Remember indie pixel games? They're PS1 form!

Remember indie pixel games? They're PS1 form!

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People have been sleeping on this trend for at least two years


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is this the low poly revisionism thread

At least PS1 games are 3D.

Though, a lot of those PS1-themed Horror games are really short.

I'm already over this retarded trend. Go for late 90s Dreamcast/3D Accelerator look

I always find it baffling that some people apparently have nostalgia for the PS1/N64 era graphics. I fucking hated that era because it was every company trying to make only 3D games before any existing hardware was capable of good 3D.

This isn't new though.

Looks awesome, I've been wanting to play Dread Delusion but was stumped by the ultimate piracy protection - not being on Steam or GOG.

PS1 and Saturn looked great. N64 looked like puke.

Attached: bloody-roar-2.webm (600x360, 2.82M)

>generic-brand Silent Hill 1

>emulated webm as proof
Boo this man.

Attached: Panzer Dragoon.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

Man that looks gorgeous

Is it? I really couldn't tell. You muse have a knack for pointing out this kind of stuff.

Apparently N64 had aliasing - the blur was acceptable on CRTs but looks terrible on anything else.

It looks like garbage. Virtua Racing Deluxe looks better and that's a 32X game.

Attached: Virtua Racing Deluxe.webm (640x480, 2.92M)


this is soulless but I like the idea of indie PS2 games

It's in the unfortunate of not being good for sharp, clean pixel art for textures and being too shit at doing the kind of art that passes under such blurry visuals.

Dude that looks like ass.

Look at how sharp everything is. On a real television, the CRT's shadow mask adds a blurring effect which softens the visuals immensly.

>Dude that looks like ass
Flat shaded polygons > unfiltered texture visual noise garbage

It depends on the game. Stuff like Virtua Fighter and Wipeout look cool. Not a lot of PS1/Saturn Era stuff has aged well though

Love those details though, the billowing smoke, the flocking birds, it's really cool. Has a lot of soul.

Where did you get this leaked PS5 footage?

You're late pal.
As for these games a lot of them do look like shit even by the standards of that era, like they're trying to make them uglier and as shit as possible on purpose, that or they do geniunely fail to notice that even then those games had art direction, fun gameplay, compelling stories and/or nice sountracks.
Whereas with these you end up with 2 bland tracks, cheap jumpscares and 30 mins of gameplay.

link me some aes

remember alf pogs

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>let's downgrade the graphics for a nostalgic feel
>let's also limit memory, gameplay functions, level size, and everything else as well
If you're going to work within the constraints of PS1 graphics, at least use it as an opportunity to improve on the PS1's limitations. Make huge levels that you couldn't have on PS1. Make huge enemy models. Have a hundred on-screen units instead of limiting yourself to a handful.

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The new 30s' can't come soon enough.

Better lighting and shadows. Better A.I..
But no, people just make this shit:

PS2 games have a better aesthetic to them than PS1 -- especially Horror wise. But it'll be a while before we see good fan-made PS2 games.

Can't wait , hope it's a bit of a repeat of the last episode of the 30's.

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>extremely stiff animations
>environments are just the same object models put in typical spots, no variance, no clutter, no posters on the walls etc.
>actually awful camera angles where you literally cannot see your character at times

This is like someone watched a 5 minute video of the first Silent Hill and tried to recreate it.

Niggas can't even do pixelart justice. What makes them think their going to do it with low-poly 3D?

Oh I was wondering when this would happen.

here's the thing...I think the aesthetic of the low-poly lends itself better to video game horror than all the high res textures and fancy lighting effects.
When you cross over into graphics that just look so real and nice you end up with something that isn't actually unsettling and unnatural to the eye in the same way that low-poly stuff is and can be.
Low poly things can feel almost like a dream. On top of that, your imagination is working to fill in other details. You're being engaged in the horror of it all much more than when you have high res high detail.

And that's a good thing


totally impractical system in the long run, the moment your benevolent dictator gets usurped by someone not so benevolent it goes to shit

That's why the population is allowed to keep their guns

but PS2 era was the golden era of horror games, if you are a horror fan PS2 is a must, granted some of the games go for a fortune, like Kuon, and Rule of Rose, PS1 was more the Janky control platformer and racing game, and doomclone fps generation

I hate low poly with a fucking passion. It's literally the worst of video games

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video games have fully regressed
a new cycle begins

Attached: Clap.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

agreed, at the time I didn’t notice, but once the PS2 came out, looking back at those 5th gen 3D, man that shit looks terribad

>7th and 8th gen being anything but far below everything else
Dumb tasteless consoomer.

>just have a bloody revolution every 30 years or so bro

Accurate until end of DvD era, it should plummet after this and be strictly decreasing on its domain.
Also, 8-bit should be a little higher.

You don't need to revolt you know, just the ownership is enough to make sure they do the right thing.

it's better than indie pixel shit or white creature with black eyes trend

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>being nostalgic for low poly
barf, no thanks, that’s a hard pass from me dawg

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Current American politicians called. They think your silly.

Boy i really hope so, maybe my game becomes an indie darling. Im even planning to lock the fps at 30.

Very different sort of system there my friend, but it did work for a while in America at least.

>Powers have armored vehicles and drones
>Somehow they are kept in check by a population with ARs at most

Yea, if you're ruling over someone you don't want to flatten their neighborhood retard

This isn't going to be made into a full game is it?

A tank can't knock on a door retard.

Gosh, golly gee, I can't wait for a new wave of inferior and uglier clones of King's Field.

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These faggots always copy and never take it to the next level with the graphics/art-style. It's so fucking derivative and boring.

It think already is, its the first game from the guy who directed Kairo.

Someone correct me if im wrong.

>nitpicked picture
I’ll grant you it’s an acquired taste, but just because ff7 aged like milk does not mean all low poly sucks

Life is copying. You're literally a derivation of your parents, as they are too

How do tanks, attack helicopters, fighter-bombers and drones prevent assassins from people? I guess in your world the British had no problems with the Irish whatsoever. Spy-drones and CCTV wouldn't have helped because their facial recognition would be useless against men in masks driving stolen vehicles.

And yet it looks worse than the 20 year old game it's based off. How?

>prevent assassins from people

prevent assassins shooting people.

Stop posting this same thread every time dumbass, we areadly had this discussion, in short terms, indie games are not going to "ps1 style" or anything 3D related, 3D game development is a whole another beast compared to 2D games so no indie devs can bank this.

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Low-poly is one thing but I'm super nostalgic for pre-rendered background art like FF7 and Ocarina of Time use

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The pixelation is too strong compared to ps1 games and the animation is pretty bad, otherwise it looks pretty good. Im sure the filters can be adjusted.

You using emulator to make it look better just proves that guy's point you stupid faggot