Still thinking Sonic games were always shit on a Friday night? God you're pathetic

Still thinking Sonic games were always shit on a Friday night? God you're pathetic

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Other urls found in this thread:

w-why is sonic looking at me like that

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He is homosexual.

What's wrong, user?

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Blaze might be flat, but she's not a man

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You kickass Sonic!! YA GO SONIC WOOOOO

Based and unironically the only good ship in the Sonic series

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Excellent taste

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good lad

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Yeah, fuck you Sonic

Yeah you would

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there will never be anything in this world like the sonic fanbase

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I want Neo Metal Sonic to step on me.

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you'll probably die thb

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explain this meme to me because I'm retarded

>Rouge thread deleted
>This stays up
Really makes you think

wtf i love mods now

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I've always hated that design, but the comic did a good job making it menacing

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c-can you say "user is kinda cute, no homo"

I admit its dumb but I always kinda loved it. Its also the only time we see him talk and he was kinda interesting with his identity issues. Sad it probably wont come back.

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this would have been kino without the dialogue

Is that you Sonicanon?
Can you say "Rouge is a slut, Amy is a cunt, Cream is too old, Blaze is best girl"

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holy shit


Why does Sonic do strange things to me?

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Goddamn it Yas Forums stop making me want to fap to Sonic

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Now say this plz

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Nothing wrong with it, user.

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Sorry, you're already too deep on this

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>tfw I cried at gamma ending as a kid

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>WOW TAILS, were you a dude all this time?! I can't believe I'm gay


If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.

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Not attracted to sonic but this is still a based thread. Legit love this guy

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>attracted to suggestive Sonic art
>repulsed by Sonic porn

I love Sonic too my guy. Great character.

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There's a thin line, you know

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Based. Wish I could be so free like him bro.

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God I fucking hate the sonic fanbase. Absolute degenerates


do you think metal subconsciously hates being a clone of some gay ass hedgehog and secretly just wants to kill him for the sake of feeling some individuality in his boring robot life

Bro could you do /sthg/ a huge favour and narrate these two posts? (next one coming up)

>No, a shadowfag is the kind of person who is like that but instead of just trashing online spaces with their presence is also an abhorrent entity in the real world too. Their room will be filled with shadow merchandise and they will sleep in shadow bedding reading their cream doujins every night and not even caring to put them away incase their depressed mother sees them as she washes their shadow bedsheets for the second time in the week due to cum stains, sweat and saliva. Shadowfags are legitimately lobotomised by their own lack of higher thought, constant thoughts forcefully directed toward fucking shadow have melted their mind and they no longer possess free will to think about or do anything else. They are depraved, evil automatons that must be destroyed. The only time a shadowfag will show passion for anything, or any spark of human life is when their favourite character is insulted, in which case the neuron pathways still intact that aren’t for masturbation and not decayed to abuse and misuse enter a feedback loop of aggressive, annoying spam like a little yapping dog until the threat has given up or their brains lose too much energy due to it all being expended with their semen and have to enter a catatonic recovery state where the shadowfag stares utterly indifferent as he saves 500 new shadow fan art images to spam later.

that's his dilemma, he yearns for identity

>>So much is their bodily and mental deterioration that their actual souls are starting to flicker and fade too, and soon no human, loving or higher spark will be able to inspire the slightest action toward change and they will descend into a sub insect like state where every one of their behaviours is now a bundle of nerves programmed to react to things to do with shadow- see shadow, fap, see sonic, seethe (only this time their response will barely be in English if they can even post, they’re more likely to just hiss at their computer screen). When they die their bodies instantly crumble in a pile of ash, and their weak, pallid little souls are the pity of even lucifer. This is genuinely what you are dealing with when you encounter shadow fans on here. They are diseased. Treat them like terminally ill drug addicts, with pity, but acknowledgement that this was of their own doing and they are too fundamentally broken to ever be helped

according to what game? Heroes? Isn't it implied that Eggman reprogrammed him to never rebel again and that's why he hasn't been as relevant in any mainline Sonic game since?

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Holy shit it is friday, i've kind of lost track of time now days

Fucking nice, thanks a lot

Would you please say "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog and you're full of shit."

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Same. I can't keep track of what day it is anymore.

Can you do a Shadow voice and say
>I can't believe Rouge cucked me for that red bastard

Nice to see the Sonichads taking over this board.

Jack shit is implied because he never showed up again in any real capacity in any major game set after Heroes, and the series got a soft reboot anyway

here's your Cream the Rabbit bro

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I'm about to cave into the fandom
I played all the genesis, dreamcast, GC and GBA games as a kid and I have nothing to lose, Adventure was the first 3D game I (thought) I beat
I'm starting with the comics

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>I'm starting with the comics
Yeah, no dude. That's a path of autism you don't want to go.

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Dunno if I'll do all that tonight, but I'll save it and maybe post it there one of these nights. I don't really browse /sthg/ though.

Based, thanks bro

cool beans, thanks my dude

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what's the lore behind sonicanon

You sound tired though, is there anything wrong?