>And this is user's room!
>He's quite the Animal Crossing addict
And this is user's room!
Imagine living like this but having enough money to afford a PS4, Switch, and VR headset
There's a difference between having enough money and being able to afford something.
Good point user
are you giving gamers without a pass
>Splatoon Switch joy cons
Makes sense
Looks like my gf's place when I first met her before I domesticated her
Yup because that total of $500 would totally be enough to tear up the flooring, patch the walls, repaint the whole room, put down new flooring and get new furniture and appliances.
Fucking idiot
based retard
It doesn't cost any money to clean up.
Who said anything about putting down new flooring? Fool just needs to clean and patch. Also a room that small you could easily paint, patch and put down new flooring under $500 easy. Also don’t sign your posts
this is how women live naturally
Imagine the mold
>that tooth brush placement
>wall hole
>popcorn on the floor
I have so many questions
My delinquent fat friend with a single mom and no siblings lived close to this, but it wasn't exclusive to his room. The entire house was littered to shit to the point there were specific paths you had to take just to walk down the hallway or from the front door to the kitchen. The living room was a no-go since the junk was stacked as high as the chandelier.
But despite all this, his mom never dated a black man despite her being the exact type of women blacks get. She only brought white men home. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen.
I fully understand how someone can live like this and that is bad.
Half are slobs half will clutter your house with live laugh love shit and candles
mental illness
Its called depression dude. You get the video games and play them all day and forget you're living in filth, and you know your room is disgusting but you would rather spend your time ignoring it instead of facing your problems.
>halo poster
Is this the legendary idort I've heard so much about? I thought from your posts dabbing on poors that you guys were based and rich. What gives?
> she only brought white trash home
>tfw Chris Chan has a cleaner room than OP
is that hole in the wall open to the outside?
I have a friend who lives like this. Found goddamn roaches in his ps4 and cat shit in every corner. But can afford a custom gaming rig that's capable of VR and literally hundreds of games.
How is there so much filth just around the chair?
probably cigarette ash
reminds me of my old room
as someone with depression not really, then again depression affects people differently. stop being a lazy fucking slob.
I dont understand how someone can live like this. The most i can go without at least light cleaning in the area around me is about 3 days. An i never leave food trash out its like your asking for cockroaches.
You know what bothers me the most though? its that fucking horrific mattress. Imagine sleeping on that mold riddled cesspool.
>also don't sign your posts
ok, that was based
I have heavy depression and my room is way better than this but still have a huge laundry stack, dishes, beer cans (I drink a lot, my roomie actually doesn't know because I put everything in my room before bed). It's semi gross but I still clean everything out of my room once or twice a month because I sleep there. I feel a lot better after I clean up but drinking so often fucks up everything. I know I'd be better off if I didn't drink but I actually get a lot happier while drinking
Depression doesn't mean you're a lazy piece of nasty shit.
Ah, what the fuck, nigga. Come on.
My friend from as far as I can remember has a good family job and is happy in life. His house is still a fucking mess, his bed isn't that bad but all the time if I go over he has plates/crumbs/unwashed bedding on his bed. His floor is gross to walk on and probably hasn't been washed in over a year, it's tiling so it's not as big of a deal but still. He has a giant king bed and a nice room otherwise but he just lives in a sort of gross environment. If you walk into his room with clean white socks you'll be walking out with grey bottoms on your socks
Post his battle station, I see he has the latest consoles.
Have you never watched a movie before? When there's a good scene you're supposed to shake your popcorn around and spill it everywhere and cheer. This lets the theater staff know you had a good time and liked the film.
if I had a son and he did this I would fucking beat him bloody
Prepare for your kid to learn nothing and stop talking to you for the rest of your life.
But yes I'd do the same
I used to self-medicate depression with alcohol. It is a very temporary cure and shit gets way worse surprisingly fast. I eventually hit total rock bottom and had to go to detox. It's not fun. Never in a million years would I have thought myself in that situation.
Get actual help before all shit hits the fan.
slow down there incels, we know you've never lived with a woman
I can confirm this
>it only makes it worse
Not if you have the tolerance for some good drink and work some overtime pekka
I've been slowly rising my level of alcohol, I think I'm peaking at the moment. I just don't like life sober, I have a super mentally ill sister, dad killed himself.
When I was growing up I never thought I'd be like this either, my mom was a recovering alcoholic, she's still off the booze. I thought I had life figured out but after my dad killed himself I picked up drinking more and more. Used to just be socially. But I don't have any strained relationships anymore, I know to be by myself when I drink.
What kind of help should I look at? I can't go to AA, my mom goes there on and off (used to be super avid member) and word would spread
i lived with 2 and they both lived like that
Just don't buy it? Like you have to willfully go to the store, spend the money, bring it back, then finally drink it. Just don't do that.
her pussy was probably savory as fuck or maybe she was really fun to be around
What possesses someone to live like this? My roommate does it in their own space, but I can at least keep the common areas clean.
>Mom asked me why I have a black eye when I didn't go outside for the past week
>this is literally my room right now
i haven't even paid all of my loans
I went to a doctor who prescribed me SSRIs for the depression. I started working out and running after I got my brain in some kind of stability. If I start to get the cravings I go for a run. Exercise really helps. Get some kind of hobby. Do whatever but sit at home. At least for me boredom easily leads to drinking.
It's really hard in the beginning, not gonna lie. You really gotta work with it. If you can't do it alone find a support group. AA is not the only one.
>Come from extremely clean family without realising
>Feel grossed out when theres dirt on the floor or dishes in the sink after a while.
>clean once a week at least
>assume im still pretty lazy and this is the average baseline for humans
>discover most people live in literal filth
everyone else is roaches and i am a little cat that flips them on their back when playing with them until i let them hold onto a single slice of toilet paper and fling them outside so they don't starve to death
Nah, with modern construction basically every exterior wall will have a window in it, and you can tell from the lighting that there's only the one window.
Because why not? What is the functional difference between an untidy area and a tidy one?
>filthfags feel this way
Some people really are barely human
Very true. Literally every woman I know is one or the other.
Smells, mostly.
Most of my room is "organized" in that messy kind of way. Everything has a place even if that place is under a pile of shit.
My main problems are dishes, laundry and dust. Outside of that it usually doesn't get too bad. I do actually make some attempts to clean up every once in a while.
Yes it does
I mean that's a somewhat different issue. Mess doesn't necessitate smell. Also you probably won't notice funk that is both your own and also that you are present in often, and a bad smell you can't smell isn't a problem.
Going flatting was a real eye opener for me.
>Also don’t sign your post
Ok, roasted
functional? not a lot, but not being a fucking degenerate feels pretty good
It's the whole leaving the food out and forgotten that's the problem with the smell. Like maybe I'm enabling him by taking care of it, but what adult can really not take issue with meals being left out in the open to rot unless someone else takes care of them?
No that's during a scary scene
>all the coping filthy retards itt
just clean your fucking rooms holy shit it's not hard
Yes it is.
no worthwhile girl will want to visit you
ayy lmao
Eh I have laundry all over my floor, but it doesn't bother me.
Being a degenerate feels better. It is a lack of caring on the matter entirely.
You require something. I do not. That is how it is. I win by default because I cannot lose.
I call bullshit. No one that lives like this would be out of bed before 11:55am.
>sleeping without sheets
true misery and the greatest indicator of a diseased mind
>But despite all this, his mom never dated a black man despite her being the exact type of women blacks get. She only brought white men home. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen
on your mind constantly
It really isn't. Get some fucking perspective. Take the first step at not being a human disgrace and clean your God damned room.
This is what I meant by functional. If I think it'll get my dick sucked I'll clean things up. Because I like getting my dick sucked.
Until then, why?
Genuine mental illness. Their brain does not work correctly.
You do require it, but you're ignoring it. You feel worse than I do when I feel I have done the right thing.
>8 hours at place I hate
Then come home to
>half an hour to do laundry
>an hour to dust
>another hour to reorganize and try to find a place for everything
>literally gets this bad again in a fucking month
>using your precious two days away from the wage cage to do more fucking work
Is there any way to fix it?
Sometimes. Most of the time. It's not an easy thing to do though.
You sound kinda gay. I am a functional man who likes functional things.
I bet you own jewellery.
You lose by being a single digit IQ fuckwit who can't appreciate aesthetics
Agreed. It's ingrained in me though that's the problem. I'm smart enough to realize what's going on, but give too little shits about it.
I was on a very low dosage of anti-depressant, it sort of helped not really. I used to be fairly fit, I had a regimen I did every day until I went to the gym with a friend. Boredom does get the best of me when it comes to drinking, you can make something out of nothing while drunk.
god damn all I ever need to do is maybe vacuum or dust
This is absolutely not true. Fuck off spic, go back to your own country and get blasted on your 12 hour days in the kitchen.
You should stop using the internet user, there's no functional purpose for it to live. You should sit in a shelter small and warm enough to not die to weather exposure. Make sure to eat nothing but cardboard paste that has the nutrients you need to survive, flavour is non-functional. You're clearly on the spectrum
>don’t sign your posts
>Also don’t sign your posts
The sheer amount of cope and excuses for being a disgusting slob. Jesus. It's almost impressive to witness. This guy is such a victim.
One of my old roommates was like this with his room. Trash fucking everywhere, no sheets on his bed, dog slept with him, fast food bags everywhere. It was a funny juxtaposition with me, I wasn't a neat freak by any means but my room in the house looked like any other person's average room. He was cool though so we hung out a lot, but even when we did stuff like get food or grocery shopping it was still noticeable, he dressed like how he lived with sweat pants and nike sandals and I'm right next to him wearing male nanchatte fashion.
Caring about how things look rather than how they function is the mark of low IQ. It satisfies only emotional needs, which are for women, children and minorities.
That's why niggers spend all their money on sneakers and bling.
Hey man, some people like work. I don't.
The individual has to want to change. Like said, sometimes they change, sometimes they don't. It's an uphill struggle, regardless.
Clearly you're used to your mommy doing everything for you if you consider simple hygiene as "work"
It's objectively smarter to wait until it can't possibly get any worse before cleaning, assuming that you don't have people coming over who have power over you