Why aren't there any good cycling video games?

Why aren't there any good cycling video games?

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Ok goober.

What was a competitive cyclist like that doing in fucking Manhattan anyway? There's plenty of rural areas outside of the city

More traffic to slow down in the city.

downhill domination is based

I wish I could work as fuck as hard as he can


Is this a game?

Nice outfit

Cycling should be a game. Lets discuss cycling games, or lack thereof, back seat janny chan!

Guilty Gear

Who was in the right here?


Joey and the striped polo bystander

any other essential goobercore i should be aware of?


excuse me old bag

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Nobody wants to play as the cyclist. You want to play as the person who runs them over.

Thankfully, I don't live in a very big bike town. I don't see cyclists very often, but every time I do, it's because I nearly kill one of them. They always give these sanctimonious speeches about how they are equal to cars and are entitled to the road just as much as a car. That's true in my state, but the problem is that they violate every rule they are supposed to follow. They run through stop signs and red lights without even slowing down. They go the wrong way down one-way streets. They don't yield to faster traffic. I think the reason I don't see many cyclists is because all the others got killed. It makes sense that I don't see very many if every time I do see them it's a near miss from a car.

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because cyclists don’t deserve anything good

Dude fuck you, go around me faggot. You fuckers still give me bad looks even when im not even riding in the street. Stupid bitch.

what the fuck

they went to jail for that

>don't touch me, you fat ugly whore
>her face afterwards

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Day of the Bumper is coming faggot.

There's bike trails, just as skateboarders aren't allowed on the street because there's designated parks for them. Stay the fuck away from civilization you gallivanting cunt.

Have fun in prison vehicular manslaughterer

the justice system is truly fucked. they deserve medals for doing that, basically public service

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Die nigger. The city ordinance states I can ride in the street. Get owned.

>Have fun in prison vehicular manslaughterer

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They went to jail for that

I won't have to worry about my safety. I drive a car on the road and not some gay ten speed. You'd best hope the next bike cuck I ram into isn't you.

You can't be convicted of manslaughter because c*clists aren't humans.

They definitely didn't, still super cunty

Why do you not want people to have from of locomotion that keeps them healthy and causes less harm to the planet?

>They definitely didn't
proofs, crim?

You probably should stop at the lights and obey traffic laws too faggot, otherwise stay off the road. Fuckin cyclists.

They should have been publicly executed for that

what's the story behind the picture, clearly there's a video I haven't seen

No proof just conjecture, what could the driver be charged for? Its not assault

They should have been publicly rewarded for that

>No proof

Why do you not like people that do things differently than you? That's literal autism

Why aren't there any weightlifting video games?

I'll ask you again, what could they have been charged for? Not assault, not battery, not reckless driving or wanton endangerment. Just simple bitchy behavior

>Live in a small Eastern European city
>Get around everywhere by bicycle
>Got my license years ago, dont own a car

Just imagine living in a place where absolutely everything and every single thing revolves around cars and you literally can't do anything without one

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Where I live, it's actually a state law. They can ride pretty much anywhere except for state highways and interstates. However, under that law cyclists must follow all of the same traffic rules. They never fucking do. They're suicidal in the way they enter against a red light into an intersection without looking or slowing down. I nearly killed someone twice. The first time, I don't even think the guy noticed just how close he got to needing a feeding tube. He just kept riding like nobody was even there. The second guy smiled and gave me a thumbs up; as though the slamming on my brakes and tires squealing was just my way of giving a friendly hello.

Same thing with the electric scooters now. You fags are far more vulnerable to injury and death than I am in my metal car, but you treat the bicycle or scooter like you got a power star in Mario.

There are though

Because they insist on using the same roads as I do while not following the same rules.
No one complains pedestrians because, guess what, they don't walk down the center of the road like you faggots.

>search google for image

So this is what true hacking is like...

I live in a small eastern european city and I own two cars, you're just poor my dude.

Not my state.

Not me.

I haven't ridden a bicycle since I was 16 I'm just not an autistic sociopath lol

>Not me.
Doubt it. Cyclists have proven to have a very poor sense of self-awareness.


Do you really think you're just allowed to do shit like that and it just gets waved as bitchy behavior? You can catch an assault Charge for shoving someone on foot so you can for sure catch one while doing it from a moving vehicle. This isn't even considering this shit happened in the UK where the laws are a hell of a lot more draconian than in the US.

Your faggy ass lives in legal oblivion. You are literally
>He dindu nuffin

did you even watch the webm?

ah yes, the expected and predictable "you're just poor" reply, right on time, thank you for not disappointing me, user

The webm where the truck driver assaulted to cyclists?

The original Xbox exists

Shit I thought you meant they one where they shove the guy into the ditch. I don't know if you can catch a serious charge for that but I'm willing to bet some cop with too much time on his hands can find a reason to give a ticket for that.


A reminder that when a place completely focuses on cars you get places which are fucking hell to get around in like LA, London and Moscow

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How often are you bragging about your lack of a car that you can predict how people are going to respond to you?

Idk about Moscow but wouldn't london have developed for foot traffic then been retrofitted for carts and eventually cars?

Cut to the chase and post whatever this is suposed to be from, stop wasting my fucking time.