It's hilarious how everyone criticizing Alyx on Yas Forums makes it super obvious that they never played it...

It's hilarious how everyone criticizing Alyx on Yas Forums makes it super obvious that they never played it, they resort to shit like "YOU CAN SOFT LOCK IT IF YOU TRY TO" lmao

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im still surprised how little shitposts about HLA there are, there were so many before the release
most of those fags now are trying to grow second brain just to figure out how to make $1k without leaving their room

Notice how quick the usual threads stopped cropping up too, the envy has set in and now they have to wait in line while corona chan slows headset production. Gimmick indeed.

I think people are surprised how good it looks but until they get VR walking down you're still just some fag with goggles and wii joysticks

Attached: dink.png (540x807, 235.49K)


That's you.

We're witnessing the birth of the next barnyfag
He'll be here any minute

yeah these threads are pretty sad too because no one ever bothers to shitpost anymore. like the xbox threads a couple of years ago.

They work but they're not virtual reality.
They're just another way to aim your controller, except now the controller mimics an action. Ooh wow definitely not a gimmick.
I wish I could go back and show people in the 1950's we have a quarter of what VR was supposed to be.

I don't think so. You are just conveniently ignoring the criticisms that you don't know how to argue against. I like the game, but it is flawed, and whatever VR project Valve next will likely blow it out of the water. The problem with Alyx is that it feels like baby's first VR game. If you've never played a VR game before, I can see how the whole thing could be mindblowing. For people who have played a lot of VR games before, Alyx doesn't do all that much new. The Gravity guns are revolutionary, yes, but the level of interactivity is still disappointing. So much of the environment is useless clutter. There is nothing interesting about brushing cardboard boxes off of a shelf for the 1000th time to find an obvious blue glowly thing that has no reason to be there other than game design. Rooms feel less like actual rooms and more like more cumbersome supply boxes. You already know what you can expect to find when you walk into a room. Resin, ammo, grenades, health, all of that basic videogame shit. Why have hammers lying around when I can't use them to attack people? The AI is also incredibly inept for how few there are at a time. Enemies will stand completely still even when they see a grenade right at their feet. Some enemies will literally never push. They will stand completely still, almost out in the open shooting at you even when you are still behind cover. Also, I will never forgive them for what they did to the antlions. I have never seen an enemy type get neutered so hard before. It was almost kind of sad. The combat can be really fun, but I've already played VR games that had more intense combat than Alyx. Even on hard the game barely ever pushes back. The movement speed is so slow that I got used to jumping everywhere, but that can trivialize combat encounters. The puzzles are braindead, tedious, and lazily implemented. They remind of early DS game puzzles where they had to force the touch screen gimmick into their game somehow.

That or people don't really care anymore. It seems like interest in HLA dropped pretty quick over the past few days.

You can period cry all night long, this is VR. Deal with it. 100%. Keep shut and try and new bitch method of being poor.

Only actual complaint so far is the dialog/voice acting (if you can even call it that). I know these games aren't quite well known for their dialog to begin with but holy cringe itd be better if they just made the character a mute, dios mio.

I imagined softlocking being possible due to the door locks but who the fuck would ever be that low on ammo lol.
Any cases of anyone testing this?

I am dealing with it, which is why I'm not going to buy it or make threads about it, which was the point of my first reply.
You assume Yas Forums stopped talking about this game because it's good but the reality is most of us are disappointing. I'd love real VR but goggles + wiimote is a straight gimmick.

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I think VR is interesting because of it's ability to immerse you. Gameplay wise it's still a video game and in any game you can point out a mountain of flaws. I still found myself completely drawn into the experience.
My thoughts were that Valve mastered the VR experience but VR as a whole is still incredibly limited. After playing HL:A I'm convinced that VR doesn't have much time left before it's replaced.

>I'd love real VR but goggles + wiimote is a straight gimmick.
This is why people always say you haven't experienced it.
Once you put it on and immerse yourself into the world there is simply nothing like it at all.

I'm obviously downplaying it but you're still wrong.
I'm sure it's more immersive than playing without a screen 2 inches from your eyes but as I've learned from my onahole and fish tank heater, it aint even close to the real thing despite being a bit more enjoyable (but a lot more work to set up) than my hand

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I just watched a Let's Play of it on YouTube. No way in hell I'm dropping thousands of dollars on just one game.


Dude, did I really leave that much of an impression on you that you needed to make a fucking circlejerk thread hoping I wouldn't find it? Fuck you and the retarded shills like you.
>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?

Common copes heard from HLA Shills in an attempt to defend their shit game (mostly regarding melee and ammo):
Not the point. The point that this game breaking soft-lock can happen regardless.
Yes, and those are shit. Just because a good game has bad things in it doesn’t mean a bad game should have it too. That and those softlocks were not tied to some braindead ammo management system that could easily be fix with adding melee.
It’s not but let’s pretend like it is. At least in good survival horror games you have a knife or something to defend yourself with. Have that in Alyx? Nope. Nothing. Out of ammo? Game’s locked.
Okay, let’s pretend like the soft-lock didn’t exist. Why NOT have melee? Why take a step back? Why not be able to smash a zombie to death with a brick? Why the less fun for no reason?
This is HLA shill propaganda and has not been proven.
You know what did as well? Moving in general. You got use to it. You will with jumping and sprinting because there are games out there now that let you do so.
Now that that’s out of the way, give me a good argument and not this coping bullshit.

i wonder if thats a spam-bot or if this dude is constantly looking at the catalogue for HL:A threads so he can copypaste his posts in there

>Now that that’s out of the way, give me a good argument and not this coping bullshit.

Its pretty fun

It's Barneyfag, dude. Ever since MLP ended he hasn't felt the same so he's trying to find new ways to reignite the spark of flaring autism.

I just don't give a damn about it either way, as a gigantic fan of HL for a decade. I'd say it's pretty much the worst feeling you can have. Keep coping though.

Nope. It's me in the flesh, you scummy faggot. I'm here to fuck you dumb faggots in the butt yet again.

Most likely the latter. Check this out

>I know I haven't tried VR but let me give my opinion on why it's not as good as you think it is

Theres actually no excuse to not be able to melee attack like the other user posted. I thought my game was broke when I realized throwing objects at zombies/combine did fuck all.

Completely subjective. I can understand people enjoying shit. But don't defend these objective flaws to defend said shitty game when you're in the wrong. I'm glad you had fun. Genuinely, I am. But, objectively, this game lowered the bar for VR games. If this game becomes the gold standard for VR then VR is fucked.

I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

Boom. Thread derailed.
My fucking master plan to destroy these shit threads worked yet again. I'll grab the popcorn.

Love these threads, watching poorfags seeth and cope

I heavily disagree but I get where you are coming from. I think we are still in the very early phases where developers don't know exactly what they are doing yet. Alyx is a game made to INTRODUCE people to VR. It wasn't made for people like me have who already experienced most of what VR currently has to offer. I was expecting Valve to knock their competition out of the park but instead I just got more of what I've already gotten but with insane production value. But it is still a very important game, its the base-line of what people can expect from a AAA VR experience. I think it will only get much better from here.

>It's hilarious how everyone criticizing Alyx on Yas Forums
Also, it's just me faggot. I'm literally the Doom guy in a sea of retards and I'm destroying all of you by my-fucking-self. You think I'm so great that I'm "everyone." Get fucked, limp dick retard.

Breddy great game desu

I'm excited for it but I have no money.

I played for about an hour today then puked from motion sickness :(

All of this talk of VR has me thinking about how much it really costs to play HL Alyx with a decent headset. Will a couple hundred Eurobux get me a decent used headset + VR controller? Which one do I even buy?
I'm sorry about the mass reply but I'm really interested.

>poorfags complaining about things theyve never played on Yas Forums
this has been happening since the beginning of history

it's poorfag cope

I have a Rift S with a 1070. Runs well. No problems with the game. I wouldn't buy VR for HLA though. It's a step backwards for VR.

>It's a step backwards for VR.
vr should only be these shitty tech demos that you play for 1 hour and then kill yourself because they are that useless and bad

Correction, no problems with the game RUNNING. Game runs fine. Give credit where it's due. The game is riddled with issues and is overall a bad game.

Don't own the game and not user, but do you even own HLA? Post your copy before I take your advice

is it actually a softlock or do you have to restart/get killed by an enemy?

Shut the fuck up and go dilate, tranny. Why have it one extreme vs the other? Christ, you morons are insufferable.
Yes, I fucking own it. Stop bugging me with this nonargue bullshit.

Attached: shill killer.jpg (1485x284, 113.72K)

FORCING you to restart IS a soft-lock, user. And to force an enemy to kill you when you could have just meleed them to death is just lazy. I mean, you can already contact enemies with objects, why not let those objects just do damage? It's fucking lazy, shitty design.

Your efforts are mildly entertaining. Continue.

>rushed through the game and didn't explore anything or pay attention to the details
>thinks there's no exploration

>why not let those objects just do damage?
Have you fucking played the game?
You could basically use anything to do thatr and just throw shit at enemies, it would look retarded

Yeesh, calm down, bro. I only asked you a question

>and is overall a bad game
>step backwards for VR
So is getting a VR headset for HLA a horrible idea?
It's only a couple hundred bucks but I don't wanna waste money on a piece of hardware that I won't even use.
I've never experienced VR vidya before, except for a brief few minutes at a gaming convention. It seemed like a gimmick, to be honest.
I'm pretty comfy with regular vidya with a KB+M, maybe the occasional game with a controller.

Does anything in this game come close to Ravenkino?

Attached: Ravenholm.png (1972x1230, 2.53M)

There are many parts that are pants-shittingly scary.

You fucked up there, son. Way to lose all credibility. Dead thread. You've been outed as a faggot who argues with himself to stir up controversy.

Jeff surpasses Ravenholm


I loved Jeff. The conclusion was satisfying af

Meh, I might call it a night. Getting too easy owning these cucks.
I did explore. The game is just a tech demo so it's really fucking easy and quick to beat. It's that shitty, believe me.
Yes, you can throw things at enemies. Can you kill them with them? NOPE!
And throwing things isn't MELEE, YOU FUCKING TOOL! God.
I don't think you understand what I've been through owning these shills today. I'm blood thirst, sorry you got caught in the cross fire.
>So is getting a VR headset for HLA a horrible idea?
Yes because I was fucking dumb enough to do it too. There are good games on VR and overall I think it's worth it, but getting VR JUST for HLA is a meme and you'll be disappointed. Don't get it for HLA. Get it for like Pavlov or other actual good games.

Hey guys, what's going on in this thr-

t. Someone who has never tried VR


I just turned 18 and I'm ready to get rammed by some BBC.

>Bloodthirsty for shitposting
What the fuck, bro?

Stupidest shit I have ever heard. Why does every poor coper try to pretend 1:1 tracking is the same as a wiimote? lmao

The controllers literally become your hands

>hating Alyx

Welcome to the party! Grab a name tag! Watch out for the retard tho, he bites people.

how? game's full babbie mode regarding motion sickness.

I'm gonna bail and play some vidya with some bros. Remember, don't listen to what these fucking shills are telling you. HLA is shit. Spread the copypasta I made. Eventually, the light will be seen and we can prevent HLA from being the gold standard for VR gaming, and gaming as a whole.
Later fags, and fuck you you retard shills.

This is just as silly as dismissing Blu-Ray because its the same as VHS. You're simply incorrect and the only people who believe you are also retarded and too poor to enjoy it lol

how long do you say the game would be if you removed the VR gameplay of it and it was a regular fps ?

HLA is such a good game.

Replaced with what? lol VR is steadily being replaced with... even better VR, because its the best thing there is. Just as expected

Just... just watch the comments. These people are legitimately the worst fucking fanboy retards in history. Legit worse than WoWfaggots and they are pretty bad. Anyway, I'm off. Remember, don't get VR for Alyx!

Slayer of HLA Shills

i agree - thats pretty weird especially when there are considerations in place to stop people from getting locked (like the infinite grenade stuff)

4-5 hours easily. That's WITH exploring.
Anyway, I'm gonna go FOR REALSIES this time. Happy shill hunting.

Don't talk about shit you have not even tried like you know anything about it. Its simple, really

>muh soft lock
literally just run past the section lmao

Hey man, hurry up. The rest of are already in the lobby

This is embarassing to read lol

i have a rift S but i have zero incentive to play Alyx because VR has been extremely underwhelming so far.

idk. i played for like 3 hours yesterday and was fine. today i blew chunks tho

The VR gameplay is a pretty major factor. The immense attention to detail they put in encourages you to take your time exploring the environments and examining the various props.

Why are you still talking to yourself? Gay indeed

It IS good for VR, problem is that VR is pretty shit.

Ah, the first VR title of worth. I'll look into it when there's at least 30

How can a brain even actually believe this? Its obvious you've sucked too many cocks and your synapses are clogged with cum

I'd like to play more VR but I've run out of batteries and haven't bothered to get more desu

See you in 2075 my guy.

Waaaaah this game is too hard and they didn't give me an easy out so I don't have to manage my ammunition which is the entire point

You should give it a shot. The one thing I kept noticing as I played HL:A was that it is actually a game. I can't tell you how grateful I was that VR finally had a game.

I mean the game could allow you to kill yourself. Nothing breaks my immersion more than pointing a gun at my face and nothing happens.

Lmfao. This is mental illness shown in full force. You exposed yourself, loser

Why are you responding to yourself? Your pants are down, user. Most embarassing thing I have ever seen

Shut up

There's at least 5 different people using the name, including the retard, if you didn't noticed from the madness going on.

Theres some tripfag samefagging and forgetting to switch to anonymous before he does it. Its hilarious

Then why are you still here posting conflicting opinions under the same name like a retard?

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reminder that if you're not using vr for porn you're missing out