One Way Heroics

It's the weekend and you may or may not be quarantined, prime time to get a game off your backlog anyway. Specifically, this one.

One Way Heroics thread.

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Roll for class if you're too indecisive. Any thoughts on a world seed?

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Sounds good.

Rolling for class.

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Fuck you user I tried to make a thread earlier and only 2 people played
Now I need to go to bed

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>tfw missed the earlier thread
Well, shit. Don't like the prospects on this thread surviving for long then.

bigpenis starts in ruins. Hilarious.

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Going on Very Hard like all the cool kids, but it's pretty hard so far.

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The first two towns are located pretty much next to each other.

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Even with a combat class like Pirate, everything is kicking my shit in. This isn't going to be pretty.

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Dodged the first miniboss by it wandering into the Darkness.

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>fight elite wave of bats
>seconds later another elite comes barreling out of the darkness

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Well. Time to burn an awakening or two.

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rollan time

Managed to get away with just 1 awakening. Damn, a Pirate's carry capacity is huge.

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and we're out of awakenings

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what's the point of running max charisma if you're not dragging along any party members?

Pirates have like 0 Charisma growth, IIRC.

>miss shot
>2 hp red harpy pushes me into the darkness
Jikuuuuuu is fuckin dead

Goddamn fast imps blindsiding me in the dark. Half my awakenings gone, and it hasn't even been 10 days yet.

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Thanks for a heavy shield.

It's a scaled shield

Way to fuck up a crop.

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What is this game about? I have it in my library for some reason and have never played it.

it's a roguelike autoscroller

1 Awakening left, goddamn. I should stick to Grueling Campaign.

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will join in the morning if it's still going
been waiting to get in on one of these
rougelight where an insta-kill plane advances 1/2 square right every turn, so you have to prioritize where you go and what you do. multiple endings and other stuff.

A roguelike RPG
the premise is that you're a hero in a world being shrouded in darkness
You can only move right or the darkness swallows you
Defeat the Demon Lord to bring peace to the land

Roguelike where you walk right. Has a light multiplayer aspect where you can see the progress of other people playing in the same seed.

Damn, here goes my last Awakening already.

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F for user
>dies to jewish construct
like pottery


Thanks for a staff.

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>miniboss time
Please don't be something that can fly.
>they can swim

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>throw a buddy tablet at the miniboss
Now I'm contemplating on running like a bitch, or trying to stab someone. I think I'll run.

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rollin time

Haven't played this in a few years, but I know I dumped about twenty hours into the Vita version. Really fun game, should pick it back up again

Stuck around to watch them fight, managed to nab a couple things, plus the boss died to a random crow that came in out of nowhere.

What's the difference between a buddy tablet and brainwashing drug anyway?

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That's my first reaction as well when encountering otter mini boss as adventurer. At least they hit lightly, i think.

People still play this? rollin anyways

Brainwashing drug doesnt affect certain bosses and story enemies, buddy tablet does

Bit of a recent thing.

If you like One Way Heroics you'll probably like Kingsway, unless you're a FAGGOT

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what seed



How do you reach the end of the companions' storylines?

how do i survive inhumane pls help

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>corrupted lands
This is probably going to be my grave.

Shit dude, I managed to outrun the miniboss but got killed by the minions. Might come back for another run later.

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I'm going to suggest not going on inhumane
t. about to die in inhumane

You need to progress in their affection enough, I think generally they need to initiate a talk with you 3 times. Then just kill the Demon Lord. Certain win conditions lock you out from getting their endings. I think the class unlock campaigns lock you out, but I'm not sure.

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remember thrown items never miss

>60 minutes before death

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i'm in

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I've made a grave mistake.

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Good seeing you obs

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>picked one of the multiple 3 WT unidentified armors I have on hand to equip after my default shit broke
>it was the absolute worst possible option I could have picked
Jesus fucking Christ, why.

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absolutely blessed run

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Get anything good?

Just some kind of bracelet
this any good?

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Hero starting stat is almost cheating. Easy feral dog exp farm and breezing through everything.

Know the strength of your class and use it well. Know your enemy well, choose what to engage and when to run. Make good use of dash/other utility skill and terrain if you character allow you to. Focus on surviving when you are starting out. If your class start out weak, some weapons from npc might help a lot. Try to get items that'll help you escape like magic bridge, teleport pill, scroll of reclusiveness, scroll of confusion, tentacle weed etc.

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what's the difference between one way heroics and mystery chronicles: one way heroics

Oh, that's a Bracelet of speed. Consumes energy faster, increases crit chance or something.

One Way Heroics is the original, Plus is the expansion to it.
Mystery Chronicles is the Spike Chunsoft version, with a lot of bloat in classes so they could throw in references to stuff, traps so that it's more like a Mystery Dungeon game, less music, and worse companions.