Post islands, QR codes etc
Comfy animal crossing thread number 124
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My god damn fucking Switch Lite started drifting after less than a week. How has Nintendo not been sued for this fucking bullshit? Why is nobody talking about this anymore? I JUST WANT TO PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING!
anyone have cherries?
how to fix NAT Type D?
Does wishing on multiple stars in a night do anything
>Switch Lite
Should I be worried about Beau?
raining north hemisphere, 193 turnip price, pears, and Mabel here.
Dodo code: 8NVP3
Peaches? Anyone? I have cherries, pears, oranges, and coconuts to share.
I'm sorry user who wanted my path. I can't figure it out.
Oh my bad I forgot this is Yas Forums - Wojak and Smash Only
where the hell did these chairs come from
they weren't there an hour ago when I got on
>you can plant weeds on other peoples' islands
I'm gonna cause so much mischief
Clearly shooped, that fish doesn't exist.
please post bunny hoods
i wanna see colors
not the pink diaper fetishist one though
degenerate user
Coming shortly, wrapping up on another island adventure.
Southern hemisphere here open
Sucks but why tf did you get a switch lite?
Please take one of my villagers
Dust your shit.
Use dw40.
Villagers can temporarily put stuff in the plaza for themselves.
someday, bunny hood user
Pack your bags Arthur, I got us an island.
What's up with this flight information animation? I cant fucking move
Anyone got the Japanese face masks from sisters? I want onnnne!
>implying my town isn't covered in weeds
this worked for me
No nigga I caught that bitch too, first time like 10 mins ago, never seen it previously
please understand.
I want to play this but I blew all my neetbux on a toilet paper scheme
very nice!
Post code so I can visit Kicks
Will be open for another 30 mins
How long does it take for a villager to leave?
Whose tiddies are those
More pieces the next day and achievement autism
You have to not talk to them for like a week.
Sell them all at low price.
>anons with shitty internet drop yet another multiplayer session
Fucking third wolders and Americans
Has anyone else had gifts you give to villagers duplicate? I gave Phoebe a scooter in the conversation gift it lets you do, and when I went to her house she had 2 lined up
>pay 3000 Bells for flooring
>get sand and a fucking puddle in the middle of my house
Fucking camels
I'm a poorfag and don't own a TV so couldn't justify spending an extra $200 for features I can't use. I didn't think they'd put out broken shit after there was supposedly a class action lawsuit. I literally had to sell my blood to afford it.
Already did. I'm a poorfag but not a retard. I plan on replacing the stick myself soon.
i just got on a island tour with many cherries
that's the red bitch from persona, ain't it?
Is this thread legit or just another big shitpost?
This is clean
Who is a southern island right now?
Can I come over and catch fish/bugs?
Trumpbux coming soon
I’ll take cherry please
bit redundant there, user
t. American
You can do that?
All of you have very nice islands and very cute villagers
You can do any of the following to get rid of a villager: (all except the last take many days of continuous use)
1. Tell Isabelle to have a "chat" with them
2. Hit them with nets and other tools to make them mad
3. Ignore them, never talk to them, never send them letters
4. Get to 10 villagers and have a campsite, then scan an amiibo and ask them to move in. If they accept, the game will ask what villager to replace, and that villager moves out by the next day.
>gave me animated river
based camels
only if you filed taxes, which you neets dont
Looks better than the concrete or whatever I got
>got animated lava floor on Monday
feels good man, now if I could only get that coveted Server Room wall from her next time she comes
still open
>want to upgrade my house
>have no more room in storage
>could easily pay off my current debt AND the next one
>but I wanna dump all my money into STALKS
Oh, I hate this.
Capital gains m8
Are people still trying to claim the chat and net hitting stuff does anything for getting rid of villagers? It's like I've gone back in time 7 years.
Go back to twitter
Well shit my island exploded
Shop is open for another 1 and 45 minutes with Turnip prices of 403!
If you can bring some Bambo Shoots or a Cutting board I'd appreciate it but its not required!
Is that an imperial bed? Damn. I want it.
>tfw forgot to file my taxes
>didnt get a job until late 2018 so my 2018 taxes are like $3k paid in
Any dodo codes? I got some furniture, clothes, and fruit I'm willing to trade for bells or other shit
my boy the char got it so bad
used to be a 10k buddy back in my days
what went so wrong
why the world turn a shit
What specific day is earliest to unlock Terraforming?
How and when will I know if Celeste is going to show up on my island?
Without any use of time traveling what month is the soonest that someone could catch every single fish?
If it's like new leaf yes, but I'm just assuming it is
stalk dodos, where you at?
Just remember that trying to sell at any decent price island will take ages and you can only bring a max of 40 stacks, maybe less if they don't have bridges or ramps and placed the shop somewhere odd.
Too many turnips is a curse in this game.
Thanks for the pears.
I didn't know the thing played an animation everytime a person joins. Could barely move around.
the animals were talking about shooting stars all day for me
she showed up at exactly 7pm
Just started. Is it too late to start playing with Yas Forums?
You fags should stop playing northern to southern. Especially if you fucks play with the switchs horrid wifi chip.
Through sheer force of will alone, I will make those cunt raccoons buy at a high price on my own personal island.
Assuming you can get a 3* island rating with only 6 villagers, I think the day after tomorrow since that's when the tutorial campsite villager makes their house.
fuck no
go join dodo codes
or host
wow, what a fucking shitty version of that.
Nobody wants to visit your Obsession island user
April 7th
Yeah, wait for the next AC to release.
Anyone in the southern hemisphere?
If you come to my island you will be trapped in a racecar bed for all eternity
I think it's my internet so I'll hold off on joining until things are better
Do it for the tile fucker, the man is a legend.
>going to southern hemisphere so you have less to do during the autumn
December for the one winter only fish that finally comes into season. Unless you visit a southern hemisphere island.
They have been sued tho.
Sound great.
Does any user have that flower breeding chart saved? The one that shoes the most efficient arrangement of flowers to get hybrids.
>yuro doesn't realize he's the one with the shit internet
I'm always worried about Beau. He's awesome, but the way he talks to bugs at night is unsettling. In an endearing way.
wheres the fishing guide
Anyone on southern hemisphere? I want to catch fish and bugs for a bit.
I went to the northern and now my fish dex is almost complete. Oops. At least I have summer bugs to look forward to next year.
> You need to be online to experience the easter event
FUCK nintendo, FUCK buyfags and more importantly FUCK time traveler scum. This is your fucking fault dickheads
Oh cool, I'm wanting to unlock it by the beginning of the Bunny Day event
Anyone with stores still open so I can go shopping?
>shoot down balloon
>get jester's mask
>they changed its design
Fucking ew, why couldn't it be pic related.
Beaut cheers
Not that user but code isnt working for me, can you open back up?
Lol cry more poorfag
cute anons
I'm poor as fuck and my store's closed so one of you is gonna suffer my loading screen entry just so I can pay off my next loan. Sorry.
Don't you just need it for the update? You're posting here, so even if it were true you do have internet.
>FUCK buyfags
I have a hacked switch. I tried to get you losers to use lan play for animal crossing. You lost interest. You want to know why I bought the game? That's why. If you hate buy fags, support the server managed by the hacking scene or shut the fuck up.
>diaper fetishist one
it was connected to the day 1 patch. if you could download that, you're fine
Send new design
Trying to come in gotta sell some turnips
Is there some sort of guide that shows all the fish you can catch on March specifically? I can't be bothered with this DEC-JULY format all the lists show.
does anybody have red cosmo seeds or maybe wholesale flower they could dig up and deliver? i got fruit.
where's code tho
The game needs to connect online at least once after the event starts to check the dates. after you can play offline just fine.
If you never go online you won't experience the event at all
I fear they will just put all events behind shitty updates, but at the end of the day the money I saved it's worth it. I won't be playing this shit in three months when the next update drops anyways
Southern hemisphere/ stores still open anyone? I'm fucking bored drinking bourbon
403 Turnips here if you're selling
Have it with one of the new hats. I assume the mask has multiple colors as well.
Can't connect at the Dodo to load in no matter how many times i tried to wait and try again
user you have an underage living on your island. And I want him
Can I sell my oranges on someone’s island who has a different fruit? I can leave fast if that’s a problem
No it wasn't dumbass
Otherwise time trannies would be rocking Easter shit right now
Speaking of this fish, where exactly do you bait for it?
Hol up so you're saying I only need to have the patch installed? My switch has literally never been online since I got it out of the box, so I dunno.
I read that it checks online for the date the event starts, so even if you have a patched game but never go online the event won't trigger
>”I caught a Man-Faced Stinkbug! Reminds me of my uncle!”
Okay, but unironically what did they mean by this
I heard you were supposed to get a week trial of online multiplayer with the game. It's been like a week of playing and none of the NPCs have mentioned it.
>1. Tell Isabelle to have a "chat" with them
This resets them to default retard
>2. Hit them with nets and other tools to make them mad
And this just counts as talking them nothing else
post top gun hat pls
anyone sahara?
I need the full beard I will pay good money for it, I've got all the fruits if that's what you'd want instead.
KKW1Y please, someone help me out
why tho
Damn, pretty ugly imo
Full up, any chance I can still get in?
>All these cute girls coming to my island
>Knowing they're all actually dudes.
don't mind me just puking over here
>no persimmons, mangos, durians, lychees, bananas, etc
>all the deep sea creatures removed
>only 2 stores
>only 1 store upgrade
>no art or gyroids
They're going to add and improve missing features in future updates right?
catch one again and look closely. you can't unsee it
Whats the sound you make when you catch a fish?
can you move or destroy bridges after they're built?
Anywhere not ground level
Come visit and make my island feel less lonely.
Native fruit is oranges
Dodo Code: J4Y8G
Jester Mask isn't the only thing they fucked up.
shops still open?
Hey I'm workin on it
what is that tune they sing?
I want my cat cap back.
I let my sister play with you guys
what the FUCK
Ignore what the other people told you, just talk to them at least once to establish a bond then proceed to ignore them completely every time you play, can take up to a week or more
This is the Splatoon team they love cutting content for dlc later.
Yup for another 30 minutes.
just dont think about it user
Someone just entered. Give it a try.
Am also dropping apples for anyone visiitng who needs them