Just completed half life alyx without a VR set, I'm happy to say it stands up as a none VR game

Just completed half life alyx without a VR set, I'm happy to say it stands up as a none VR game.

Just learn Soruce and you'll be able to disable the VR functions.

Attached: half-life-alyx-combine.png (1072x1069, 500.04K)

How'd you fix jumping?
How'd you code up the annoying puzzles where you had to use more than one hand at the same time?
Were you really able to complete the game beginning to end without having to noclip?

t. someone who actually wants to play HLA without VR and not just mindlessly shill anti-VR rhetoric

I fine this hard to believe. Give me the mod right now. so that I can play.

>How'd you fix jumping?
Don't really need it.

>How'd you code up the annoying puzzles where you had to use more than one hand at the same time?
You map your keyboard to function as both hands eg. arrow keys and wasd.

I had a set of racing peddles and i linked them to my walking functions.
>Were you really able to complete the game beginning to end without having to noclip?
>t. someone who actually wants to play HLA without VR and not just mindlessly shill anti-VR rhetoric
It's still alot better in VR, I just didn't have the cash for VR and just cheated since i can program.

>Give me the mod right now. so that I can play.
Nah. Learn to code. Soruce engine is really easy it's like Q1.

LARP thread.

So your talking out of your ass, ok then

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>You map your keyboard to function as both hands eg. arrow keys and wasd.
Holy shit user. I need video proof. Sounds clunky as hell but also sounds fun in a weird way.

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I live in brazil, I don't exactly have access to things like that.

You can't download unregistered hypercam 2?

>ugly ms paint comics mean I'm right
I'd get VR if I could swing the cash

You'd just be seeing someone playing half life alyx.

It's like taking a photo of a group of flash mob and saying they are all standing still.

Attached: White cops wont shoot an unarmed black teen.webm (852x480, 2.97M)

I'm pretty sure I could tell if you were using a VR headset or not.

Attached: Gno my gnome.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>I used some console commands but then got stuck in the first puzzle

Oh shit how do you do this?

I'd get into VR if the original Rift were still available. 80Hz is a downgrade.

post webms

Just film yourself and the screen with a phone

Just buy used, it's cheaper anyway. Rift S is a straight upgrade tho, I have a CV1 and I wish I had my friend's S despite the refresh rate.

>80Hz is a downgrade.
Not a big downgrade though. You will only notice it if you have an eyesight of an airforce combat pilot. Or used to higher reefresh rate
The controls and tracking, however, is a huge upgrade

Alright guys the last 3 hours of the game are phenomenal. I had a stark erection the entire time, and during the entire Strider fight I basically just kept erupting cum. I was moaning really loudly in pleasure and my fiance came running to see what was wrong but slipped in the giant puddle of cum. By the time I actually got into that trans-dimensional prison my dick was basically just spurting blood and dust because my balls couldn't keep up with semen production. I was yelling in pain. My fiance said I should take a break and maybe recharge, drink some water if I had to, but I kept going.

I'm in the ICU now but lemme tell you it was worth the ride guys. Don't buy into the flatscreen meme. No pancake game can make you cum like the VR version did for me.

I wonder what OP has to gain from lying on the internet.

So will he be in HL3?

this is how the white race dies
absolutely marvelous

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He's been in the last two Half-Life games, so I'd be willing to bet there will be a Gnome achievement in the next one.

Attached: Jedi Reload.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

False sense of accomplishment.

>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?

Common copes heard from HLA Shills in an attempt to defend their shit game (mostly regarding melee and ammo):
Not the point. The point that this game breaking soft-lock can happen regardless.
Yes, and those are shit. Just because a good game has bad things in it doesn’t mean a bad game should have it too. That and those softlocks were not tied to some braindead ammo management system that could easily be fix with adding melee.
It’s not but let’s pretend like it is. At least in good survival horror games you have a knife or something to defend yourself with. Have that in Alyx? Nope. Nothing. Out of ammo? Game’s locked.
Okay, let’s pretend like the soft-lock didn’t exist. Why NOT have melee? Why take a step back? Why not be able to smash a zombie to death with a brick? Why the less fun for no reason?
This is HLA shill propaganda and has not been proven.
You know what did as well? Moving in general. You got use to it. You will with jumping and sprinting because there are games out there now that let you do so.
Now that that’s out of the way, give me a good argument and not this coping bullshit.

>look ma I pasted it again
>valve btfo

Anyone got pics of Combine models?

>Bigger walltext than fucking leftist memes
Really makes you think

Based, fuck sunken cost logic from Alyx shills

>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
I don't give a shit about the rest of the list but this is just fucking retarded. Do you expect VR to have voice input where they react to your words or do you want the protagonist to never speak in VR? Those are the choices you have left

Post your mod faggot

Just ignore the namefag, he posts the same thing in every thread

Damn what a disappointment, no wonder fucking Reddit is freaking out over it being good. Sounds like a bastardized piece of shit

Cry some more that you can't play the GOTY you poorfag faggot

Attached: HalfLifeALYX.jpg (646x983, 342.71K)

this always triggers the consoomer cucks

That GPU of yours make you one too cuck.

Asolutely based

>That GPU of yours make you one too cuck.

Attached: 1584081431166.png (600x570, 197.67K)

>I live in brazil
Anti VR fags confirmed for brazilians and other subhumans

dont care if its vr or not i aint playin this POZZED shit

>Why NOT have melee? Why take a step back? Why not be able to smash a zombie to death with a brick?
Just finished the game. I enjoyed it a lot, but I definitely agree there should have been some kind of melee combat, especially when you have to use your hands for everything.
Hopefully someone will make a melee mod at some point and it will be 100x better.

hilariously, the whole reason why I got a Vive in the first place was because of the kinky anime h-games.



As long as it you can only melee headcrabs and zombies.

Pistol whipping does damage, granted the feedback isn't very good
Standard headcrabs and manhacks die pretty easily to it, everything else probably has too much HP.
I couldn't even get close enough to combine to try, either they have a collision box around them or I just got lit up too fast.

Interesting. At the very least they should allow you to use broken bottles and cinderblocks to beat crabs and zombies down.

Agreed. Zombie's physics throw can kill other NPCs so hopefully someone can find and change the values that will enable it for the player.

I can't imagine obsessing over something as much as this faggot does.

always play as asian because of that +int stat,
now look at this, fucking racial perk dude, now i am black, brother is in the hood!

its like a 70 metacritic game without the VR gimmick. Dont act like its goty like you pc fags do with 1 random garbage indie game every year.

Wouldn't take much. Just need to make the collisions for the zombies work and add some blood particle affects. And I guess change the damage values of certain objects in the game.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Valve patches this in. They seem to be listening to a lot of people's reactions and they might inevitably get swayed by the need for melee even in its most basic form.

Without VR its Resident Evil VII.

Only thing in this that I agree with is the no melee bit, that shit's fucked.

And that's a good thing. RE7 in PSVR was great fun.

Can't kill enemies by throwing shit at them even if you run out of ammo?

> Minutes
Otherwise, the game will end
Only three words (suitable for word images). Up and down
Use only one language at a time
No real trick
No tourists
> Fuel solutions (fire and light)
Pain and stress
Free support
Do you have enemies
> There is something like protection.
Prepare your card!
No vehicle found
The games are controlled by people
No need to get in the car
It's hard to fight the enemy
Eggs and food reproduce easily and change slowly
The other half is also black
Relax and shoot the first game
Well, who is the best in this "five" game?

god this game looks so good

Attached: 20200328001141_1.jpg (1599x1598, 574.78K)

No you throw like a girl
I think it might actually do damage but not enough to be noticeable, maybe the heavier two-handed props
Bottles and bricks don't do shit against even basic headcrabs

how they modeled all that shit, how every texture is different

What 2015 game is this?

I'm pretty sure they just stagger enemies.

So when is someone going to make a HLA kinogrid?

agree with pretty much everything but
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
how is that a bad thing?
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
I turned dialogues and subtitles off, the game became a lot more immersive when I did that