Post your vidya tattoos.
Pic VERY related.
Post your vidya tattoos.
Pic VERY related.
i'm sorry for you
How to identify a subhuman in seconds.
sorry for you being a burn victim
Yas Forums's a fucking cesspool.
this tattoo is fucking sick.
>I got a Doom tattoo that's looks like an open wound. That's so metal hehehehe
not Yas Forumsidya but /lit/
what does that even mean?
Why do some of them have a butthole under the words?
Imagine this guy explaining his tattoo to his grandchildren. He probably won't even remember the name of the game by then.
how to identify a faggot in seconds
What is the most overrated anime in the last 10 years? Not most popular, but most overrated.
>Why do some of them have a butthole under the words?
so it goes.
tattoos only look good on buff people
>tattoos now
except the ones now are actually good, unlike tribal tattoos and moonrunes
shut the fuck up, mongoloid
I've seen so many thots with some version of this tattoo.
What is the appeal of tattoos?
they look neat
girls like them
It's a famous song, dude.
I am very mad at this image, a tarot card and memento mori are literally tattoo ideas i've had since high school.yes I got the ideas from Persona I'am already ashamed please do not cyber bully me further
Some people don't have personalities and need to disfigure themselves just for a conversation starter.
>girls like them
this. every girl i've ever fucked has always complemented my tattoos
the billy joel one, the mac miller one, or the taylor swift one?
might as well kys at this point
Can't I just picked up MHW and I'm having fun
memento mori is definitely lame. Tarot cards are still fine, so long as you find something at least somewhat original to put on it. Or better yet just have a rectangular frame around a design you like, no need to make it necessarily a tarot card.
Your mother didn't like mine
i fucking hate you retards
except that one's fake
>scream for attention
>get a pitty response
>knees are the only thing worn out on his jeans...
the jokes are too easy
Kar en tuk!!! XD
cope more. It usually goes like this:
>hey I like your tattoos, what do they mean?
>haha can I touch them? Let me feel your arm
>So do you have any tattoos anywhere else?
>Oh maybe you should take off your shirt and show me
it's literally that easy.
I mean they wouldn't fuck you if they thought your tattoos were stupid. My sister is a crazy person who has about 30 tattoos and she is always commenting on people's tattoos as we walk around, sometimes even saying this or that guy is handsome but i can't believe his taste is so poor to get -that- tattooed. All of her boyfriends have been covered in similar ones to hers. People who like tattoos and certain styles of them naturally sort themselves.
>>hey I like your tattoos, what do they mean?
>>haha can I touch them? Let me feel your arm
>>So do you have any tattoos anywhere else?
>>Oh maybe you should take off your shirt and show me
Would she be arrested in Stralia? Real question.
I remember in school I had to read a book and that was a saying in the book.
"so it goes" I think it was slaughterhouse5?
I'm too embarrassed to show off my tlou tattoo
Haha did you just say sneed? That reminds me of my favourite gag from the Simpsons, where Homer enters a shop called "Sneed's Feed and Seed" and below that the sign reads "Formerly Chuck's".
You see, it's funny because an inquisitive mind would notice how Feed and Seed rhymes with Sneed, and then he would wonder how exactly the shop was called when the owner was called Chuck. Then an even more inquisitive person would actually try to combine the starting letters of feed and seed with Chuck's name and he would reach the conclusion that using the old owner's name, the shop would be called Chuck's Fuck and Suck. That is hilarious because Fuck and Suck are naughty words and saying them on a children's show such as the Simpsons would get the show pulled off the air. The clever part is that they never said those words, they just snuck them in so that the more intelligent viewers would understand this sublime anecdote. Very clever of the writers of the show, don't you think?
>Be molested
>Get turned on by the mere memory of it forever
>Become pedo
Why do people do this
Does it have to be so fucking big?
>got Tarot's from Persona
>not that one guy from YuGiOh GX that had all the OP coinflip cards.
I have a Hannya on my back. Maple leaves insead of Chrysanthemums but it's pretty comparable to Goro's
at least it's well done
i've seen the same trite shit on guys as well
>only god can judge me
Get a rathalos spread on your body
the only thing that saves face here is that it looks very professional. I wonder how hes gonna explain that to his grandkids though
>whos that lady on your arm?"
who the fuck calls him Goro?
are you just a dumb weeb who got the tattoo because you think it looks cool?
>only god can judge me
>Leviticus 19:28 ”You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord."
I hope you go to Japan and get stabbed in the ass for this you fucking nigger
ask our ancient tribal ancestors
>"Son, that is a cat."
Tattoos were actually a pretty popular memento among crusaders and are also part of some weird nestorian rituals or some shit
>his grandkids
Nah, I've just always liked hannya masks
so dumb weeb
got it
>Leviticus 20:39
"I am the lord. Everybody knows my name.
I've got it all! cash, money and fame!"
>Master chief riding a warthog
I mean I get it...but im not chuckling
god made you perfect the way you are, you defile his creation.
It's not even close in design or layout, but I get your indignity. No though, I don't plan on going into any Japanese bathhouses anytime ever