While lockdown is in effect, are you making an effort to get through that vidya backlog?
While lockdown is in effect, are you making an effort to get through that vidya backlog?
My neighbor just died from the chinkvirus, I don't know what to fucking do.
I live with my dad, he's 54 years old with Diabetes.
And now I get to fucking hear that my neighbor died from the fucking disease???
I'm scared of my dad... M
What's a backlog?
I literally need to go actively searching through lists of games looking for something new to play whenever I finish a game. Half the time I can't find anything that doesn't look like trash and end up settling for replaying something old.
sorry, accidentally hit post. My dad is fine, there's honestly nothing to worry about and we were being irrational
I have over 20 games on PS4 to finish. Currently playing Psychonauts, Shadow of the Collossus, Final Fantasy X-2. I should be playing right now but I got hungry.
Shut up nigger, you're not me
Tell him to stay inside as much as he can and you get the groceries / whatever is necessary. Sorry to hear about that shit user.
stay indoors, only go to the shop when necessary, clean down any surfaces that you bring inside that you may have touched/others may have touched along with your hands
I’ll never complete that when new games are coming out. Luckily the quality has dropped over the years so eventually I’ll
I just finished Talos Principle, i'm grinding challenge #6 in Vanquish to 100% that bitch challenge #6 is fucking bullshit and go trough the first nu-Tomb Raider since they gave it for free some days ago.
Once i'm done here i might pick up some Zachtronics game again since i left Infinifactory and Spacechem halfways
I live with my dad who is 62 and had a heart attack in December. I don't feel so good myself. This can't be happening..
it's funny how being stuck at home has changed my tastes in vidya. FFXIV, which I used to play daily, repels me now, but I'm suddenly interested in scenario-based shooters like WWZ, Warzone & Hunt Showdown.
How is Hunt Showdown by the way? I'm looking at picking either that up or Remnant from the Ashes.
So do you guys live with your parents or have a good savinsg? I'm paycheck to paycheck wagie with a lot of debt and the landlords are still asking for money.
Work but still live with parents because i'm a cheap bastard and rents are nuts.
Smart working as code monkey tho, so i'd be okay anyways
35k in savings
enjoying sitting around doing nothing but vidya and art for a while
Show us some art
Still gnawing on ATOM RPG
Corona claims another victim f
I'm at work :)
Kinda. Got back into X3 Albion Prelude after putting only 20 hours in and thats nothing for these X games. Also been grinding out levels on FF XIV.
It's nice that my job are not assholes and have decided to pay me to at least the end of April with a review after that to see if they can or need to keep it going. Good luck other bros out there.
I'm spending my waking hours learning to make doom wads
my first one is gonna be 5 maps, calling it "weird al". I'm maybe 50% done with map 01
there better be a fucking hamster in it.
No. Modern gaming is shit. I replayed mafia 1 and 2 and loved it.
It wont be . You need to be almost hilariously unlucky to die from the American flu even
if you have prior illnesses. Considering that most likely millions are already infected, the death rate is a joke.
Fayetteville, AR here, no lockdown yet I can't wait for it. Once it starts I'm definitely gonna begin another Morrowind file, think I'll finally play a magic class.
any wad suggestions?
I don't want my old man to die though, im worried
Well, my mother had it and it was a light flu despite her being 67 and having COPD, so its definitely not a death sentence. But maybe wear a mask around your dad, it wont help you but your breath wont infect him that way.
Bros my dad and my brother both had cancer........
hope you're ready for the social credit system worldwide once this is over Yas Forums
for you, user, Harvey gets a secret wall easter egg
fuck it just play nuts again. or play doom64 now that it has a proper port.
Smoker ?
Strong smoker ,yes
Now I have all this free time, I have no real motivation to play games or do anything.
I've been in lockdown less than a week and I have even less motivation to work on my backlog than it did before.
I can't wait until this all ends.
I used to play games everyday for hours. I havent played anything for 2 weeks. I'm so fucking depressed and anxious about this corona shit. I just want it to end.
I think I fucking have it. All month my lungs have felt shitty, and I've been coughing. I also live in a hotspot, but no fever so they said I can't get a test.
I'm just staying home, but I hope this goes away soon. Been like 2-3 weeks now...
You can't do anything to fix it, stay at home and play vidya and everything will be fine, distract yourself
tfw only added to it. been getting through a ton of books at least.
Except everyone only has access to all human knowledge on their computers. What an inconvenience!!
Well thanks for making me feel better user. Hopefully it won't be too bad for him when he inevitably gets. This is scary bros.
my dad's got asthma and hes a packsmoker. Fuck , bros
Backlogs are imaginary checklists for people to complete, because they think that finishing a game to completion isn't a consequence of voluntarily spending time while enjoying yourself, but a commitment to owning a product. I've seen people try to keep a "backlog" while also playing Destiny and Final Fantasy XIV, and they are the most miserable people imaginable.
I know that feel.
Dont wanna think about the future for my mom.
Good luck man.
This, people need to keep in mind that even for the 80+ age bracket the mortality rate is still only 15-17% which is huge but not a death sentence.
Yeah. i'm playing through the first Pillars of Eternity DLC.
>Work at CVS front end
>Two weeks ago General manager told me not to wear my mask because a customer complained it's against CDC regulations
>Week ago decide fuck it i'm wearing it because people don't speak english keep getting in my face and everybody's coughing around the store
>Freak out at another manager for not doing his job after a pharmacist broke confidentiality and said 3 people with COVID-19 already came into the store
>GM pulls me into office and tells me "we're all in this together" and to talk to her about anything first (clearly realizing the issue with a pharmacist breaking confidentiality)
>today someone from corporate called and asked for GM, who's off the next 4 days, so he can talk to her about a "work from home" ticket she put in the other day
>the pregnant manager that is still going to work during all of this depsite not being provided any facial masks has to help because i can't access the info he's requesting
I'm praying my store closes and I get laid off, i'll make double what i'm making now to put myself at risk every single fucking day
Shit dude, how do you afford to pay for every single scientific journal?
I would, but there are so many demos to try out, in addition to talking to you fuckers
I don't understand, what do you guys do when you're not in quarantine? I stay in my room all day anyway
Been going through games like crazy. I'm working from home and when I don't have much to do I don't even have to pretend to be busy, I just play games while on the clock.
Have to work from home so nope, at least I can play vidya during lunch now though
I believe his was a rhetorical question given the fact he stated the opposite of a backlog
Also i have a backlog of things to play because each time i see something cool on Yas Forums or youtube i add it to my list and try it out as soon as i'm in the mood, i would never remember about those neat gems if i didn't kept track of them
well that's his own fucking fault then, isn't it?
I’m ‘working’ from home
Thank you President Trump. I believe you when you say this is a nothingburger
No. I was never a wageslave cuck who would be out of work as soon as something like this happens, so I'm still working for myself and also play games everyday for an hour or 2 which is plenty enough. I don't think of finishing my backlog, if you run the maths you'd find out how fucking long it would take, and for what?
But regular surgical masks don't do shit to protect you if you're healthy. They help prevent the wearer from spreading the virus. You're just wasting them when actual medical professionals are in desperate need.
The USA is going to be an open gravepit by May. This is not looking good at all, and it is killing young people too, they're just keeping the info suppressed for now
Maybe he has the virus but isn't expressing the symptoms yet. The incubation period is like 3 weeks.
That's actually not entirely true. They've been saying this a lot because there's a shortage of masks, and they need to go to hospitals.
No I work like normal. It I have been playing Nioh 2 and now Pirate Warriors 4 in my downtime
based timmy
Yeah, I've pretty much finished the new content for MHW, God eater 3, finally finished gurumin after 6 years of not playing it. I've also finished bloodstained RotN and cleared all the achievements in Curse of the moon.
I'm probably going to play that touhou shiren clone or digimon cyber sleuth next. After that, if corona-chan allows me to, I might finally play some stardew valley and then finally play DOOM,
This is also a way to cull the poor. It'll kill some rich people, but most of the poorest population will die off or just run out of money. This is the final solution.
We store supplied them the first week of reported cases, and they refuse to give us anything for the reason you stated.
Considering I have to deal with customers face-to-face every day without any protection what would you suggest, "just get sick"? Because i'm the only cashier at my store too (we have one other cashier that works twice a week, i work 5-6 days), and if i get sick the managers have to ring and nothing gets done.
Me and my wife both still work steady jobs. Nothing has really changed. I’m thinking of buying stocks for the first time since the prices keep dropping
cant believe tim started posting nudes
howling at normies that have had their brains so fried by toil that they're unable to entertain themselves despite having the internet(essentially access to every single piece of media ever created for free)
I stay in bed all day, browse Yas Forums(nel) on my phone and wish for everything to go away
wtf source?
My time off so far has made it really fucking clear how much my depression and anxiety keeps me from accomplishing shit on a daily basis.
So I'm working that shit out, but I did manage to finish up Darksiders Genesis and Doom Eternal. Gonna try and get back into Romancing Saga 3 and Fate Stay Night tonight for sure, though I just bought Endless Space 2 to play with some friends.
Fellow CVSbro. My mother is immune compromised so I'm on unpaid leave. Hope you manage alright, front store should really just be closed the fuck down because none of the customers were really taking shit seriously when I was work earlier this month. Honestly it's not like you have much to lose from just bailing out altogether. CVS has been handling this shit worse than anyone else from what I hear.