What's the best Classicvania?

What's the best Classicvania?

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For me, it's 4.


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4 is the one with the directional whip right

castlevania on ms-dos


I like castlevania 1 on nes

Rondo for classic
SotN/AoS for metroidvania

I heard Alucard got a job down at the candy factory. He's packing fudge.

Rondo is my favorite but it is on the easier side of the series. I just like the slightly extra movement/attack options and Maria being so different. 1, 3, IV, and Bloodlines are great too and apparently Adventure ReBirth is as well.

>Rondo is my favorite but it is on the easier side of the series
Damn really? I just beat it yesterday after it whooped me for like a week. I didn't use Maria at all though.

I always liked the one X68000 game.

Is Chronicles worth playing?

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Anal sex

People pretend Rondo is good because it was obscure. It was the last Classicvania I played when it got the PS4 release and I can confirm, as someone who wasn't blinded by wanting to increase the size of my epeen by pretending to like an obscure franchise entry, it's fucking generic and boring. Don't remember any of the boss fights except for maybe a werewolf. Boring, forgettable Castlevania.

She can do the Belmont walk
Sepia needs her own game

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Absolutely. Shits hard. Don't get filtered and make a thread crying about it though.


Jap ver of 3

I saw it has two modes, which one should I play?

Will we ever get another port that includes most of the DS titles?

Boss rush was cool and Ghost Shaft and Death were absolute cunts

Original is the x68000 game, arrange mode has a different Simon sprite and enemy placements.

One is basically just a remake of NES CV1, the other is a remix that uses different Simon sprites that reflect the Kojima design and it's full of bonus fuck-you moments, especially for people who think they memorized the game.
>Ah, I remember this wall had chicken in it

He's obviously baiting user. Don't give him the satisfaction

Is the arranged mode an improvement or is it up to personal preference? And if so which do you prefer?

Just started Castlevania 1, I’m really liking it so far, I just beat Frankenstein. But FUCK is it difficult. Still really fun though, one of my favorite NES games I’ve ever played for sure. And I have only needed one save state. Which purists will give me shit for but whatever. I’ll probably skip to III after this let AVGN be my Simons Quest playthrough

>>Ah, I remember this wall had chicken in it
They both have that. Lost my shit when it happened.

>Ah, I remember this wall had chicken in it
fuck you for making me remember this shit

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>nooooo my obscure castlevania game is amazing nooooooo you cant say it's mediocre nooooo

Its hard at first, but feels really good to come back to it and just plow through it. Have fun user

>Ah, I remember this wall had chicken in it
I didn't even play 1 but this fucked me cause Rondo has a similar stage with chicken in the same spot.

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Rondo and Adventure Rebirth

>tfw port never ever

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It's fucking bullshit man

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I was about to post 4 but it's not necessary anymore.

Castlevania is the only series where I like the bishie style, something about the contrast of prettyboy and gothic aesthetic just works

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Konami really ought to collect all their Wiiware titles. If not all of them, then at least the ReBirth games (CVtAR, Contra ReBirth, Gradius ReBirth). I'd like some of the weirder ones like Tomena Sanner and Muscle March to somehow live too.

>CVtAR, Contra ReBirth, Gradius ReBirth
man I would buy that collection in a heartbeat

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I only had Contra ReBirth but man was it a ride. One of my favorite Contras. I'm serious about wanting Tomena Sanner back though, it was this weird 2D autorunner where you had to press the action button in time with things in the background to get your character (a faceless businessman) to do cool tricks, with the best routes generally having you combo tricks to keep along them.

Rondo, followed by Bloodlines.

CLASSICvania, you literal fucking retard.

Rondo of Blood and Bloodstained Curse of the Moon

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A person's opinion of Castlevania IV is one of the better ways to measure whether they actually have a little discernment or if they're a mindless casual

It holds a place in my heart but it's objectively a badly designed game.

Enjoyable game, unique mechanics among the series, very slow difficulty curve that starts easy but reaches classic challenge near the end.

Biggest point is that it's one of the best examples of Castlevania's unique musical sound; a really beautiful mix of classical and jazz. There's a bass sample on one track that sounds WAY too realistic for the SNES soundchip, it's crazy.

I seriously hope Iga can recover from getting fucked over by 505 Games

Personally never played an Igavania or any post-Rondo Castlevania for that matter, but I loved Curse of the Moon and like most of Inti's work.

Castlevania 1

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The atmosphere is fantastic. Otherworldly almost. Bloodlines evokes a similar feeling

reminder to play it on Dolphin at high res

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Either Rondo or Adventure Rebirth.

I > Rondo > Rebirth > Bloodlines > IV > X68000/Chronicles > 3 > 2

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Why the fuck can't we get another Castlevania game like this? It probably wouldn't cost Konami that much to make a new Classicvania compared to a whole Metroidvania.

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Sorry but you're a mouth breather.

the boss rush/shaft is probably the hardest part of the game. one thing i liked about the psp remake was that it added a much needed third phase to dracula.

I really enjoy Sharp X68000, but CV III is probably the best the series ever had. It stepped up the stage design and graphics in a big way from 1 and 2, added three additional characters each with their own unique play styles who can be highly viable in particular ways, and the boss fights were expanded upon for the most part, albeit some were recycled in the routes. The art design was still very strong for about 90% of the game or more, and the music is still all fantastic (except for Pressure).

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Unpopular Opinion
Most boss fights in classicvania are garbage that you can mindlessly spam attacks on if you have a decent amount of health.

They exhausted the old gameplay style with Rondo and needed to turn towards exploration to get any sort of novelty.

BOTH versions of X68000/Chronicles have that. Hard Mode on the Arranged (Chronicles) version has some differences, but those are just elements from Loop 2 and beyond of the X68000 version, and it never has as many surprises as Loop 2 does.

Rondo of Blood for sure

Great game. nothing else to say.