Playing games during the N64 era was a magical time

playing games during the N64 era was a magical time.

what was your favorite game that wasn't ocarina of time or super mario 64

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rayman 2

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I really liked playing Jet Force Gemini's multiplayer with my brother.
We were too bad at games back then to actually get far in the single player, but we had a ton of fun just dicking around together and killing each other.
While it's extremely different from how standard shooters control these days, I have to admit I actually liked that game's control scheme a lot, for what it was.

Mario Kart 64 was a big one. Turok was great, Duke Nukem 64, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, Smash Bros, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, ect...

Diddy Kong Racing was the best kart racer on the platform.

Super Smash Bro.
It was so fun playing with my bro, and cousins, all night long, then waking up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

I want to go back, bros

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The bomberman games. Although not my favorites and not the best, the atmosphere of them gives me a nostalgic rush.

no save states, hours upon hours getting obscure classes

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I only really played mario 64 and starfox

I got a copy of Bad Fur Day as a kid from my dad's stoner friend and was glued to that shit for a solid two years like a complete autismo. I don't think I'll ever get to experience something like that again.

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F-Zero X
shame nintendo never rereleased the expansion kit on something like virtual console.

i loved JFG multi but we only played it a few times

It aged like milk (even using the 1.2 or whatever control scheme to use c-buttons as movement) but Goldeneye was a game that actually brought my whole family to the tv. I remember whoever was in last had to give up their controller and my mom actually going on a winning streak in that game. Good times.

bomberman 64 4 player multi still gets me hard after all these years. I wish I owned the game so I could get the real ending

goldeneye was the shit, i dont care if it ran at 5 frames per second, it had soul

my nigga

the tracks in this were great

>donkey kong 64 multiplayer
>the bitch with homing dart ammo

perfect dark multiplayer was the shit. with all the different SIM parameters there were endless modes you could come up with.

It's just rough to go back to. I try not to be snobby but the framerate on a lot of N64 games is tough now. At this point if I want to scratch that GE/PD itch I play Timesplitters 2 or Future Perfect.

the first rpg I played
I loved it

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This game was jank but it was comfy jank

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Is the one after this considered the best? should i play this first

>loved game so much mom hid it from me so i couldnt play all day every day
>found it everytime until she gave up
>not a good story

Both games are equally awesome, I'd try both. Start with the original Paper Mario, though.

Patrician taste. I still listen the OST to this day

I was an RPG/JRPG nut back in the day but it wasn't until 2012-ish that I finally played this and the one on gamecube back-to-back. Really damn fun games.

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i always wanted this game but never knew who

mabye it was the exploding castle?

If you haven't played Super Mario RPG I'd say play that first, then Paper Mario 64, then TTYD.
Super Paper Mario is very different but the story is kino.

favorite tracks?

for me its nubia,condemed,ad the GOAT flameout

Goldeneye, Majoras Mask, Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie, Conker, Mario Golf, F Zero X, Doom 64 , Sin and Punishment

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I remember my parents wouldn't let me rent this shit or Darkstalkers 3 (which I eventually played) on PS1 due to the cover art. Was it any good?

yes it was one of the few 6 DOF games ever made

It's a 6DOF shooter like Descent, but took inspo from Quake and other arena shooters

It's not bad and there's a HD version now you could very easily try the GOG version.

Sick. I'll check it out soon anons. Thanks.

I get you user. Some part of the Bomberman Hero OST is still chill and cool as fuck.

Virtua Pro Wrestling 2

dunno why, but playing Starfox and Mariokart at my Aunt and Uncle's house is etched into my memory. We don't even see them anymore.

That and playing Majora's Mask on Thanksgiving the year it came out.

Man, I played Bomberman 64 with my niece and nephew so much that those memories overrode my childhood ones of that game. I figured they'd hate something old like the 64 (and even Dreamcast with Powerstone) but they got hooked.

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Jet force gemini
Army Men Series(Sarges Heroes, Air Attack)
BattleTanx Series
Wrestlemania 2000
Rogue Squadron
Bomberman 64 remains to be one of my favorite vidya OST's

almost brings a tear to my eye

one of the best 64 games!

Earthworm Jim 3D

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Totally agree

That's such a good one. I think every fucking track makes me nostalgic as shit.

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On the N64? Jet Force Gemini

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Another top tier OST

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If I'm going to be honest, Disney N64 games were fucking awesome. Bugs life, Toy Story 1 & 2, they were great.

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Both banjo games, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, the port of Hexen, Hey You Pikachu.

Playing Goldeneye with my little brother sold me on the N64. Might have had some better FPS on the PC at the time (I had been playing Quake since it came out a week beforehand), but Goldeneye was so good I stomached the shit controls for the great level design and party multiplayer. Still holding out for a source port so I can replay it with M+K.

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Ah shit, guess they were just Pixar back then.

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Mario Party 3. I hate Nintendo for not re-releasing it.

Dunno if these were on N64, but I remember a Tarzan and Hercules games that were pretty fun, too.


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Oh yeah, you're totally right! I had both as well haha. That's a blast from the past.

Paper Mario 1 is consistantly very good. TTYD has higher highs and lower lows. They are both about as good as eachother.
Super Paper Mario is under rated though

Hell yes. One of my all time favourites

This and Star Fox 64 are the big ones. Multiplayer especially was great and close to impossible to recapture going back to it now. Even finishing the games quickly for extras could get everyone in the room pumped. I miss those days.