Who are his employers?
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Who cares?
Probably cthulu-like beings because
The question is, how much is he paid? We know he's paid something, because no one would do work for free.
They are.
big chungus
City 17's water is turning the Vortigaunts gay
It's Gman himself, hopping between time periods to give himself instructions, with the big boss being when Gman first had the idea and the lastest rendition being Gordon, before realizing that he is Gman and should start hopping around time giving himself instructions
I always assumed he was a slave and the "employers" are somehow even more powerful than him.
Cthulhu is a faggot, G-Man is closer to Nyarlathotep than anything
I feel like a retard. What exactly did Freeman accomplish at Black mesa?
he killed boss baby
you cant be a leader if your nickname is "advisor"
for sure its not those grubby shits
Hillary Clinton
>Launched a rocket that stopped the portal storm
>Killed Nihilanth
>Freed Vortigaunts
>Gave GMAN's employers control over Xen.
They watch in the dark.
>because no one would do work for free.
His employers wanted Xen under Combine control. It's definitely implied that the Combine are a main player in this game, but possibly able to be pushed aside under the right circumstances("That is a bigger nudge") Gordon and Alex, both human, seem to have come under favor of the G-Man, but not his employers. I believe he wants to show that humans are more worthy than the Combine in the long run.
probably Trump + Obama working together.
>His employers wanted Xen under Combine control.
Nope, it was for themselves.
Awww it's so cute when you 4channers make up all these silly theories!
>The Bogdanoffs!!
>the jews!>.Solar plexus clown gliders!
cute. CUTE!
Congratulations: You got the joke
The Government
the series has always remained convoluted for a reason. if they just reveal who GMAN really is, who his employers are, etc etc, there would be no point to it anymore. They can just endlessly make new games where the entire game things happen then bam this cunt comes out of no where, undoes everything and employs you for the next game.
>Valve making games
I know, right?
I personally believe the whole "employers" thing is bullshit and just something he makes up. In reality, he himself is his own "employer".
>I believe he wants to show that humans are more worthy than the Combine in the long run
that's interesting enough to work
The order of Ricks. Wubba dub dub.
A more interesting question is what kind of gun is in his briefcase and does it just shoot bullets?
>he employed freeman
>dump it
doctor coomer
>G-Man, we need a plot for our game
>G-Man, we need a quick way for Gordon to get out of Xen and be available for future games
>G-Man, we don't know how to get Gordon out of the Citadel
>G-Man, can you fix our cliffhanger we don't know how to fix
combine = earth former military
advisors = corrupt elites with xen technology
There is non.
Did you watch mr. robot?
The story makes no sense.
Half Life 2 was G-Man demonstrating Gordon’s worth to the Combine change my mind
Aperture Science Laboratories
Not even fucking Valve knows.
this is canon
He works for Valve. G-man is a meta character whose purpose is to make sure a new Half-Life game is made with the right setting and character.
i like g-man
though i feel its gonna be hard to make him more than the mysterious deal maker without making it as dumb as marvel movies
brilliant 10/10 goty
>he knew gordon had a hard on for elis daughter
>does his best to remove her from the timeline
indefinitely without getting his hands dirty
>gordon you've been a bad boy, please escort alyx to her life tragedy so i can have her in my pocket
>*bzzt bzzt*
>He escaped?
>Bring ze Corporal out of stasis.
he doesnt have one, he's just a convenient excuse for valve to start and stop the story wherever and whenever they want to, and to railroad it in the particular direction they want to write it that'd make the best technical showcase. there was never any sort of logic or explanation for gman whatsoever
Who was the transparent guy in the mindfuck inception-like senction just before your Rustles are supercharged?
randies inside the apartment
I guess you need to be spoonfed step by step exposition to have any interest in a story, huh?
>The phone call that changed the fabric of space and time
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Enemies that unnerve me - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
1- your mom
2- your dad
3- your sister
The only thing that makes sense.
Valve is gmans employers and he is meta.