How to push ACNH from an 8.5 to a 10/10

>option to toggle pixel-smoothing in your designs
>include blathers' facts with the museum exhibits (or at least an option to hear multiple facts in a row when bulk-donating)
>bulk crafting
>more clam variety
>free camera control in the museum
>lower balloon frequency while increasing average value of the presents
>tool wheel slots should be permanent designations regardless of which tools are actually in inventory
>restore ability to preview wallpapers/floors when buying from store
>unlockable pro design models
>some kind of floor furniture you can hang wall furniture on
>designated tool slots in inventory (inv size can be shrunk as compensation)
>increased stack size for tree branches
>slightly increase normal wood frequency in relation to the other kinds

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You should be allowed to use the right joystick to select your tool/reaction

An unbreakable tool eventually would be nice. Fuck BotW for trying that lame shit.

>Normal wood frequency
This guy gets it

there are *FIVE* New Horizons threads up now.

Bulk crafting is a must. Fuck this tedious bullshit

and a fucking lobby system
the multiplayer is a shitshow and all the cutscenes masking the already godawful loading times are beyond bad.


There are so many baffling missing qol things in this game

In the crafting menu there's an icon on whether or not you've had the item before.

Have the same icon in store menus. I don't want to buy the same wallpaper if I've already catalogued it.

Bring back stump designs reeee how do we get mushrooms now?

>Have little minigames to play with your villagers: play short SNES or NES videogames with Smug villagers, have Cooking Mama-esque cooking minigames with Normal and Lazy villagers, have pushup contests/races against Jock villagers, etc.

Possibilities are endless. Hire me Nintendo.

I'm almost positive those are already in the game, they've always been unlocked through certain special furniture
Honestly I would kill for Puzzle League to return, I'll gladly take any possible way to play it on switch

I want actual conversation with villagers

>slightly increase normal wood frequency in relation to the other kinds
they really didn't think through the implications of having raw 1/3 odds and then using one type of wood more. it makes the regular wood the most valuable and scarcest kind. stupid

Golden tools don't break.

I want to be able to send letters to my friends, not just villagers.

you can. they send instantly

Optional typing wheel for English speakers.

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>>restore ability to preview wallpapers/floors when buying from store
I mean the reason they don’t have that anymore is because you can just see what it looks like in the little graphic when browsing. Previous Animal Crossing games needed the preview because they just had the generic icon.

Does L do anything? Even if it does, switch its function with D-pad up and combine that with what you said. I don't know why they spent time figuring out how to do it, it's all been figured out already. Just do what everyone else does.

>>include blathers' facts with the museum exhibits
This right here bothers the fuck out of me. I went straight to the exhibits when I handed em in to read his descriptions and then found out they have none. Why?
>restore ability to preview wallpapers/floors when buying from store
This too, I don't wanna have to buy and take it home and find out I hate it.
>slightly increase normal wood frequency in relation to the other kinds
Or make it so wood drops 8 times instead of just 3 like how rocks can be hit 3 times. I know trees are far more abundant but come on. It still takes forever.
>bulk crafting
Yes, I'm tired of trying to make multiples of stuff like fish bait and having to spend forever mashing A to do it.

You forgot letting me send friends items that use custom designs
And change how the online works so you don't have to wait a minute for each person to join
And bring back those minigames that were on the 3ds and WiiU items in New Leaf
And fix water ripples showing on the ground when you catch a fish near land
And landscaping available sooner so I can actually put a bridge where I fucking want it
And not having the same song playing until a week in
And remove golden tools breaking
And not making follower's pick ups go to the recycling box
And not being on a console with drifting analogue sticks
And having more hairstyles from the beginning and in general
And not having such an easy to pull off item duplication glitch pass playtesting
And taking out the 80% rule on the Nook's Cranny box so you don't have to wait ten seconds for the room to load every time you want to sell something for full value
And just generally having more content in your game, if you're in a tutorial for the first week it's pretty silly that Tom Nook can just say "yeah, I'm out of stuff for you to do", this shit is why so many people are time travelling
I also don't know what you mean by "unlockable pro design models", are you talking about mannequins or something

>This right here bothers the fuck out of me.
I know man I'm really sad about it. I'm guessing that they wanted to give Blathers more dialogue content so decided for him to give the facts, but then didn't want to double the amount of writing they'd have to do (since each fact would have to be rewritten to make sense as a printed description instead of dialog)
You should be able to unlock those headphones they pass out at real museums to justify re-using descriptions by contextualizing them at audio recordings of blathers, that would be perfect

Just let me adjust the number of things I'm selecting. When eating fruit, let me pick to eat 10, when I'm selling something thats stacked, let me select how much I want to sell, or when I'm crafting (especially fish bait).

Also, if I'm crafting inside of my house, let it take ingredients directly from my storage.

>You forgot letting me send friends items that use custom designs
This one can't work because designs are linked to slots
>And bring back those minigames that were on the 3ds and WiiU items in New Leaf
those weren't available at launch in new leaf either
>And not having such an easy to pull off item duplication glitch pass playtesting
you mean qa, not playtesting
also edge cases fucking suck to catch, especially when it requires specific timing
>And landscaping available sooner so I can actually put a bridge where I fucking want it
>if you're in a tutorial for the first week it's pretty silly that Tom Nook can just say "yeah, I'm out of stuff for you to do"
Which is it, should progression be meaningful or shouldn't it?

>remove golden tools breaking
They BREAK? They seriously fucking break!? I kept telling myself "Hopefully I can get a gold tool and it won't break" but they fucking do?
>taking out the 80% rule on the Nook's Cranny box so you don't have to wait ten seconds for the room to load every time you want to sell something for full value
I duped shit for money so I don't need bells but it's pretty dumb to punish people who play later at night by making them receive less bells. What's the deal?
>landscaping available sooner so I can actually put a bridge where I fucking want it
I'm fucking annoyed I basically have to "beat" the game by being Nook's work mule to be able to terraform shit. I also hate the bridge thing because a ton of my rivers have little corners that make it so I can't put down a bridge anywhere that is absolutely needed because whoops, not a straight line!
I was thinking they could add the Blathers' facts to the Critterpedia thing on the Nook Phone if they didn't wanna have it set to every pedestal on the museum. That way it's a little more like IRL where you can just use an app to see the facts at any time.

>I'm fucking annoyed I basically have to "beat" the game by being Nook's work mule to be able to terraform shit.
Your attitude is what's killing this series. You want everything to be a fucking instant gratification minecraft sandbox for your ADHD-addled zoomer mind.

I hope we get the option to move to a new island. I don't like my river start and mouth layouts or my native fruit.

>killing the series
Killing? What about New Horizons is bad? OP's suggestions are all valid but this is hardly a horrible game. Wild World was way more boring.

just start over friend

It's trying way too hard to be a Min

If they fix all this shit I'd honestly consider getting a switch light for New Horizon only.

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how dare you ask so much of nintendo

Take away the window that asks if you should craft something. Why the fuck else would I be pressing A on a crafting station. To move it? Then I'd be holding A because I'm not retarded. Fuck you.

nah, I've got too much time invested already. New Leaf had this option too so I hope it comes in a year or so.

yes, they do break

you can press the a button repeatedly to craft faster

you should be allowed to use the D-PAD to select a tool. YOU OPEN THE DAMN THING WITH THE D-PAD

>This one can't work because designs are linked to slots
It sucks but that's fair reasoning I suppose, I just wonder if there's a way to get around that.
>those weren't available at launch in new leaf either
I'm aware, doesn't mean they can't be available at launch now though
>also edge cases fucking suck to catch, especially when it requires specific timing
Okay but I don't care
Video games are hard to make, doesn't change the fact that there's a game breaking bug in your big release that's super easy to do
>Which is it, should progression be meaningful or shouldn't it?
I don't get what about those two comments are contradictory to you, they're both about me wanting to do things earlier than the game lets me

>If they fix all this shit
they won't fix any of it

only one I see getting fixed is not being able to craft in bulk because it is actually egregiously bad

It's a placeholder for when you have to choose between crafting and customizing at that point. They could go through the process of coding it to skip it at first but it only affects the first few days of gameplay anyways

Is there no town ordinances in the game? I just want something like Night Owl since all my friends are on the west coast while I'm on the east, so by the time they're on to play, my nook store is already closed.

Yeah I don't count on it, but maybe the otakus over in Japan will cry hard enough some of these things to make it into a patch.

No. And you also get paid LESS if you sell shit at night when the store is closed. It feels like punishing late night players and it really isn't fun. It'd be nice if they had a late/early ordinance or something like "Please clean all these fucking weeds, I'm sick of doing it myself."

what did the weeds do to you. biodiversity dude

I don't see why I can't look completely freely
Maybe it would fuck with the can-world rendering but I just wanna see the back of my house/backyard

That really sucks. Hopefully it'll be added in a update later on but I'm not holding my breath. I'm enjoying the game but I could see so many improvements could be made that's QoL based. can.

It's kind of amazing how many QoL updates they added while taking away other ones.

I try to free-look in the overworld all the time since you can do it indoors now. I wish you could look down at your town from the top of the cliffs. I would easily give up rolling-log world for this feature

Well then add a menu at the top that lists all the items in your inventory that you can customize. I'm just so fucking bothered that I've probably spent 10 minutes real time looking at that one useless menu so far

Nah, what's killing Animal Crossing is that it's now a happy little sandbox with absolutely everything under your control. It used to be about moving to a little town that you were just one part of. You're not supposed to be special. New Leaf fucked this up by making you the mayor, and now they've gone so far with the customization and crafting shit that it feels completely different from what the series used to be. It got Minecraftized.

Play one of the other games then. City Folk was basically the pinnacle of the design you're talking about.

So instead of you just being another resident, you don't like that the game basically makes you it's God? Why is that so bad? I'm not trying to argue the point, I'm just curious why this is seen as a negative.

Dont you get the option to terraform the island later?

I agree, that’d be far far better

You do, but you can't change where rivers start or end.

Animal Crossing is not worth playing unless you get to customize the town.

If I wanted to play a city builder, I would play one. And it would actually have depth and detail instead of being a casualized experience where everything is time-gated. The appeal of Animal Crossing was always the social simulation. The game felt like it lived existed even when you weren't around. By focusing the experience entirely around the player being in control of everything it changes the feel of it.

Imagine wanting less features in a videogame

you work hard for every single tile you place nigger, you aren't a God controlling the Sims.

>you work hard for every single tile you place
Exactly, it's the worst of both worlds.

Once you finish everything Tom wants and I mean EVERYTHING, it gets KK to show up in town and after that Tom gives you the power to do it. But you have to spend miles to be able to terraform rivers and cliffs.

it prolongs the game and adds both content and enjoyment.
You win the game by paying off your house anyways, besides the museum there's rarely anything to do, beautifying the town gives you more reason to play.

Watched a nintendo video where they said mushrooms will happen in future seasons.


Still better than another rosterfaggotry thread

My own gripes;
>Seashells no longer look like what they should look like, but instead are just generic models
>Items that can stack should stack to at least 50
>You should be able to combine four of any small fish or bug, such as pillbug or tadpole, into a larger terrarium
>Can't customize axe or watering can, but can customize other breakable tools
>Still can't move the camera to look slightly to the side, camera moves back when you walk while looking up
>Can't place fish and bugs on the wall unless you have a surface under them (Are there actual shelves? I can't remember, but if so, disregard this one)
>Can't learn new recipes when crafting (Also disregard if this is an actual thing)

I vaguely remember the original animal crossing having something like that. Some kind of arcade cabinet with donkey kong on it or something.

>Add daily villager quests back
>Add scheduled house visits back (bonus: use home button notifications as reminders)
>Add buying furniture from villagers back
>Add group conversations and villagers talking about each other back
>Add receiving villagers' pictures from friendship back
>Add villagers having unique home layouts and furniture back
>Bonus: let villagers request a home redesign from the player, like HHD
The villagers in this game feel like interchangeable robots. It's like they decided the entire social element of the game needed to be cut. Soulless.

it would be easier than that:

You basically have to get a perfect town first.

>instant gratification Minecraft sandbox
Minecraft anything is the opposite of instant gratification

these games would be cool if you could actually do anything at all with your villagers

all they do is walk around and occasionally give you a gift or something. you can build all this outdoor furniture and elaborate fixtures and, not only will they not use them, they don't even notice they exist. there are no games or activities you can do with your neighbors that you like. there's so many furniture items that you can't do anything with except look at. even no-brainer ones like slides, swinging benches, and rocking chairs are non-functional. you can make an entirely furnished kitchen complete with pots full of food and you can't even eat from it or cook. it's literally barbie shit. what is this game supposed to be? is it literally just a dollhouse simulator? your fake doll neighbors and your fake doll house.

>try to make a monster hunter Tigrex icon hoodie
>the pixel-smoothing makes it look like a paraplegic giraffe