TF2 Party Van

It's Friday, and time for your routine weekend session of TF2 with Yas Forums's "finest"! We're currently testing an all new maplist on our alternative server which INCLUDES all player submissions and made maps. Yes, we finally have 'em all! The new maps though, aren't currently on pomf's repository and we don't have a mirror for them, so you're just gonna have to sit through the download. On this auspicious Sunday we will be playing Minecraft, survival mode with no strings attached. We will not be playing cracked, so those of you who STILL don't have minecraft in 2020, you've got till Sunday to get an account. Get your asses in here and see what the rage about this server is all about!
Password: the usual
Variety Night:

Attached: tf2.png (458x215, 229.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>No users currently playing on this server.

How can I download the maps and sounds without having to go through it one by one?

>van mansion
>big download
this shit better not all be models

>get missing map error
>server dies 5 seconds later
nice server faglord

We do not have a download pre-made. It was a last minute decision. You'll just need to wait it out.

>Lazy Purple

Attached: think.gif (256x256, 335.51K)

Whats the password?

I can't because it always says I'm missing the map after downloading.

>We do not have a download pre-made. It was a last minute decision. You'll just need to wait it out.
What. Are you joking?

>missing map maps/vsh_dustbowl
you fags didn't even set up a fastdl for this shitty joke?


doesn't work :(


Attached: file.png (319x21, 1.01K)

it takes an IQ higher than room temperature to set up a fastdl server
the server's supposed to be a le epin april fool's joke but this isn't the first time y'vvel has fucked up fastdl so I don't think that part was intentional

No I'm not joking.
There is a fast DL, people are connecting.

Fuck it, zombie fortress time.
Get the fuck in here fags

I have never played TF 2, is it good? Can i join?

Alright fag, then why don't you go look in the fastdl to make sure you actually named the map correctly? Because the only people connecting probably already had this map from 5 years ago and didn't know they had it

>he thinks I fucked up the fastdl
>he doesn't know that I purposely make everything shitty as possible so people don't ask me to host shit 24/7

Can someone just fucking upload the map already?

>disconnect: lmao
What the fuck happened?

Did I seriously just get banned? The fuck was that for?

being a nigger

>doesn't require a password
>still tries to hide it
>greentext missing
>maps don't work
>get banned for no reason
Holy fucking shit, this is unironically the worst Yas Forumsan I've played on.

someone get a screenshot of van_mansion

Give me an actual reason cuntdick.

being a nigger

password is rage

dont bother joining. it's a bunch of underage teens spouting shitty memes and discussing discord drama over their shitty servers.

no its not. no one is even talking on here

literally noone:
not a single soul:
random incel on Yas Forums: password is rage

dont bother joining. it's a bunch of underage teens spouting shitty memes and discussing discord drama over their shitty servers.

Not to mention, shitty false bans.

being a nigger

stop samefagging nigger

keep crying Anthony

>lazypurple server

Attached: 1584771011454.jpg (1080x1080, 121.06K)

Give an actual reason you fucking schizoid.
Stop putting up false bans. No wonder tards try to DDOS this server once a month.
Ain't me faggot.

no one tries to ddos the server. you're literally the server punching bag. if you had more than two braincells you'd notice you got unbanned IMMEDIATELY after your ban

If you can't connect because of a missing map here's vsh_dustbowl

remove the line breaks

What happened last month then when the server crashed for a good 7 people?

exactly my point, shitty teenage discord drama over a fucking game server


Why the fuck is it 'Lazypurple?'

>you got unbanned IMMEDIATELY after your ban
Wrong again, fucking nigger.

Attached: 20200327203054_1.jpg (1920x1080, 286.36K)

Anthony posts his profile pic in Hazbin Hotel threads on Yas Forums and Yas Forums

Whats the link for the Yas Forumsan discord

And how would you know this you Hazbin nigger

I bet you jerk off to charlie every night you hazbin loving freak


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its not good anymore, no

It's called autism and I have it.

>missing map AGAIN

>hes not into both

>Map missing error

Its fun but its got a mild learning curve for newbies.

well this thread has been disappointing

How dare you accuse me of even remotely liking that trash.

Well at least you're honest about it.

Is this Lazy Purples Silly Server(tm)?

Server hosting is only like 10 - 15 a month you lazy NEET faggot.

Who the devil is Lazypurple?

It's not a person, a thing. Community server cancer.

Oh now I remember.
Does it have a same relation with the YouTuber fag?

anthony is a stupid bitch

Fag of a Youtuber*

>We will not be playing cracked
Why not?

cause crack is whack

cause the host doesnt know how to setup authme reloaded

>he wants to know what happens on a lazypurple server

Attached: 1447292265778.jpg (531x681, 53.02K)

Is there actually a discord?

If you guys weren't here last sunday, the normal dude quit because people were making the threads early again so lazypurple took it upon himself to host for us. That'll teach you retards to jump the gun.

1. Kushhh
2. all of the silent regulars
32. everyone else

yeah its

what a shitty fastdl, did you grab the cheapest one you could find

I know Chug's a degenerate but somehow I don't think this is real