God, I'm tired of all the Edelgard arguments. Here's a comfy thread for Three Houses.
God, I'm tired of all the Edelgard arguments. Here's a comfy thread for Three Houses
Flayn looks stupid.
Dimitri is the real villain of Tree Horses.
Dorothea is clearly plotting to kill Bernadetta.
Clearly so was MByleth.
Everyone wants to kill Berna.
Even Flayn.
She's not my favorite character, but people lie, make up shit, or are just stupid about her. I just wish people admitted they don't have "objective" reasons to hate her. I bet most do because Rheafags and Dimitrifags like to shit on her.
VW > AM > CF > SS
I want to lick Hilda's pits.
This thread won't survive
99% discussion of this game is about Edelgard, other characters beside Rhea are irrelevant and forgetable
I'm a screenshot this.
Y-you look stupid!
>I just wish people admitted they don't have "objective" reasons to hate her
I hate her because she outright makes shit up and accuses people with no evidence but whatever you say. I guess the Church is responsible for the War of the Lions then since people hate Edelgard for no reason since she's clearly telling the truth.
People try to justify why she's right, when all they need to say is they fap to her. Saves you the trouble of doing mental gymnastics.
We know that's you, Claude
The game itself seems to agree with this. Rather than try to justify her actions, Edelgard's route just makes her act cute when she's around sensei.
Edelgard is a great character. She is also pure scum, would immediately hang her in front of our army she fought for. There are rules in war, only Simpson think otherwise.
>Imma just open my legs for the professor, that'll justify the needless death and carnage I've caused.
Rhea censors shit like crazy, Edelgard committed a crazy amount of war crimes to the point where she would have been betrayed by her own men in any other FE game. Both needed to be taken down a peg, Blue Deer/Golden Lion Squad.
Golden Deer has the best girls.
>Rhea censors shit like crazy
That's disingenuous. The things she hid from the world was unironically for the betterment of everyone but the agarthans.
good thread
Only brainlets and literal manchildren faggots seethe over Edelgard
It completely justifies her actions though. Her actions only seem bad in other routes where she gets desperate. In her route, outside of siding with the slithers out if necessity, she was basically as good of a general as any of the other routes. She never did anything uncalled for.
If anything the other 2 branches were worse, with one causing internal conflict and strife within his own territory and the other being a complete lunatic.
Lysithea is based.
>She never did anything uncalled for.
She is fucking wrong about the vast majority of things she bases all her actions on though and plunges the entire continent into war and chaos with countless of innocent lives caught in it.
It only comes across as justified and necessary from her perspective, which happens to be wrong.
To be fair Tree Horses are an existential threat to all mankind. They could fall on you at any moment.
>plotting to kill the shitter
I knew Dorothea was the best girl.
she cute
Flayn is for headpats.
But not justified enough that she wouldn't put her own head on the stake once everything is said and done in the name of true justice for all the lives she ruined.
A true, selfish coward to the end who deserved no respect but instead guidance.
Edelcucks at it again.
everywhere i post i must post flayn
Do they hate Flayn because she pierces straight through Edelgard's fluff and propaganda and with a reality bound and earthly perspective?
Why can't you just let her have a boyfriend Seteth?
Imagine all the antics you would encounter having a kid like Flayn.
Fixed your image.
can someone post bern
Thanks bro, didn't need the shitty Wojak.
>play Cindered Shadows
>even though the Ashen Wolves are loaded up with great skills, THE BOAR is still the best unit
Holy fucking BASED. Keep posting Byleth's canon wife.
I really didn't expect much of Dimitri when I started 3H, but I'm so glad I did his route. Best bro, best Lord and best Unit.
Him, Hilda and Byleth UNGAing everything while Flayn and Annette heal was great.
Who actually makes for the best dancer on a new playthrough? Consider availability, growths, boons, magic learnset, skills and recruitability
Edelgard lost any respect when she (a sheltered, dumb princess) began lecturing Dimitri (a man who lived in the slums) about him not being able to understand poor people.
Ironically enough, Flayn just understood people better than Edelgard does. Edelgard really just projects her own beliefs onto others without really even understanding her own problems. This leads to her actually thinking that that because she's human and has suffered, then that must mean that she understands other humans and what they want and need.
Raphael, duh
Flayn definitely. She's got Dance, AoE Heal and Rescue, it's the ultimate utility bot.
Whoever your worst unit on your current team is
Dancers generally only want to dance and RARELY use a support battalion. So your worst unit who can't do shit is the clear winner.
Generally this means
AM -> Ashe (Dedue comes late)
VW -> Raphael/Ignatz
CF -> Bernadetta/ Caspar/ Dorothea/ Hubert
Ferdinand. But don't make him a dancer, just abuse the sword avoid skill from it to make him a dodge god
>The Motherfucking Beast of Leicester
>worst unit
>based Critnatz
yeah, he's not too great
>Become overlords of humanity through war
>1000 years later:
>Bernadetta/ Caspar/ Dorothea/ Hubert
You most definitely have no idea what you are talking about retard
Stick to shitposting about Edelgard because you surely have no idea how to play the game itself
>through war
You make it sound as if the lizards were the aggressors. They clearly weren't and they saved the people from being conquered.
Seiros also left the empire in charge of humans. The goal of the church was never to rule.
But of course judging by your image its clear as day that you just wanted to shitpost for the sake of shitposting.
>replying to soijak nigger
Have you considered... y'know... IGNORING HIM?