What class are you playing in the dlc? How's it holding up?

What class are you playing in the dlc? How's it holding up?

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Fuck off Randy Bobandy.

Gay man bad

Does the boom sickle only come in elemental?


playing fl4k sniper. Seems okay, the hooded enemies in the dlc along with all the hard to hit heads makes it much more difficult than the base game


Do people really keep replaying borderlands? I thought it was only a couple of dedicated autists that love looting new things.

New dlc just came out.

This game runs like complete shit on xbox one

the guns are nicer but it doesn't compensate for the pewdiepie tier humor all throughout it so I uninstalled.

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did they put a melee class and optimized it yet?

I refunded this game after playing it for almost an hour loooool thanks Gabe

The new dlc kind of sucks for snipers though. The hoods are super hard to hit with snipers, and all the enemies with the pustules on their back are almost impossible to headshot

Amara has had a good melee build since launch

moze. Online (especially on Yas Forums) she's "shit tier" but who the fuck cares, I'm having fun.

I'm playing moze mech build idk how anyone thinks she's shit. She's beast af at 57 mayhem 3 atm. As long as they scale ironbear to mayhem levels in 2.0 she'll be great

Moze, because fuck optimal play and survivability, I just wanna pilot a mech.

>bought the game
>didn't buy the pass or any dlc
>almost all of the meta shit is in dlc areas

Every fucking time.

Because following the proscribed build guides doesn't enable her to melt bosses like the other 3. Meanwhile, Explosive MGs + diving deep into Demolition Woman lets you spend practically the whole game safe and cozy inside Iron Bear while turning everything not 5 feet behind cover into a smoothie.

It wasn't the meta when there was no dlc. Just act like there is no dlc. Can't complain you don't have "meta" stuff when you don't own the content. For you it doesn't exist. Go play meta stuff when there wasn't dlc if you don't want to buy it. I don't get your complaint.

I haven't played the DLCs yet but I been playing as Moze and Zane, already did a lot of M3 with Moze, now it's zane's turn.
I mostly like zane so I can run fast as fuck


>the final Moze shield skill that says it recharges your shields when broken
>think I can do Deathless 50k shield Moze with that
>since you get no health gate with deathless, the damage that breaks your shield kills you before Tenacious Defense takes effect
>apparently an interaction like this is not allowed to happen but Amara and her skill + anointments is allowed to exist
Snort the shit out of my anus, gearbox.

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get a level 1 stop gap shield and a deathless relic with HP regen, literal god mode.

Is zane good, or only with seein' dead?

That's what draws you in, until you realize you can heal when in the mech, so you end up putting all resources into using the mech as a boss burner/bubble save.

Moze is super fun, but her mech is going to die in mayhem 2.0 if it doesn't scale with mayhem levels or they don't make it scale with moze's damage

faggot killer

pewdiepie tier humor you mean reddit tier humor

Every vendor has a legendary did something happen?

I don't buy gearbox games because I'm not a fucking faggot

it's the same shit

What level are you, user? Did they finally fix the game in the patch? One of the biggest complaints is the paid premium keys (everyone gets them for free via BL twitter account) is that they only give epics at best.

I don't know, user. Your fun allergy makes you look like a dick sucker.

It's an event

57, every vendor has 1 or 2 legendaries each but there is nothing else in them. Started noticing it once I went through the trials

it's an event that's going on right now till the 2nd

Special event that started today

I got it bundled with the one x and after my first shoot out I quickly learned how shitty fps games are on consoles. I have it uninstalled now and will try find a buyer for it.


>no berserker class
Hard pass.

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what up with this game?
i give it a try when it released on steam, and now i can't stop playing
the history is ultery shit, like "dropping the game over one dialog" shit, but the gameplay is really great, at least for the mech girl

i never feel so conflicted for a game before.

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Works on my One X

melee still fucking sucks in this game

>melee sucks in a game all about guns

Moze is fine if you've only played Moze but as soon as you max level any other character you realise how far behind everyone else she is

shut the fuck up loser

Melee krieg was goat so clearly they can do melee without it being shit.

waaaahhh wahhhhhh my game that is literally a treadmill of getting better and better weapons doesn't do melee well wahhhhh wahhhhhh pllzzzzzz plz let me hit things in my gun gameee wahhhhhhh wahhhhh

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He's good with Antifreeze but god tier with Seeing Dead

Haha buzz axe go brrrr

t. meat puppet

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still melting with F4G

Wish there were more transformation skills but o well
Melee Krieg was fun if you like going into autist mode which was neat and Zer0 if your into Gray Fox/Predator simulator. Amara in comparison is alright

How are snipers in this game?

it aight

you're better off using rapid fire shit

>Roland sucks
>Axton sucks
>Moze sucks
why bother

Moze is bretty good


I didn't know you don't have to play gearbox games to be a dick sucker