What DO to fix the horror genre?
What DO to fix the horror genre?
We build a big orbital canon that is attached to a satellite that intercepts and decrypted all cell phone and internet communication so it fires a laser and kills anyone who says "It's not that scary"
The next logical step is VR.
Go back to the very roots of it, and don't try to bait normies with some casual mainstream-appeal.
By realizing tense action is better and more saleable than pure horror.
Forbid AAA studios from making them anymore.
horror games on VR is still garbage because everything is just stupid jump scares to make the game scary.
>everything is just stupid jump scares
Well you can make them not jump scares you know, that is unrelated to VR at all.
This board thinks Resident Evil 4 is the best one in the series and you're asking them how to fix horror games?
slow burn atmospheric character driven horror
>This board thinks Resident Evil 4 is the best one in the series
It does not.
It's a fun game, but not good horror.
Zoomies already think it's too old to be enjoyed.
These are the answers, OP.
oh jesus christ it's got him
Adorable, would marry
Pitbull final form
I fucking hate insects but for some reason moths don't bother me at all, regularly hold big old hawk moths in my hands no problem.
The way the fucker moves is fucking terrifying. I can't explain why. It looks Almost human maybe?
why is it still legal to own one of these?
is this supposed to be scary? he looks goofy as fuck. it's like a dude in a bear suit
It's uncanny valley to the max.
Do not cuddle that, it will rip you to shreds.
They aren't super fast always in your face, and they don't really creep up on you. They're fairly predictable.
They also don't exist purely to cause you pain with no other environmental niche, like wasps.
damn i'd open my mouth so i could catch in all that shit and piss if i were there
the bear got spooked because the door closed
more environment effects are how we fix the horror genre
need more unreliable narrators that descent into madness
I want a pet moth i want a pet moth!
What the hell dude, I didn't reload!
I see. Her hair looks terrifying!
Figuratively me.
Reminds me of Monoko.
This shit is cool. The way it moves. These creatures possess some kind of intelligence.
Fuck the Jannie who deleted last thread. We didn't even get to see the ending of the hanging balloons, sad af!
I bet it was Kuriko, that stupid bully!
Fewer pests that you need to run by in hallways and more formidable enemies that require your full attention, the key is creating ways to deal with those enemies besides hide n seek or whacking them with 2X4.
Because it should come down to not being a total idiot to own one, we have one and she isn't aggressive but rather tough loving, very smart but a bit neglected by the owner, basically a dog with a shit ton of stamina to burn.
I read they tend to get drenched in their urine, is that bat some kind of anomaly?
>chinese want to eat this
>white people
That's cute
I played the mother VR mod of isolation. The first section where the training wheels come off and the Alien enters the environment outside of a cutscene made me physically sick, I had to psych myself up to actually play it, and I'm one who hasn't got any sort of reaction from horror media since I was a child.
That's sad.
>made in india
because lawmakers don't listen to retards
One of the reasons why I refuse to travel to SEA. I will never support those subhuman supporting governments.
VR only experiences.
user do you know where pork and veal come from? why do people act like some animals are okay to slaughter by the millions and then others are completely off limits?
>t. Kuriko the bully
Thank you.
Asians really are soulless subhumans
it is you retard
stop evading my filters
Revive Dead Space adapting its features to VR. Just imagine the Zero-G sections.
>skinned, gutted and cooked through
If you're gonna eat bats may as well do it properly I guess.
very cute
Is World of Horror good horror?Seeing that its meant to be played many times, you stop getting scared very quickly, the only thing that scared me lately was seeing the "Something truly evil is chasing you", but even that didn't have much effect because it wasn't until the sixth or seventh time it started to chase me that it eventually caught up to me and I got to "fight" it.
You're not allowed to be upset by this if you eat meat
maybe back in caveman days you'd eat literally everything you caught but nowadays there are things called social norms where you don't just go around eating every single wild animal you put your dirty hands on.
maybe if you were forced into eating them for survival, sure, but if not, you literally have zero reason to eat them when farm animals still exist, are still plentiful enough and have between mainly what civilized people ate in the past decades.
you're a genuine subhuman if you resort to just casually eating wild animals when you have easy access to the ones everyone else does.
>tfw no snek to cuddle with
social norms are different around the world dumb faggot
>bro why dont citizens in shit countries just go to mcdonalds lol
god I wish that were me
How the fuck have we not been wiped out by plagues by now with people eating shit like this.
>implying they can't just go to mcdonalds lol
I am telling you from experience with those, they are super tough and prone to violence when neglected, they need tons of space to run, not sure about all of them, the one we have is quite smart but the legal owner (my cousin) doesn't dedicate the time she needs, I took her out once and since she didn't get out for a while yes, she misbehaved, I have a friend who's got a few Pitbulls but he actually has all what's needed to not screw up and hasn't had any incidents, our only problem with the one we have so far is how she tends to get "hyped" and then runs people over or at least tries.
The snake or the girl?
even their mcdonalds places would be selling horse meat and rat tails lmfao
Wasps hunt spiders and caterpillars.
the bed they both sit on
We hardly get any AAA horror games anymore retard. The only thing out there is low effort youtuber bait "indie" horror games
Ok, you will be the snake and get ass vored by the girl, so like this, you can become one, right?
so cute wtf
get rid of jumpscares because that's what 90% of horror games and movies use to be "scary"
what is this cats problem
Yeah, some animal living the high life and then getting a bolt in the head before it even knows it's dead is totally the same as this creature being tortured, skinned alive and then finally killed is totally comparable.
Well, user...
Stop focusing on scares and focus on atmosphere like SH2
Its not a scary game but its genera feeling is uneasy
Come up with a penalty other than death for losing, because once you reload all the tension is gone as you're reminded you're playing a game.
>doesn't know that norms are culturally defined and different everywhere
dumb fucking retard
it's a hulking beast that can rip your guts out but the way it behaves is like a human baby. uncanniness to the max
Silence is a good way to create dread and antecipation.
because they eat a different animal than you?
>meat slaughtered by a spike to the brain in a sterile environment is the same as some pajeet slicing up some vermin on the filthy floor
god damn vegans are fucking stupid.
You just know!
I want to so badly make a game like this but I can't do anything major until I graduate from college because of how much time it takes up. I've spent the last week just thinking of a story and how exactly something like this would play out. And I want it to be a game, not just a story game. How do you balance gameplay with a character-driven story? It need to be unique and not just a Silent Hill clone. I'm so close to thinking of a good character and story, but then I think about the gameplay and immediately get held back because it would just end up being a generic walking simulator. I need ideas
We currently are.
I'm just surprised it took this long.
How the fuck are we being "wiped out" when this pandemic, while very contagious, doesnt kill unless you have an underlying conditon?
can't use that argument when your different and culturally defined norms make you look like a fucking subhuman, you lose the right to make that argue the moment you start eating diseased shit and literally everything you put your hands on.
disagree all you want but eating dogs, cats, bats and fuck knows what else makes you a subhuman in the eyes of normal people, they see you as nothing more but filth, so your opinion and reason really doesn't matter at that point anymore.
how cute, look at him, he think he's french
It's not even the first time, the Black Death came from China too and it's origins are hypothesized to be similar.
there's more open borders now than ever.
Does this actually scare you or are you memeing
Moths are cute
Why do pitbull owners always type like retards, and also can't help but give away that their dog is awful and will probably maul someone?
Are Red Pandas felines?
so this is why I lost my job
Look at how it constantly keeps moving its fucking legs. It's disgusting and unsettling.
>*eats burger*