Will the new epilogue give Melia her well deserved happy ending or more suffering?
Xenoblade DE
i wanna fuck melia
Everyone wants.
I'm going to use her as a lead character a lot more in Definitive. The way her elemental bursts worked, and summons, was really cool. Plus I prefer ether based attacking, since it bypasses more shit, I think?
Any chance of it coming out late tomorrow?
not shulk
Sure, Shulk will probably help her find a good partner.
That's what friends are for.
Wat? No.
It must be a happy ending, reinstating the High Entias in the world.
Is a Melia that gets to be happy even still Melia?
Nah, Alvis will revive his bro and send his core crystal to Melia so she gets a new "friend".
I just started playing this game melia deserves better fuck robot vagina
No. So far we know that:
>Shulk and Melia were going to Alcamoth on Junks
>Junks gets shoot down by a beam coming from Alcamoth and they get stranded on the shoulder
>a Telethia is roaming the shoulder
>a portal appeared in Alcamoth
Clearly somebody(?) is doing something in Alcamoth.
That’s not what the doujins have told me
Melia has smellia feet!
Melia and her fanbase were always XC2 tier.
I dread to see the autism when XC2 waifu autists meet her.
I hope so. I do not care for the robot.
That makes no fucking sense.
But Melia and Malos would make such a great odd couple that I want it anyway.
>worst outcome: it just ends with shulk going back to fiora
>good outcome: it ends with giving the player the choice of fiora or melia
>best outcome: shulk only sees fiora as family/sister and gets with melia canonically
Her boobs are way too big.
>fuck robot vagina
Yes Shulk we know, unfortunately she can't stay like that.
>Malos tells Melia about Jin.
>Melia enjoys it so much and realizes that she is a degenerate fujoshi.
>Look I avoided quoting him! isn't that badass?
>Gold outcome: skies of arcadia.
>Alone on a date with Shulk on the Bionis shoulder
She’s going to lose it and rape him
They really shouldn't give you crazy shits anything. Melia deserves some happiness, but you definitely don't.
Get your autistic fanfiction out of here.
She already had that opportunity and pathetically backed down.
beep boop
I'm betting on the latter
Shulk doesn't
>inbefore Melia is so cucked by then she becomes Amalthus 2.0
Get out of here SoAfag.
I can’t believe Skies of Arcadia so casually had a harem ending, there’s not even a hint of any jealousy or a love triangle
>"That would be fun"
This is my thread and I will post what I want.
What would that entail in this case?
She sort of had a "I'm so messed up" moment but that's it.
>new melia art
>melia art in general
Fucking. Finally.
Melia's been through enough shit that if she were going to go full Amalthus, she'd have done it by now. NTR is just the cherry on top of her shitty cake of a life. One more cherry doesn't mean shit.
Nobody cares about your eroge fangame.
I already used her as my main character from Makna until I hit the endgame.
want to fuck melia, not wanna
you'll need to speak properly to get with royalty nigga
You have to use her for a little or else you could get your ass kicked in that part she's alone and you control her.
No, is not the same thing.
Then it's not "fuck", it's "partaking in coitus" you uncultured swine
>Raped by metal face
Oh, I see. You hate 2 and don't want to acknowledge its existence, even though it was made by the same team and Alvis's redesign has explicitly connected 1 to 2.
Don't get cocky, you little shit!
you may as well be lore-firendly as well then and say "making the hom with two backs"
Didn't know that, seeing as I used her a lot.
That eroge fangame funded DE you little serieswarring shit.
Your fangame will never be canon.
You need to get the coom out of your brain if that was your first thought.
Monolith made more off BotW than anything from that quick buck.
And Nintendo were the main people that wanted this happen, because Shulk is in Smash, Takahashi isn't even involved with this.
Yeah there's a part when you first go to High Entia Tomb she's on her own.
No fun allowed.
Still need to beat this game
How pissed will you be when the epilogue has nothing to do with your cardboard cutout with tits?
Sure family, the flat commission fee they got from modeling BotW's land is much more than what they earned from XC2. Keep seething my nigga.
I'll cuck you soon
That works too
Do you even know how much BotW sold? Your fangame didn't even make a dent in it's sales.
It doesn't matter anymore, Alvis existence just connected the dots.
Not as pissed as you right now you malding shit
>Ontos will revive his bro
Well his name means "existence", so maybe he can revive life. He can create it, after all. Something like that. Here's to Logos being the blade of XB3.
Also new Alvis art, although in much less numbers than Melia.
It is way too easy to overgrind in this game. Hopefully there's a way to either reduce EXP gain from quests, or there's a hard mode to inflate boss stats.
He molded the universe as Shulk wanted, so maybe he can do that if his driver wants?
I didn't know commissions meant a percentage of sales now. I learn something everyday.
>Confirmed superior Shulk/Melia is the new canon after Fiora is retconned to just die
Finally. To the Bionis Shoulder
Logos is Malos tho, and he's gone.
Ideally, I don't think it'd be possible not to have a Trinity Processor reunion in XB3. 3rd game, Monad, Trinity, all that shit
>1 reference
Nice, it must be canon.
Wouldn't care in the slightest. That would free up more time to be focused on Melia. And it's already been made apparent that Alvis is Ontos anyway, so no further connection needs to be established.
But he is not longer connected to the zohar...we think, maybe they will change that too.
Or that you can delevel yourself at least in NG+ like in XC2.
>Here's to Logos being the blade of XB3.
But he's gone, t-posing in hell now
You really think Nintendo wouldn't fund XC1DE 2 times over to thank them for making their best selling game of all time?
All the news about Definitive edition made me want to go back and try to finish up loose ends in xb2, but i don't think i can do it.
Grinding for hours and hours to get random cores and roll a shitty gacha burned me out of the whole game and i couldn't even go back for torna. What should i do bros?
>definitive edition
It definitely is, what makes it not canon?
The Zohar might be gone, but Ontos effectively acts as something of a Zohar equivalent. Or at least, the Wave Existence. So yeah, I expect him to have some degree of ability to revive life, since he can create it. He did save Shulk from his coma, after all. Actually speaking of that, since his core is red now, will the Monado III be red?
Dude, seriously, stop giving him attention. It makes Melia sad.
Xenoblade 3 isn't happening.
We're getting a new Xeno that's not Blade.
I still don't understand why he got to keep the Alvis name over the more famous Alvis, though.
Hopefully they'll implement bonus EXP like XB2 did
No? Nintendo is still a business at the end of the day, not a charity, fool.
Throwing in a reference to the sequel doesn't mean the games are connected.
I know he's dead, but that doesn't mean that Ontos doesn't have data on the Logos core. I assume he does. It wouldn't be the same individual, but alas.
>what is a retcon?
The Zohar was never spotted in Bionis nor Mechonis. Now the Conduit was with Klaus until he vanished then who knows where it went, maybe it's what's causing mess in Alcamoth in the epilogue?
Now that's a hard cope if I've ever heard one.
I was having fun but anything for you, Melly.
Nintendo would have dropped Monolith by now because of how trash they are if that were the case.
You really haven't played the Fire Emblem franchise? I thought the Operation Ranfall supporters were all hardcore NIntendo fans.
It's not a retcon, it's a reference they added in because of stupid fan theories.
It's the devs playing with the theory, they won't ever confirm it because it's important to keep the two games separate.
That's a very good point. But then Pneuma has the data and the key to accessing that data. Would she risk it?
Multiple characters share names across IPs, and with the overabundance of characters FE has it wouldn't be a surprise.
What does that have to do with it
Imagine trying to have an argument with no actual points to make, only rage.
You don't really need them to finish the main quest.
Not him, but we will see the Zohar in the retconned Experiment scene
I assume he does have data on both Cores. Zanza's Monado is essentially Logos's weapon.
>but we will see the Zohar in the retconned Experiment scene
We won't, actually.
I am happy for Melia getting all this love, but looks like Sharla will be irrelevant again, poor girl.
You are such a butt blasted individual. I'm literally laughing my ass off right now. Why are you even here anyway? This isn't a XC2 thread.
He got changed to "Arvis" in FE13. Fucking stupid.
But we really won't, XC1 fans won't know the significance of it, it'll stay in XC2.
So? She's too busy enjoying some quality Reyn Time.
Fiora is overrated
Melia is loved as she deserves
Sharla is underrated
Such is life
Dude, his core is gone
There would be no point in it
Yeah it seems they haven't added any additional story elements to the main game which puts Sharla's overall relevance in last place.
Hello there.
Okay, please just don't kill yourself when nothing like that happens.
What do you mean? Pneuma is effectively dead too, unless Ontos has the ability to return her true form, and powers. I doubt Pyra, or Mythra have any memories, either. It's very unclear.
She will be raped by a Telethia
as a general rule, characters that have sex dont get fanart
Okay, it's bad enough that the game is making Shulk look too young, but now the fanart is making Melia look too young. She's physically 15 at minimum, stop making her look 12.
Xenoblade is finally back
Yeah and they changed Kamui to Corrin, only for there to be a Kamui in the next game, among other examples
Just ignore it and move on
But artist won't draw that "quality time with reyn", it will be only in your imagination. Meanwhile Melia will get all the doujins.
Who the fuck would kill themselves over a literal video game
According Monado Archives the romanization was "Alviss".
Waifufags have the big autism, they totally would.
>Meanwhile Melia will get all the doujins.
Xenoblade 1 didn't get doujins.