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whose that big tiddy mommy on the right?

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Morgan Webb. She had breast reduction surgery

You have to be 18 to post here.

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Henry and June!

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>breast reduction surgery
I'll never understand what compels women to do this

Back pain.

Why is she so worthless? I've been watching Penny Arcade Acquisition Incorporated games and she never does anything cool or says anything interesting during the games. Guaranteed she blew bald and piglike to get a spot

Feminists who are so ugly on the inside/outside they instill a demand for hot attractive women to disfigure themselves to be less attractive to men.

Literally back pain. My friend at highschool who was 16 at the time had huge motherfucking tits that made her slouch forward all the time. She got it and always says it's the best thing she's ever done. Less men looking at her tits, she can excesize properly, etc.


My ex had it done before I met her. She said they were monstrously heavy and it was uncomfortable to live with. Honestly it’s like fat as fuck people with huge guts is makes life worse.

And desu I was kind of into the scars. They still had great shape and were a decent size

Some women's breasts have a terrible shape when they're large. It's the most common reason for reduction

>reduces tits so less men will look at her
>exercises to look better for men

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do you not exercise

absolute titcow

oh i see so you aren't quite 18 yet. can you fuck off?


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>virgin thinks exercise is just to get laid
you sound fat

>7 benefits of breast reduction
I see. You do present compelling arguments. Now let me present some counter arguments.

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I had a one night stand with Webb in the late 90s, before she was on Xplay

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Honestly I get it. I have a huge cock and sometimes I feel like it would've been easier with a more average one. Easier to shop for pants, wouldn't hurt my many sexual partners, more available condoms etc.

Will Sphere Hunter ever forgive Adam Sessler for the rape?

>big tittied asian women
Fucking unicorns, man. Never saw one irl.


Olivia munn > Morgan web

What if it snowed in San Francisco?

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What'd she rate you at?

Her tits aren't even like freakishly large.

thats called the mons pubis

That's her beautiful mons pubis

man, what happened to Adam Sessler? he used to be so funny...

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I know it's gonna sound stupid, but I fucking hate X-Play for their Pokemon Channel review, that game is based as fuck but they absolutely shat all over it saying 'WAAAAA all you do is watch TV" when the game opens up and gives you so much shit to do, it's comfy as fuck but X-Play didn't care to actually play the fuckin game, petty bullshit, I know, but this has been on my mind for years

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Quick post your favorite health complications

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He's no longer being paid to read a script written by the Xplay writers

That's a pubic mound you fucking incel, which you'd know if you'd ever seen a naked woman IRL

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Adam Sandler and Morgan Freeman

>choosing webb over munn

I was gona say
Whats my nigga Adam up too

Reminder that the rumors are true

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oh no incel bros we got too cocky

I feel the same way. I didn't like the review of Duke Nukem Forever. I thought it was mediocre at best but Adams feminist rant made me realize that Adam isn't as cool as I thought he was.

>you will never play video games in the early 2000s ever again

>posting Koreans as an example
Come on user, at least pick the Asians that uses the least amount of make up

>muh back pain
what a fucking cop out
get off your ass and move a bit and develop your body to support those amazing milkers so the world can enjoy more HEALTHY women

fuckin bony quitters

what fucking rumors

I'm a mesomorph genetic GOD that doesn't work out and still looks pretty ripped. I can post pictures to make you jelly.

Is Tom Scot okay there?

Back pain and not being able to buy clothes that fit.

Thank you for reminding me

I found few of them irl. Mostly are either they're richfag or just a thot. Also, silicone breast surgery is a thing

I've seen Olivia Munn with a penis in her mouth


Also, she went full bimbofication

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>I just hope game companies don't simplify everything in an effort to appeal to everyone.
If only they had heeded her warning.

Olivia munn is a stacey thot, webb was an accessible, down to earth gamer gril. Why do ya think we prefer webb?

My favorite part about Munn in that Xmen movie is that they gave her like 3 lines lmao


What even happened to munn