What happened?
What happened?
Bad devs, simple as.
political dickwaving caused the gameplay itself to take a step back
a bunch of the main devs left after TNO/TOB was finished and all that was left were cucks
while graphics and combat are ok, story went full sjw feminazi garbage nonsense. from the jew guy saying nonstop 'goyim' and 'oy vey', the black coloren person and her stupid anti-white speeches, making blazko and his friend from new order both retards, making anya ugly as fuck because we cant have beautiful girls in our games, to the comically evil nazis...
just look on jewtube the hitler scene or the one where 'suddenly this black person we just rescued is our boss now, get over it white bois', or the one where preggo anya burns her clothes and she heroically saves blazko shooting at the nazis while being nude and covered on blood. I dont know what kind of drooling sjw retard spat this piece of shit
get woke get broke
gamer fragility
I just hate the devs comparing nazis to middle america. The people politicians called "deplorables" in the 2016 elections, people who
are really just everyday working class Americans (some anons would say
"white people" but I feel it was more broad and encompasses more of a belief system then race). The narrative by the devs is gaslighting-tier and disingenuous to say the least. The lack of success was due to bad marketing, not the
overall content quality in the game.
Imagine feeling like you had to go out of your way to contextualize Hitler as insane and evil as if people haven't been beaten over the head with the setting since they were children
>the jew guy saying nonstop 'goyim' and 'oy vey'
Lol, really?
nah not even the combat was okay. Idk if they patched it but the fact that you had half health for most of the game and there were almost zero feedback when you got hit or damaged meant that you died fucking endlessly and had no idea why.
They just remade the first game with idTech 6.
>spongy enemies
>uninteresting locations
>annoying allies
>gross pregnant naked woman
>stupid plot
>boring villains
>too many cut scenes
>too little actions
>multiple jumping the shark moments
that is what when wrong
white fragility
Hate is never a good marketing tool
They thought their story and message was more important than just making a fun game about shooting nazis.
go back to r/altright
Reminder that the devs put in dialogue between two Nazi soldiers where they discussed what they were doing was free speech.
it was lame
go back to tumblr
Gamers shifted to the right.
>the one where preggo anya burns her clothes and she heroically saves blazko shooting at the nazis while being nude and covered on blood
Indeed, it's an awful marketing tool. Quick way to draw eyes but a sure fire way to lose follows.
but im leftist and i didn't liked the game
join the 41% then, chapotranny
That's pretty much what liberals are doing, enough data out there to prove that.
>gross pregnant naked woman
you gay?
>multiple jumping the shark moments
in a setting with magic undead nazi robot dogs?
it was a reference to Richard Spencer getting punched
lmao i live rentfree on these faggots heads
also being liberal is not the same as being leftist you fucking low-iq nigger
I don't think any of us were implying that.
>being liberal is not the same as being leftist you fucking low-iq nigger
Yes it actually is. You're both objectively wrong in all of your beliefs and you're both cancer on earth.
i want to face fuck my father
this faggot right here implied that i was a disgusting war-mongering liberal when in reality they are two completely different things
read hegel bitch
Id should make Wolfenstein now
>game has you kill Nazis
>not "Neo-Nazis", literal WW2 Nazis
>for some reason, a bunch of people who claim to not be Nazis get offended over this, as if they're personally attacked
Really makes you think
i forgot to this guy btw
>game triggers fragile righties
---Well, I guess he is. But I'm not.
>Classical Liberal
Seethe harder nazi faggot
I'm not a Nazi, I just get offended when I play video games where people kill Nazis
Because as a not-Nazi, I feel personally attacked when I see a literal Nazi get killed
That's dumb SJW propaganda, but it's hot as fuck
---Understandable, contextualization is important to narrative.
>I feel personally attacked when I see a literal Nazi get killed
that means your a nazi bro. and that means people can punch you without consequences.
If your skin is white then you're a Nazi whether you like it or not fagget.
Remember when they made the trophy for beating it on the hardest difficulty a shitty bronze?
burgers aren't white tho.
even if you're jewish?
i dont know stalin was pretty white but i wouldn't refer to him as a "nazi"
Correct, we are many different races.
>If your skin is non-white then you're a Commie whether you like it or not fagget.
SWEDEN YES devs were too busy seething over Donald Trump and forgot to make a good video game with edgy tendencies instead of a propaganda piece with a mediocre video game wrapping.
what the fuck is this post
these newfags are out of control now, it gets worse everytime I come back
He was a vile communist, not a vile nazi.
game filled with lefty faggotry bombs
trannies make no sense ever
it felt too much like the new order which is a better paced game
the only thing they really added was being able to dual wield different guns but it didn't make much of a difference
just cope bro
First time playing new order and I like it so far, should I avoid this game?
Felt like more of an insult to centrists then overt right leaning conservatives.
So 2 white people fucking somehow produces a non white baby?
on the non-caucasian scale jews are the most "white non-whites" that exist
Especially if your Jewish. And dont you forget it kike.
>game about killing nazis
>nazis seething
This series fell so far from TNO, sad.
>The setting has these unrealistic things in that so that means you can do whatever the hell you want with it, and its completely consistent!
no a burguer would be more like a half-indian half-irish three quarter nigerian fucking with a italo-peruvian chinese
i think TOB has the best gunplay, TNO is half-baked with bad stealth and cover shooting
That was also almost 100 years ago cocksucker. Times have changed
did righties ever get this triggered over the old CoD games or the old wolfenstein ones? or was it only after 2016?
wonder if there's a connection...
TNO and TOB was more fun.
I don’t know how they fucked up so hard
Hitler in the game is the literal opposite of a threat and Frau Blucher is so comically evil and incompetent to the point of absurdity. Compare them against Deathshead who is cold, calculating and pragmatic? I can't take the caricatures in TNC seriously as threats.
Ffs the devs were so busy pushing an agenda that they go out of their way to murder Ronald Reagan.
This guy is an incel but the game does suck, the real problem was the terrible gameplay. Story was fine, and well written for the most part with some fun campy moments. Actually if you've had sex I'd recommend just putting it on easy and breezing through for the story if you can get it for like $15 or pirated its okay
BJ is literally rocking around in a super soldier body at this point in the game but needs his pregnant wife to protect him? What were they thinking?
>wonder if there's a connection...
Yeah it was only after deranged ultra-left open communists called every single white person nazis and depolorables.
Jews have Jew-colored skin.
>99% of the defence for this game is screaming “nazi” at triggered anons of the opposite view point
nah, wasn't a big deal back then. You had anti video game christian evangelicals hating on it tho.
Funny because you're more likely to find that combo in place like britain than you are middle America now.
>he never heard of jack thompson
hello, newfag!
Old CoD were grounded in historical accuracy for the most part. Now everything is cartoonish and over the top.
hello fellow pede. shadilay and support israel!
>Story was fine, and well written for the most part with some fun campy moments.
>8 hours of the video game equivalent of a Yackety Sax/Erika mashup
If that was a good story, then ELEX was a master piece.
imagine getting upset when fictional nazis die lol
>communism: not even once