Surely you must have played a few games while in quarentine

Surely you must have played a few games while in quarentine.
Are they any good?

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Animal crossing NH is the best AC in the series

Played the Trial of ARMS on switch
Not bad at all, but it kinda lacks content on the single player side.

trying out FFxiv. its pretty neat i guess

Played through all the Uncharted games again so I could play Uncharted 4 with them fresh. I really enjoyed it and thought it was very fun.

YIIK was really good. I think it's now one of my top games ever played. Masterpiece tier to be honest.

100%ed crash trilogy and horizon chase turbo this week. Those time trials in crash one were ignore fast but the trilogy is great. so is horizon chase turbo.

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Doom Eternal it was great

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State of Decay 2 is great but can get repetitive. Division 2 is not bad for what it is. Going to try World War Z but don’t have high hopes.

One Step from Eden
lots of fun

i went back to arms after the smash reveal been trying to avoid rosterfaggotry but the game itself is fun

Yeah I'm playing MUA3. Shit's pretty fun but I need the DLC for DOOM and Frank.

Just finished DMC 2. It was fun, but dragged on for quite a bit. I've been grinding through Digimon Dusk since then.

I don't share your opinion but I respect your sentiment towards that game

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Grim Dawn
yeah, it's fun, hoping to play coop with a friend sometime

AoE II DE . I like it

I'm in a Sega Saturn trip
I finished NightS into Dreams, now i'm with Radiant Silvergun and if i can i'll try Panzer Dragoon Saga

Im playing thru aria of sorrow and i really like it so far

Really liking Etrian Odyssey V

I've been doing a marathon of the trails games for about a year now. Currently a fourth of the way through of the third one. Can't say it's as good as the first two games but I like the fact that you're traveling through an unknown void. It definitely gives me an uneasy surreal feeling.

Looking forward to the Crossbell arc since I've heard it's the best part of Legend of Heroes, but I know I won't be getting to it anytime soon.

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Nioh 2 will probably be my GOTY

I beat Metro 2033 and Last Light. I played on Ranger in both, I think I was on Normal though, so not Ranger Hadcore.

They were good. I'm not really sure which I like more. Last Light felt like it had higher highs but also lower lows, while 2033 felt more consistently good but never as good as LLs peaks. I think Exodus will beat both of them though, once I get around to it.

Beat hollow knight, loved it.
WAS going to finish the final boss of paper mario TTYD but my controller's busted.
Tried out the demo to paperball, didn't like it.
Still on the fence about whether I should buy doom eternal or finish my backlog (It's only like 3 or 4 games.)

I just picked up UNIST CLR, learning Wagner. I'm looking up her basic BnB combos and gonna try to get it down but they're tricky. Just hoping I get down a 5C starter combo within a week.

Halo Combat evolved, and I enjoyed the jank

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Venus Vacation
It's shit, even as softcore porn.


Doom Eternal
Really damn good, definitely one of my favorite shooters.

risk of rain 2
its fun

Ye it's still good

PlanetSide 2
Yes but please tell god to send all vanu to double hell

Haven't really finished Delta Force 2 when I was a kid, still lots of fun after all this time

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Degrees of Lewdity
There's some good shit between endles minutia and grinding

DayZ is a fucking bore fest, even on a fucking modded server.

i never understood what people liked about dayz so much.

>while in quarantine
I don't live in some third world shithole like NYC, the only real change to my daily life is that my hours are a bit shorter at work (small family ran place, can't afford to be open at regular hours since most of our business came from events that obviously aren't happening at the moment) and that it's harder to find TP when I do my weekly grocery shopping.

That said I've been playing Animal Crossing and enjoying it. Also got Hollow Knight recently and it's pretty good.

Y'all actually get laid off or just NEET? "Essential" person here, jealous of you all. Enjoy it.

space station 13, I love it and it's multitide of servers, there is something for everyone

I played part of phantasy star online 2 but that was the opening only and not the full game its was alright.
but for a real game I played the surge 2 and its kinda shit, it has some good game design but the area and encounter design are just fucking AIDS.

Siege and eh

I'm playing Gordian Quest right now and it's fun, but there's a gamebreaking bug with battles that I'm waiting for them to patch out.

it's alright

I liked Slenderman Must Die

Darksiders 3 and... It's alright

faces of war and Ace Combat X Skies of Deception
>faces of war is good
>ACX is great, but the controls on the PSP suck dick

Playing ARMS it’s pretty fun

Shinsetsu Mahou Shoujo. It's kamige and eops might never get to try it and that makes me sad.

Modern Warfare 2019.
Grinding weapons and camos is annoying.

I'm also playing Sin of Mana (SD3 romhack) since trials of mana comes out next month

tfw i finally have a good excuse to take a decent bite out of my backlog and all i do is play animal crossing and read books like some kind of pseud

just alt+f4'd out of sekiro

It's pretty fun. I just wish the AI wasn't so garbage at war. If they can't outproduce you to the point of outnumbering you 4-1, or be a solid 5-10 techs ahead when you declare war, then you'll steamroll them every time.

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played about 45 minutes of the last of us remastered which i havent played since i bought it in 2016 and decided this dumb linear game is for boomers who are into ludo and uninstalled it

Granblue Fantasy
I think it SUCKS

Half-Life: Alyx
I enjoyed it very much. I'll probably play it again on hard on my day off.

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X3 Albion Prelude and yes its fucking amazing. It shits on all other open "world" sandbox space games. You can make a huge armada and command it from an rts perspective or actually command a ship on the front lines of a war you started with ship you built from your hq. Fuck eveything else.

Or just trade or something i'm not telling you what to do with its in real time economy that relies on trade ships trading with each other and stations in real time.

Or maybe its just Autism.

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the beginning of the last of us is pretty fucking awful until you get out of the library. then the game becomes a little better imo.

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I'm playing Mario Galaxy right now. I'm not sure whether I'm mad at myself for not trying it sooner, or if I'm relieved to have a comfy wii game to play now.

keep going, getting past arr makes it so much better

Another screenshot from my ongoing game. Attila actually put up a pretty good fight, but he had 15 cities to my 7 when I declared war, and he was apparently busy doing whatever the fuck this is.

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I was already around the part where you meet bill

Blade and Sorcery

I like it a lot even if it's basically just a woman killing simulator

oh, than forget it. the game doesn't become better than that until the very end at the hospital where you can just spray and pray

Tetris Effect.

I never thought stacking blocks would make me cry, but here we are.

I'm playing OG Doom. It's fun, I do like it. It's way better than Wolfenstein. Next I'm going to try Quake

I've been playing nu-Deus Ex, got Mankind Divided for 5 bucks and it got me hooked, had to play Human Revolution after it, the atmosphere is great and the gameplay is pretty tight

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Doom Eternal
Good as fuck, but ultra nightmare's gonna take a while

Played Dark Souls 3 today. Still as good as it was when it released.

Company of Heroes, DoW 2, World in Conflict, and Stellaris. I fucking loved all of them so much Jesus Christ. Why haven't I played these before? I have Deserts of Kkarak, homeworld 1 and 2 remastered, sins of a solar empire rebellion. I'm trying to figure out which to play next. Or maybe you can give me a rec

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Ys 8 PC version. Wish more Jap companies would hire Durante to fix their game because it sure runs silky smooth now. Would recommend starting this game on Nightmare instead of Inferno - its not that its unbeatable in Inferno, its just that getting two shot by mobs in dungeons with no estus flask like item is stupid annoying

State of Decay 2. Having fun with it.

Team fortress 2 i like it

>Rogue Legacy
It's kind of pissing me off to be honest with you, family.

It's just as good as I remember it when I played it for the first time on pc 5 years ago.

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1. Watch Dogs 2
2. Prince of Persia
3. Obscure
4. Enslaved
5. Castlevania
6. Assassin's Creed
7. FAR
8. Generation Zero
9. Next post decides
0. TF2

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100% OJ with a few friends. Yeah it was enjoyable

That's because it's kinda shit, senpaitchi.

Borderlands 3. I liked it, it had its moments. I'd give it a 7/10

I'm starting to get that. I like some of the ideas like you pick a character from a couple choices, do a run, then use the gold you earned to buy shit, but the combat isn't fun and the way shit gets more expensive every time you buy something seems extremely punitive, given you have to give up all of your gold to go back in.

Animal Crossing, Deadly Premonition, Spec Ops: The Line, and Pikuniku.

Animal Crossing is amazing, a great entry in my favorite series.

Deadly Premonition was not for me, I can understand the charm and how it became a cult classic, but you couldn't pay me to play it again.

Spec Ops was pretty cool. I like the story but the gameplay was generic.

Pikuniku was cute and fun but too short. I bought it for 42 cents so I'm happy. An artist I like called bo en did the music, which is good.