You're not seriously thinking about buying REmake 3 are you?
>Jill has lost her femininity and wears manly clothes instead of her iconic miniskirt outfit
>Severe framerate drops on consoles
>Zombie gore system has been significantly downgraded from REmake 2
>Knife lacks the punch and feel from REmake 2
>Reused animations and zombies from REmake 2
>Confirmed to be not as long as REmake 2 with only one campaign (5 hours)
>Atmosphere isn't as excellent as REmake 2
>Writing is cringey and could be reworked
>Can't use sub-weapons to break away from zombie grabs
>Dodge mechanic with slow-mo trivializes the game
>Overabundance of ammo negates any sense of tension
>Red-barrel explosions everywhere allow for easy wins
>Nemesis is just a poor man's version of Mr. X
>Cut content from the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Music lacks the soul of the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Tacked on multiplayer game called Resident Evil Resistance that nobody asked for
Explain this shills...