you could use the SS that has a higher chance to stun him thanks to the wide spread, quickly change to the balista to hit him again and then quickly change again to SS to hit him further for a 3 hit combo everytime he flasher his green titties at you, which will lead to you killing him in 2 cycles
you fucking casual
use both retard
Shotgun, ballista, shotgun again. When he puts his shield up, pull out your rocket and plant one into the ground behind him or remote detonate one behind him. Repeat. Dead in 10 seconds flat
Shit like this shows how fucking stupid the average Yas Forums player is. I killed this faggot the first try and went on with the game without thinking anything of it. Then I come here and it's all
You people are so damn disappointing. Suck ass at life and remedial videogames.
you SSG+ballista+SSG every time
>His left glory kill
>He catches your left punch
I can't be the only one you yelled fuck when he did that
Or you could just not play this POS and play a real Doom game
The only good moment in this dogshit game
why play this nusoi cringe garbage for simps and incels when doom 3 exists?
this wtf are u talking about OP
here's your (You)
could his dog please fuck off, fucking annoying cancer
thanks, I worked very hard for it and im not getting paid
Fuck playing videogames and making your own opinion when it's stupid easily pirateable, i better listen to the contrarian on Yas Forums who probably plays with shitty gore mods
Based I'm too young to die player. But for real though, Marauders are not even a quarter as hard as all these retards are making them out to be.
mad cause bad
>using the super shotgun EVER
it was literally useless trash in 2016. the normal shotgun outperformed it baseline with no upgrades.
super shotgun is a meme for underage retards.
Why does everyone like using the Super Shotgun so much? I’ve preferred the Chaingun or machine gun in every single Doom game
> >500941065
This is abysmal bait
where the fuck yall pirating from?
lmao bet you didnt even beat the game on ultra violence, let alone nightmare
The meat hook is absolutely based.
The meat hook is fun. It's broken when you get the mastery upgrade.
is everyone on Yas Forums playing on nightmare or something because he's seriously not ungodly challenging or even that annoying to fight on ultraviolence, i like the back and forth you have to do against it
>not weapon switching between the two.
>fucking casual.
You open with the SSG to guarantee the stun then cycle between the two.
I don't like the amount of one on one attention he requires. Every other enemy you can engage at any range and from any angle, the marauder grinds the game to a halt and says no you have to play Simon says. The counter thing should be for style or damage not a requirement.
he's not that bad on nightmare either. people suck ass at vidya
Hahaha loud gun go boom
Just use the fucking BFG
Chaingun with turret upgrade is maximum based.
I like the SSG because of the meathook, but honestly I prefer the combat shotgun.
You can learn the marauder well enough so he is of minimal threat- even on nightmare, but not all encounters with him are nice and clean and in an empty arena.
Later on you face him with real shit going on and the way to beat him involves making yourself relatively immobile, which is a death sentence on nightmare if you aren't careful.
>I don't grenade spam
It's about balancing the dual with him and all the shit going on around you - he is part of the challenge, not the entirety of it.
He is also the most "Sentient" of the demons - all the other AI have really predictable behavior so they are more like interactive obstacles than higher level AI looking to kill you.
Just run from him, turn, wait half a second, he'll charge, SS, repeat. The AI is terrible and will do the same lunges with a ranged beam here and there if you do this. It'll basically kill itself if you just kite it a tiny bit, and then you're not reliant on a stun chance because it'll do the same lunging attack which is easily stunned.
Why don't you use air control, user?
>Air control
>faster glorykill
>speed on glorykill
Anything else is wrong
I use:
>Air Control
>Equipment recharge
>Speed on glory kill
I don't think faster glory kills are too useful
why did they have to ruin the chaingun in Eternal
this is a really fun doom game
>that timed challenge where you have to kill the marauder in 30 sec
I never use weapon mods. And I mean every game since the OG one. I’ve always preferred rapid fire bullet based weapons
i was hoping the betrayer would get his soul succ'd and show up as a super-marauder or something toward the end
They're not, objectively, I just want them to be over with quickly
You mean ruin it by making it insanely OP and capable of melting the highest HP enemies in seconds? I don't know why they did it either.
It's only ruined because you run out of ammo in like 10 seconds.
Go ahead and try the BFG right now
>I never use weapon mods
Based boomer playing the game his own way
igg games has a good codex copy, i had a different version but it deleted my save file so I went with that one.
no I mean ruin the design
I’m a zoomer. I just don’t like using weapon mods
>I’m a zoomer. I just don’t like using weapon mods
Based zoomer autist playing the game his own way
Quick swapping SSG and Ballista is the pro strat you idiot and has been known since day 1
Because it’s not in the multiplayer and I don’t want to throw myself off.
>You can't blow a hole in the surface of mars
>That catapult is meant to fire only explosives
That whole mission was just a "Actually, yeah he can" vignette.
Just use console commands lmao
I legitimately thought Doomguy was going to Alderaan Mars.
I use increased distance over speed boost since you can use the meathook to fling yourself aroundl, I'd take the speed boost iffaster glory kills wasn't a necessary QoL change.
Also, faster glorykills should've been a suit upgrade, it's shit that I have to waste a rune slot on it.
That one was pretty easy. The other one on that level was obscene and I just waited until the end when I had the crucible to cheese it out by BFG-ing everything and then finishing the hunter with the sword.
Ruin it? It's as good if not better. That thing melts Cyberdemons before you run dry.
The worst are the faggots I've seen that complain about being forced to fight him a certain way and that he ruins the flow. God forbid an enemy exists that doesn't get immediately shredded.