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I dare you to come up with three flaws for this masterpiece.

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There are zero good Star Trek films too.

STO is actually surprisingly good. It's too old now but it was easily better than all the WoW clones people were propping up. Also Elite Force, Bridge Command, and the one where you use your voice to control the ship like picard are all good.

There are good Dune games though.

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I played STO again recently and was surprised that the Discovery crossover bullshit was genuinely good. I actually cared about the characters. The holo-version of that one character accidentally becoming sentient and reliving his whole lifetime in a single instant was more poignant than anything in the actual show.

>Nooo, you don't get it! Star Trek isn't really about exploring space, it's really morality plays and allegorical tales using aliens as reflections of the darker parts of humanity's psyche or analogs to real political events. The space exploration is just fluff and the show borrows more from Westerns than actual Sci-Fi!

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>Ha ha funny alien goes BLEEP BLOOP

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>ever not picking alien hottie over academy rostie

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My first RTS, and in retrospect, my first Sci Fi too. 1992 was a helluva year.

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I believe Star Trek to be one of those franchises like Superman that people secretly hate but wont admit it because they'd be exposed as shit posters so instead they pretend to be disappointed fans. And I believe that's why shit like STO gets overlooked.

1,2,4,6, Remake 1, Remake 3

Picard dies and has his memories copied to a fucking flesh golem. Star Trek is officially done. There is no coming back from this massive pile of LBGT supporting positive body image affirming garbage


Attention self isolating Yas Forumsorkers

I will not allow you to play video games during working from home hours. If you do not stop playing video games, I will be forced to stand you down and pay you no wages but keep you on the payroll

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but I like star trek
>btw Sisko=Picard>Kirk>everyone else

There are zero good Star Trek anything right now.

>*Blocks your shitty thread's path*

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The exploration of new horizons, be they physical, moral, or supernatural all encompass what makes Star Trek what it is. There's a reason the tagline is "To boldly go where no man has gone before"
Also I wasn't sure whether to say "no man" or "no one" because I feel like whichever I choose someone will bitch

Janeway is pretty fucking good and deserves a nodd about archer and whatever the fuck is going on in STD. I'm just saying, there's a lot of phony "star trek fans" out there.

we know vinny

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*above archer

star trek always had free love undertones, but now 1/3 of the population is also gay

That's because Star Trek as an IP isn't good in the first place, absolute trash series from beginning to end.

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Wasn't the MMO pretty good for an MMO? I remember some of my friends playing it and saying it's good.

That's not accurate at all. Janeway would nuke the people no questions asked. It's one of the biggest criticisms of her character.

Janeway becomes one of the best when you headcanon that her extremely inconsistent writing over the course of Voyager is actually because she was out of her depth as a captain and cracking under the pressure
It makes her kind of relatable

>mfw a seething marquie cries about their planet being poisoned

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The space combat is really fun and makes it one of the more unique MMOs.
The ground combat is generic MMO trash though

Doesn’t mean they need to rub it in the other 2/3s faces constantly.

Bitch please. Also, I dont even like RTS and Armada was fun too.

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There are zero good Star Trek TV shows too. It's just a retarded space utopia that wouldn't even exist.

>Why do you LIE like that, Scotty?

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Rescue! on the mac was fantastic

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Even TOS went to great pains to express that it was NOT a utopia just because it was post-scarcity, and it would only become a utopia when the people living in it were willing to step up and create it.

How do I get things I want that cant be replicated in star trek? Say I want a really important historical artifact. In our time I could at least in theory buy it but theres no money in star trek so how would I get it?

The Borg bit got me good.

>that cant be replicated
like what?

Galaxy Quest would like a word with you.

Trek is dead.

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I remember playing some shitty star trek game on a linux terminal, was entertaining for a terminal game

Just play Star Control 2.

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go go gadget ctrl+c/v

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>only one mention of elite force
faggots, the lot of you, save one

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that copy paste job is so phenomenally lazy

nuTrek was a mistake

What is this garbage

So Picard's whole journey ends in him becoming a fuckin android. Who really thought that was a good idea? It literally shits all over any episode with Q since Q could just make anyone immortal or whatever but Picard is usually like fuck that noise being human means having flaws not being a fuckin android. They should have just had Q make him a Q if they wanted to milk this shit more.

Why does Starfleet have only one class of vessel?

>1...6, Remake 1, Remake 3
I have never discarded an opinion harder than I'm discarding this one.

Battlestar Galactica ended over 10 years ago, why hasn't it been topped visually in tv sci fi?

Firefly remake starring Patrick Stewart

There's zero good Star Trek anything, nerd.

theres zero good star trek anything
>inb4 autistic boomer manchildren trying to tell me otherwise

A Final Unity is where its at.

God, those are terrible designs

can ships warp from a stand still in star trek? they usually have the impulse engines on when they do it. looks wrong to me.

Kurtzman's rape baby.

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What's wrong with 6?

The visuals in the nu-trek series are technically better, they just look generic.

I liked Elite Force 1/2, 25th Anniversary, Bridge Commander, Klingon Honor Guard, and even STO for a time. I still need to try that Commandos style Star Trek game.

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>Computer, simulate a scenario where the setting is based around feudal Japan.
>Set the time period to the Sengoku Era, during the reign of Oda Nobunaga.
>Make all simulated individuals have a two dimensional and cartoon based format that is still visible and appealing to a 3D individual.
>Make them all female with the appearance of young teenagers experiencing puberty for the first time.
>Provide me with the influence to help forward feudal Japan as a warlord under the command of OdaNobunaga, while having unlimited access to any females of any age i desire. including Nobunaga
>Allow the rejection protocol.
>Only twice then full acceptance.
>Computer, safety protocols on.

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Literally a rip off of Star Wars. You can almost hear the soi smile exclaiming "you and who's armada?!" in the writer's room from here.

dw guise ill make sure u all get gud star treck games! :)

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does anyone have a gif where picard screaming and panicking while the camera is always focused on his face?

Councillor troi's tits

Bridge Crew