relevant to their character.

No wait I think I see what I did wrong this time. I lead in with a shitpost and thus my subsequent "good" drawings no longer make sense in context, I guess.

Gondola 4 u

I suppose I should've taken the being completely ignored on their "gameroom" scenes as a hint.

I'm still going to draw into the arcs I think would be cool to draw for because fuck them it's fun.

Attached: gondio or gondolio.png (800x600, 42.57K)

Attached: canvas.png (798x598, 30.65K)

Attached: truth.png (800x600, 5.81K)

i may have made it a little too big

Attached: sketch(187).png (800x600, 16.95K)


Attached: truth 2.0.png (798x598, 76.2K)

no no noo!


Attached: basedcolor.png (800x600, 32.14K)

Attached: best girl.jpg (800x600, 74.01K)

That was me. Glad you like it because I'm not happy with it, technical parts over flesh are the fucking bane of me. I might try do better in the evening.

Attached: Goddola.png (798x598, 35.3K)