Pick one to protect you

Pick one to protect you.
The other three are coming to kill you.

Attached: gta.png (412x492, 341.02K)

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Niko in canon is a bonafide soldier with proper training and tactics. The other three are psychos with a gun.

i'm rusty on my GTA lore but trevor is the only one with a canonical hit on another protagonist, yes? if so i begrudgingly pick him

>Tommy: has his gang guys, but they suck
>CJ: has his street niggas and chinese niggas with him
>Niko: alone
>Trevor: alone, maybe with Franklin and Michael

Niko then Tommy. CJ would make more mistakes. Trevor is boring and too retarded to help with anything.

by the end of the game he's a billionaire who single handedly took on the military at area 51 and won so ill have to go with my nigga CJ

>Trevor: alone, maybe with Franklin and Michael
Didn't these guys kill 3 of richest, most well secured dickheads in the span of 2 hours?

Mmm this post really blumbers my crungus

Tommy because he's the smartest

Trevor used to be a military chopper pilot IIRC

CJ went against the whole military and found some alien tech though. Albeit in stealth.
But all of them did some crazy shit, if you take the bullshit power of GTA protag then you'll always get fucked no matter who you choose because 1+1+1 > 1

It says pick one. Not pick a universe in which they exist. Why try and change the question?. For me it's Niko as he seems competent enough to come up with a plan.

he got kicked out from training due to his psych eval IIRC. Also he's the only protag of these 4 that can die in the story. Not my pick

No, he wanted to be one but failed his psyche evaluation.

There is a very unrealistic power gap between CJ and the rest.
Even Trevor didn't pull half the unrealistic feats
CJ is practically a one man army that can kill anyone or do anything if the game demands despite just being a busta gangbanger at first

Yeah it's my fault for adding my own context. If I take the question literally, then probably Niko because .

CJ, easily. He can jump out of a plane into another, he can take on all of the pigs at Area 69 no problem, and has a fucking jetpack. Yea, CJ. His only flaw in the game character-wise is he does whatever he is told, an advantage for me.

Tommy isnt cold enough
CJ is a busta
Trevor is too unpredictable/not focused enough
Niko is best choice

Carl. he's a fucking billionaire.

Power levels in GTA games are fucked up. In one of the rampage missions, Trevor takes on the US army but Franklin,a fucking nigger, can easily kill him. How does this work?

So what is he supposed to do, fly you up in the sky before Niko uses his combat training to blow you out of the air?

Seems like the most sensible choice

Its almost like cutscenes have never considered health bars as a factor


Rich psychopath who runs Vice City, but has only a modest portfolio of accomplishments compared to the other 3
Has by far the most extensive and powerful connections and most impressive accomplishments of the 4
Probably has the best tactical knowledge of the 4, though is the least wealthy and connected of the 4
Craziest of the 4 and probably the richest, only one who can canonically die (though didn't R* specify that ending C is canon?) but also canonically killed a mid-tier protagonist

Attached: cj smile.jpg (484x484, 20.83K)

probably niko although trevor is dangerous as fuck

I always wondered why CJ was so easily manipulated by a bunch of cops, yet he went and killed several high ranking US military guys when asked (by them even, sometimes).

Death Wish is canon, GTA Online takes place after GTA V.

Haha, CJ blows Niko's fucking head off with Tec-9 from his jetpack. Niko is a washed up, depressed has-been in a fucking worthless civil war, not an advanced SAS trained super soldier.
What do you think Niko did in the war? He exchanged pot shots with other shit-scared kids and got innocents killed. Yes, he is more compelling than all of the others for this reason. No, he is not the badass super soldier you are acting like.

pretty sure that canonically le reddit man is the toughest of them all

Yep, his big flaw is anyone can lead him by the nose. But he can do anything.

Probably because C.R.A.S.H would destroy his hood if he fucked up. Other places he'd probably get arrested alone. He was also blackmailed about Sweet in jail. Toreno offered him Sweet's bail too, IIRC.

Still begs the question why CJ didn't break him out. Probably 'cause no one told him to. And, yes, I know Tenpenny supposedly had people in the prison who could see Sweet imperiled. All the more reason to take him from jeopardy.

Tommy. Tommy is fucking invincible.

What is that supposed to mean? What canon where?

What did Trevor do that puts him ahead of the others?

gotta go with my man vercetti

>CJ: has his street niggas and chinese niggas with him
As if goons mean anything in GTA. They're useless as fuck and only serve as fodder to mowed down.

>break Sweet out
>matters become worse, CJ's crimes become a bigger deal
>get assigned higher degree of cops
>can't run once it gets worse enough
>hood destroyed
>CJ dies
Though, he could probably do something like have a mask on to protect his identity and put Sweet in hiding, that'd probably work in GTA.

non argument because they all are

Every canon
He takes on PMCs, army types, tanks, cops, chinese gangsters, fucking everything, by himself, every single day, and also he's the only one with a special power that lets him one hit kill everyone with any weapon.

Dude. What did Tommy do to ever compare with the feats of CJ? Busted a dude from a junkyard? Shot up a gang mansion or two? CJ has done it all, from Black Ops to para-drops to music manager... Need I go on?

>Unarmed combat
>Gunfight ability
>Driving ability
>Piloting ability
>Raw intellect/knowledge of tactics/war
>Psycho vs. Sane scale
>Combat experience/Criminal Achievements before their games
>Combat experience/Criminal Achievements after their games

I put CJ so high for unarmed combat assuming he studied martial arts and got huge at the gym. Does this sound right?

Attached: cj smoke.png (1000x574, 66.13K)

Hes crazy I guess. CJ is definitely the best but I pick niko because I like him more. I might die but I'd get to meet the best gta character

>his jetpack.
You mean from the Jetpack that leaves him out in the open-armed only with shitty weapons? That jetpack? The jetpack that is very susceptible to small arms fire?

Tommy or Nico. Probably Tommy.

I'm just commenting on his lack of agency. I understand your point and why the game is written the way it is.

The final fight of GTAVC is way more grounded than any of CJ's achievements which makes it far more believable to me that Tommy could get you out of a shitty jam than say, CJ or the others could. Nevermind the fact that Tommy has a reputation for murdering hit squads sent to kill him. He went to jail for fifteen years because he massacred like thirty dudes in Harwood, and throughout the latter half of VC you whack Sonny's hit squads over and over. The dude is a baby-eating monster.

Then why didn't his special ability save him from getting killed in the kill Trevor route/
>Does this sound right?
No. Chinese martial arts are a meme in comparison to the military training Niko got.

Niko because it would be kino

At the end of the game he has enough contacts to go into hiding and live comfortably, but Sweet probably wouldn't like it.

Judging by how often Tenpenny mention Sweet's cellmates horse-dick it's probably got something to do with preserving his brothers rectum's physical integrity.
Can always break him out afterwards but the rim will never be the same.

Tommy is probably the most sane. I can see why you put Niko there but Niko is literally going full apeshit whenever he's in any gunfight -- That and his volatile nature and want for revenge makes him unhinged. Tommy can be a bit nutty sometimes but he's one of the only sane sensible people in the game he appears in.

GTA Online takes place partially before and after GTAV. Everything before the Gunrunning update is pre-GTAV, Gunrunning and after is post-GTAV. I don't think there's anything in GTAO involving Trevor that takes place in the post-GTAV timeline so technically it doesn't really have any bearing on whether he canonically lives or dies.

Did he single-handedly take out a whole secret military base head on (if you so choose)? Can he jump from plane to plane on an assassination mission? Can he plan a heist a-la the casino?
I grant you his weapon power is notable. But recall that all protagonists have much more resilience than the other people in the world.

>Tommy is fucking invincible.
>spends fifteen years in the slammer
Canon busted.

Ah, makes sense.

100% CJ.

Chad post.

my man Trevor
Reddit hate him, but I don't care

Just emphasizing the different tones of the worlds, Niko is a loser, CJ is a one man army legitimately.

So because CJ is more badass... Tommy makes a better choice for baddest motherfucker? Huh?

>In 1971, Sonny Forelli, growing apprehensive of Tommy's increasing power, attempted to set up an ambush for him, under the guise of a hit in Harwood. However, Tommy not only survived, but also killed all eleven men that were sent to kill him.
>Written for his character and not played out in game in a mission for general mob fodder
Yeah, canon busted.

>>Combat experience/Criminal Achievements before their games
>>Combat experience/Criminal Achievements after their games
CJ spends most of his time gunning down street level punks. So I don't get this at all. And for Tommy's case: that's literally all he does.

From some Serb-shit hell hole's civil war. He's not elite IDF combat trained, dude. He was a scared shitless kid, practically taken right from his own mouth.

>Niko is a loser, CJ is a one man army legitimately.
This except the other way around. Faggot.

Which situation is worse? You kidnapped Niko's cousin, you stole Trevors stuffed bear, uou double crossed Tommy and he wants revenge or you're straight bustah.

It's not like Tenpenny is right on him at all times. He is mostly dealing with shit in Los Santos while you are in San Fierro. He can't retroactively have him raped after CJ has killed every cop in the prison and broken out Sweet.

Probably the first one.
Out of all of those, Niko is the only one who actually hunted down a man who had wronged him throughout several countries.
He'd never stop chasing you.

I pick Niko, because he's a trained army man and killing comes naturally to him.

Trevor has modern shooting controls and the ability to go invincible for a bit so him.

Before CJ's game, all he had been shown doing was jacking cars for the Leone family and mugging random pedestrians in Liberty City. Before VC, Tommy canonically slaughtered an entire squad of hit-men.

After SA, CJ had:
>Infiltrated Area 51 and stolen a $60 million dollar prototype
>Boarded a military aircraft carrier and stolen a prototype jet
>Singlehandedly wiped out the entire Forelli family
>Boarded a plane in mid-flight, TWICE and killed everyone on board
>Became king of an entire state, vs. Tommy who is king of just VC

Attached: smoke.png (491x159, 21.54K)

>From some Serb-shit hell hole's civil war.
The Bosnian-Serb fraction got full access to the Yugoslav army's toys and finest. Dude could pilot helicopters in the early twenties.

Wow, the cry baby faggot is more badass then the fucking G who takes over the state and kills Black Ops pigs like chickens at slaughter. "He was in a war! Tactics!" In a civil war as a fucking pissed pants piss ant. Niko is the best protagonist, he is cool, badass, and most notably compelling. But CJ blows him out of the water in sheer will. He can do anything he is told.

>>Singlehandedly wiped out the entire Forelli family
The Forelli family is still kicking it in GTA 3
>>Became king of an entire state,
He doesn't tho. Just the head of a street gang that stretches over the state and doesn't even deal drugs.

Don't you get the theme? He was chasing the externaliztion of his own guilt, not really "hunting down" someone.
Inb4 faggots who can only read on the surface quoting the game

The serb-shit hell hole civil war was the biggest land force mobilization since WW2 and it took place solely in yugoslavia.

Yeah, but Niko would just kill you. Trevor would rape you, kill you and then eat you. Maybe not even in that order.

And you think he wouldn't go through the same lengths to find his cousin?

I feel like Niko was the most alpha and capable GTA protag. BUT CJ has the added bonus of being able to hide me deep in tha hood, and any of these white guys would stick out like a sore thumb if they got within a mile of me.

You can just off yourself the second he finds you
And he'd probably just get bored halfway through trying to find you and his little autistic mind would jump to some other issue.

You're right, I guess I was just being a fag and inserting an aside with the tone and wording of a contradiction. Sorry, dude.

>the fucking G who takes over the state and kills Black Ops pigs like chickens at slaughter.
As if that means anything, especially in a series like fucking GTA. Dudes like Salvatore, Vic, and the Menedez brothers owned cities and rolled in dough thanks to crime yet that didn't mean shit when one motherfucker destroyed their empire.
>"He was in a war! Tactics!" In a civil war as a fucking pissed pants piss ant.
Did you not play the game, retard? Niko became the one-man war machine because of his experiences in Bosnia. That shit didn't break him, it just molded him into the guy he is.

no problem user

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>Anyone thinking the LOL SO RANDUM CUHRAZY character would be anything but useless should rethink your life decisions

Okay, Slavshit. Guess the crybaby is more badass then the OG despite his lack of accomplishments in comparison.